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[Pointeurs et codes [C]]Delaunay et Voronoi

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  1. #1
    Expert éminent sénior

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    Par défaut [Pointeurs et codes [C]]Delaunay et Voronoi
    Comme mentinonné sur le post Trinagluation Java, voici un certain nombre de codes et pointeurs sur Delaunay/Voronoi en C (1 en C++), avec diverses méthodes (incrémentales, sweep, divide and conquer).

    La plupart dont 2D, mais un certain nombre 2D ET 3D.

    Bien entendu, une mine essentielle d'informations/de codes sources est encore et toujours Graphics Gems (

    • Triangle
      A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator.
      Version 1.3

      Show Me
      A Display Program for Meshes and More.
      Version 1.3

      Copyright 1996 Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
      School of Computer Science
      Carnegie Mellon University

    • Voronoi. Méthode sweep (pas de commentaires dans le code)
      The author of this software is Steven Fortune. Copyright (c) 1994 by AT&T
      Bell Laboratories.
    • qhull
      Qhull, Copyright (c) 1993-1999
      The National Science and Technology Research Center for
      Computation and Visualization of Geometric Structures
      (The Geometry Center)
      University of Minnesota
      400 Lind Hall

    • konovoronoi
      * 2D & 3D Voronoi diagram and 2D Delaunay diagram program
      * with "Incremental method "
      * BY Yoichi KONO, Nov. 1995
      * original 1997/1/10 by
      * modified 1997/5/06 by
      * feel free to ask me any question and to send any advice
    • Hull 1.0
      This program computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, alpha shapes,
      and Voronoi volumes, using an incremental algorithm and exact arithmetic.
      Ken Clarkson,,
      (oops.. J'ai copié/collé un peu vite.. Je revindrais avec l'adresse exacte).

    • Gts
      Original Authors
      Stéphane Popinet
    • Dimension
      This code was developped in C++ and compiled with the ATT compiler CC.
      (c) O. Devillers, INRIA, 2004 route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis, (33) 93 65 77 63, Fax (33) 93 65 76 43
      (le lien ne fonctionne plus)

    • Detri
      Copyright (c) 1991-94 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

      _______________________ The Detri README File _________________________________

      Version 2.2
      Author: Ernst Mucke
      Department of Computer Science
      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

      (See file Copyright for copyright information.)

      Detri 2.2 computes Delaunay triangulations of 3D point sets. It employs a
      variant of the randomized incremental-flip algorithm due to Edelsbrunner and
      Shah [4] (see file REFERENCES). The variant and its data structure is
      described in more detail in Mucke [8]. The time complexity of the code is
      roughly proportional to the number of triangles in the final triangulation.
      In the worst case, this is quadratic in the number of input points, but for
      most cases it is closer to linear. (For historical reasons, there is a
      command-line option that forces Detri to use the original, non-randomized
      incremental-flip algorithm of Barry Joe [2]. The use of this option is
      discouraged because the randomized version of the code is typically
      significantly faster than the non-randomized one.)

      The code uses three other packages: the utility functions of the Basic C
      Library, the Lia Library for long-integer arithmetic, and the SoS Library
      implementing a symbolic perturbation (see Edelsbrunner and Mucke [1]).

    • Delaunay triangulation by straightline divide-and-conquer.
      ** Written by J. Stolfi on april 1993, based on an original
      ** implementation by Jim Roth (DEC CADM Advanced Group, May 1986).
      ** See the copyright notice at the end of this file.
      ** Copyright notice:
      ** Copyright 1996 Institute of Computing, Unicamp.
    • Dct
      The program implements the worst-case optimal divide-and-conquer Delaunay
      triangulation algorithm as described in:

      Guibas, L. and Stolfi, J., "Primitives for the Manipulation
      of General Subdivisions and the Computation of Voronoi Diagrams, ",
      ACT TOG, 4(2), April, 1985.

      The algorithm is O(nlogn) time and O(n) space.

      Geoff Leach
      Department of Computer Science
    • GeomPack
      This is README file for GEOMPACK, which can be obtained by

      FINAL NOTE (June 6, 1999):
      Geompack90 is now available from
      GEOMPACK will remain here until my UofA account disappears.
      - Barry Joe

      August 18, 1996:
      I have now left University of Alberta. I no longer have time to support
      this version of GEOMPACK, but will keep it in this ftp directory until
      about October 31, 1996. A new version will likely be available some time
      in 1997. The e-mail address will still exist for
      about a year; my new e-mail address is It may be several
      months before I can quickly reply to e-mail.
      - Barry Joe

    Mon propre programme (incréméntal, 2D, triangulation seulement) sera mis d'ici ce soir.

  2. #2
    Expert éminent sénior

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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Janvier 2007
    Messages : 10 610
    Points : 17 923
    17 923
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    Par défaut
    désolé l'ajout sera ce soir ou demain, pas le temps...

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