Deuxième démission dans le comité technique Debian :
If I have one regret from my 18 years in Debian, it's that when the
Debian constitution was originally proposed, despite seeing it as
dubious, I neglected to speak out against it. It's clear to me
now that it's a toxic document, that has slowly but surely led Debian
in very unhealthy directions.
mais tout compte fait, pas lié à systemd d'après l'intéressé:
I left Debian. I don't really have a lot to say about why, but I do want to clear one thing up right away. It's not about systemd.
As far as systemd goes, I agree with my friend John Goerzen:
I promise you – 18 years from now, it will not matter what init Debian chose in 2014. It will probably barely matter in 3 years.