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Langage Java Discussion :

JVM Probleme gestion mémoire

Sujet :

Langage Java

  1. #1
    Membre à l'essai
    Inscrit en
    Janvier 2008
    Détails du profil
    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Janvier 2008
    Messages : 23
    Points : 13
    Par défaut JVM Probleme gestion mémoire
    Bonjour à tous,

    Auriez vous une expérience concernant le problème suivant ?

    Mon application plante après plusieurs heures :

    Merci beaucoup

    Commande passée pour l'exécution de mon application :

    java -Xms32m -Xmx32m -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xloggc:/opt/csi/log/gc.log -Xcheck:jni APPLICATION NAME

    Erreur reçue :

    *** glibc detected *** java: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0918fb2

    Garbarge Collector Log :

    On peut voir que l'utilisation de la mémoire augmente toujours

    8077.777: [GC 8077.777: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0031350 secs] 15023K->13188K(32576K), 0.0032040 secs]
    8932.465: [GC 8932.465: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0037060 secs] 15300K->13463K(32576K), 0.0037830 secs]
    8933.495: [GC 8933.495: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0048750 secs] 15575K->13971K(32576K), 0.0049360 secs]
    8957.483: [GC 8957.483: [DefNew: 2303K->181K(2304K), 0.0015690 secs] 16083K->14005K(32576K), 0.0016390 secs]
    8977.839: [GC 8977.839: [DefNew: 2291K->192K(2304K), 0.0033970 secs] 16115K->14272K(32576K), 0.0034740 secs]
    8981.957: [GC 8981.957: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0031840 secs] 16384K->14534K(32576K), 0.0032540 secs]
    8984.250: [GC 8984.250: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0031050 secs] 16646K->14789K(32576K), 0.0031640 secs]
    9820.445: [GC 9820.445: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0033480 secs] 16901K->14933K(32576K), 0.0034160 secs]
    9864.070: [GC 9864.070: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0026190 secs] 17045K->15141K(32576K), 0.0026750 secs]
    10722.254: [GC 10722.254: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0031000 secs] 17253K->15324K(32576K), 0.0031550 secs]
    10722.894: [GC 10722.894: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0055630 secs] 17435K->15946K(32576K), 0.0056510 secs]
    10744.333: [GC 10744.333: [DefNew: 2304K->143K(2304K), 0.0020400 secs] 18058K->15952K(32576K), 0.0020870 secs]
    10763.546: [GC 10763.546: [DefNew: 2255K->192K(2304K), 0.0029990 secs] 18064K->16274K(32576K), 0.0030590 secs]
    10774.173: [GC 10774.173: [DefNew: 2304K->192K(2304K), 0.0034900 secs] 18386K->16523K(32576K), 0.0035620 secs]
    10776.278: [GC 10776.278: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0033010 secs] 18635K->16784K(32576K), 0.0033570 secs]
    11595.386: [GC 11595.386: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0031550 secs] 18896K->16993K(32576K), 0.0032180 secs]
    11651.885: [GC 11651.885: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0027810 secs] 19105K->17154K(32576K), 0.0028510 secs]
    12502.462: [GC 12502.462: [DefNew: 2302K->192K(2304K), 0.0028680 secs] 19264K->17322K(32576K), 0.0029320 secs]
    12515.346: [GC 12515.346: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0073310 secs] 19434K->18015K(32576K), 0.0074240 secs]
    12519.105: [GC 12519.105: [DefNew: 2303K->168K(2304K), 0.0017480 secs] 20127K->18051K(32576K), 0.0018050 secs]
    12549.110: [GC 12549.110: [DefNew: 2280K->192K(2304K), 0.0030420 secs] 20163K->18254K(32576K), 0.0031050 secs]
    12568.130: [GC 12568.130: [DefNew: 2303K->191K(2304K), 0.0028730 secs] 20366K->18419K(32576K), 0.0029200 secs]
    12570.200: [GC 12570.200: [DefNew: 2303K->191K(2304K), 0.0038250 secs] 20531K->18678K(32576K), 0.0038750 secs]
    12572.316: [GC 12572.316: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0046780 secs] 20790K->18936K(32576K), 0.0048160 secs]
    13428.651: [GC 13428.652: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0021030 secs] 21048K->18982K(32576K), 0.0021690 secs]
    13448.378: [GC 13448.378: [DefNew: 2303K->191K(2304K), 0.0040710 secs] 21094K->19269K(32576K), 0.0041070 secs]
    14309.937: [GC 14309.937: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0045810 secs] 21381K->19582K(32576K), 0.0046680 secs]
    14312.571: [GC 14312.571: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0053140 secs] 21694K->19963K(32576K), 0.0053870 secs]
    14328.972: [GC 14328.973: [DefNew: 2304K->192K(2304K), 0.0022040 secs] 22075K->20060K(32576K), 0.0022650 secs]
    14368.227: [GC 14368.227: [DefNew: 2303K->192K(2304K), 0.0037910 secs] 22172K->20296K(32576K), 0.0038720 secs]

    Resultat du Crash dump :
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00c6f2c6, pid=5639, tid=2866723728
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_19-b04 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C []

    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------

    Current thread (0x08648568): JavaThread "1007.0" [_thread_in_native, id=5655]

    siginfo:si_signo=11, si_errno=0, si_code=1, si_addr=0x0000000c

    EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x00d44ff4, ECX=0x00000001, EDX=0x00000000
    ESP=0xaadeacf4, EBP=0xaadead5c, ESI=0x087da238, EDI=0x087ea258
    EIP=0x00c6f2c6, CR2=0x0000000c, EFLAGS=0x00210246

    Top of Stack: (sp=0xaadeacf4)
    0xaadeacf4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0xaadead04: 00000000 00000000 aadeaf28 00010020
    0xaadead14: 00008008 00d2c25c aaf1cbc0 aaf0b3c4
    0xaadead24: aadea90c aadead40 aaf0b3c4 aaf3040c
    0xaadead34: aadead94 aaecf233 001f20c2 aaf0b417
    0xaadead44: 00000000 00000000 aadeaf28 00d44ff4
    0xaadead54: 00d46120 087e2250 aadead94 00c72e00
    0xaadead64: 00d46120 087e2250 aadeaf28 0864860c

    Instructions: (pc=0x00c6f2c6)
    0x00c6f2b6: 44 17 04 01 0f 85 e5 02 00 00 8b 47 08 8b 57 0c
    0x00c6f2c6: 39 78 0c 0f 84 04 05 00 00 8b 83 d0 00 00 00 89

    Stack: [0xaad79000,0xaadec000), sp=0xaadeacf4, free space=455k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    C []
    C [] cfree+0x90
    C [] OS_mem_free+0x142
    C []
    C [] CT_unbind+0x2e1
    C [] T_unbind+0x3b1
    C [] CSI_core_unbind+0xc2
    C [] CSI_unbind+0x1b7
    C [] HL_unbind+0x431
    C [] Java_ccncsi_impl_HL_1JNI_unbind+0xb4
    j ccncsi.impl.HL_JNI.unbind(Lccncsi/base/CSILong;Lccncsi/base/CSILongJ+0
    j ccncsi.impl.ConnectionImpl.release()V+220
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send(Lcec/taxud/fiscalis/vies/monitoring/control/MonitorMS;III)V+136
    J cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send()V
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService._monitor()V+76
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.monitor()V+8
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    C []

    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    j ccncsi.impl.HL_JNI.unbind(Lccncsi/base/CSILong;Lccncsi/base/CSILongJ+0
    j ccncsi.impl.ConnectionImpl.release()V+220
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send(Lcec/taxud/fiscalis/vies/monitoring/control/MonitorMS;III)V+136
    J cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send()V
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService._monitor()V+76
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.monitor()V+8
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------

    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x083eaf70 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=5639]
    0x0867cbc8 JavaThread "1009.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5664]
    0x0867be78 JavaThread "1001.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5663]
    0x0867b128 JavaThread "1006.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5662]
    0x0867abf8 JavaThread "1010.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5661]
    0x08679490 JavaThread "1003.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5660]
    0x086788a0 JavaThread "1002.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5659]
    0x0858f0b0 JavaThread "1008.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5658]
    0x0858fa00 JavaThread "1008.0" [_thread_blocked, id=5657]
    0x08648b98 JavaThread "1007.1" [_thread_blocked, id=5656]
    =>0x08648568 JavaThread "1007.0" [_thread_in_native, id=5655]
    0x08626170 JavaThread "ShutdownSocketListener" [_thread_in_native, id=5652]
    0x08625d98 JavaThread "Thread-0" [_thread_blocked, id=5651]
    0x08426b60 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5645]
    0x08425cf8 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5644]
    0x08421718 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5642]
    0x08420b28 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5641]

    Other Threads:
    0x0841f878 VMThread [id=5640]
    0x084285a0 WatcherThread [id=5646]

    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

    def new generation total 576K, used 409K [0xabc00000, 0xabca0000, 0xac0e0000)
    eden space 512K, 77% used [0xabc00000, 0xabc629b0, 0xabc80000)
    from space 64K, 22% used [0xabc80000, 0xabc83ab8, 0xabc90000)
    to space 64K, 0% used [0xabc90000, 0xabc90000, 0xabca0000)
    tenured generation total 2716K, used 2571K [0xac0e0000, 0xac387000, 0xafc00000)
    the space 2716K, 94% used [0xac0e0000, 0xac362ea8, 0xac363000, 0xac387000)
    compacting perm gen total 5632K, used 5449K [0xafc00000, 0xb0180000, 0xb3c00000)
    the space 5632K, 96% used [0xafc00000, 0xb01525c8, 0xb0152600, 0xb0180000)

    Dynamic libraries:
    00bec000-00c05000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165664 /lib/
    00c05000-00c06000 r-xp 00019000 fd:00 165664 /lib/
    00c06000-00c07000 rwxp 0001a000 fd:00 165664 /lib/
    00c09000-00d43000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165693 /lib/
    00d43000-00d45000 r-xp 00139000 fd:00 165693 /lib/
    00d45000-00d46000 rwxp 0013b000 fd:00 165693 /lib/
    00d46000-00d49000 rwxp 00d46000 00:00 0
    00d4b000-00d4d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165694 /lib/
    00d4d000-00d4e000 r-xp 00001000 fd:00 165694 /lib/
    00d4e000-00d4f000 rwxp 00002000 fd:00 165694 /lib/
    00d51000-00d76000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165698 /lib/
    00d76000-00d77000 r-xp 00024000 fd:00 165698 /lib/
    00d77000-00d78000 rwxp 00025000 fd:00 165698 /lib/
    00d7a000-00d8d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165696 /lib/
    00d8d000-00d8e000 r-xp 00012000 fd:00 165696 /lib/
    00d8e000-00d8f000 rwxp 00013000 fd:00 165696 /lib/
    00d8f000-00d91000 rwxp 00d8f000 00:00 0
    00dda000-00ded000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165699 /lib/
    00ded000-00dee000 r-xp 00012000 fd:00 165699 /lib/
    00dee000-00def000 rwxp 00013000 fd:00 165699 /lib/
    00def000-00df1000 rwxp 00def000 00:00 0
    08048000-08053000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253458 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/bin/java
    08053000-08055000 rwxp 0000a000 fd:05 1253458 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/bin/java
    083e8000-0880b000 rwxp 083e8000 00:00 0
    aa8e2000-aa8e3000 --xp aa8e2000 00:00 0
    aa8e3000-aa8f0000 rwxp aa8e3000 00:00 0
    aa8f0000-aa8f3000 --xp aa8f0000 00:00 0
    aa8f3000-aa963000 rwxp aa8f3000 00:00 0
    aa963000-aa964000 --xp aa963000 00:00 0
    aa964000-aa971000 rwxp aa964000 00:00 0
    aa971000-aa974000 --xp aa971000 00:00 0
    aa974000-aa9e4000 rwxp aa974000 00:00 0
    aa9e4000-aa9e5000 --xp aa9e4000 00:00 0
    aa9e5000-aa9f2000 rwxp aa9e5000 00:00 0
    aa9f2000-aa9f5000 --xp aa9f2000 00:00 0
    aa9f5000-aaa65000 rwxp aa9f5000 00:00 0
    aaa65000-aaa66000 --xp aaa65000 00:00 0
    aaa66000-aaa73000 rwxp aaa66000 00:00 0
    aaa73000-aaa76000 --xp aaa73000 00:00 0
    aaa76000-aaae6000 rwxp aaa76000 00:00 0
    aaae6000-aaae7000 --xp aaae6000 00:00 0
    aaae7000-aaaf4000 rwxp aaae7000 00:00 0
    aaaf4000-aaaf7000 --xp aaaf4000 00:00 0
    aaaf7000-aab67000 rwxp aaaf7000 00:00 0
    aab67000-aab68000 --xp aab67000 00:00 0
    aab68000-aab75000 rwxp aab68000 00:00 0
    aab75000-aab78000 --xp aab75000 00:00 0
    aab78000-aabe8000 rwxp aab78000 00:00 0
    aabe8000-aabe9000 --xp aabe8000 00:00 0
    aabe9000-aabf6000 rwxp aabe9000 00:00 0
    aabf6000-aabf9000 --xp aabf6000 00:00 0
    aabf9000-aac69000 rwxp aabf9000 00:00 0
    aac69000-aac6a000 --xp aac69000 00:00 0
    aac6a000-aac77000 rwxp aac6a000 00:00 0
    aac77000-aac7a000 --xp aac77000 00:00 0
    aac7a000-aacea000 rwxp aac7a000 00:00 0
    aacea000-aaceb000 --xp aacea000 00:00 0
    aaceb000-aacf8000 rwxp aaceb000 00:00 0
    aacf8000-aacfb000 --xp aacf8000 00:00 0
    aacfb000-aad6b000 rwxp aacfb000 00:00 0
    aad6b000-aad6c000 --xp aad6b000 00:00 0
    aad6c000-aad79000 rwxp aad6c000 00:00 0
    aad79000-aad7c000 --xp aad79000 00:00 0
    aad7c000-aadec000 rwxp aad7c000 00:00 0
    aadec000-aaded000 --xp aadec000 00:00 0
    aaded000-aadfa000 rwxp aaded000 00:00 0
    aadfa000-aadfd000 rwxp aadfa000 00:00 0
    aadfd000-aae6d000 rwxp aadfd000 00:00 0
    aae6d000-aae74000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 721606 /usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
    aae74000-aae81000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 229418 /opt/csi/lib/
    aae81000-aae82000 rwxp 0000c000 fd:02 229418 /opt/csi/lib/
    aae82000-aaf0f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 229420 /opt/csi/lib/
    aaf0f000-aaf1c000 rwxp 0008c000 fd:02 229420 /opt/csi/lib/
    aaf1c000-aaf1e000 rwxp aaf1c000 00:00 0
    aaf1e000-aaf30000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 229676 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/
    aaf30000-aaf31000 rwxp 00011000 fd:02 229676 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/
    aaf31000-aaf3f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253493 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    aaf3f000-aaf40000 rwxp 0000d000 fd:05 1253493 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    aaf40000-aaf41000 --xp aaf40000 00:00 0
    aaf41000-aaf4e000 rwxp aaf41000 00:00 0
    aaf4e000-aaf51000 rwxp aaf4e000 00:00 0
    aaf51000-aafc1000 rwxp aaf51000 00:00 0
    aafc1000-aafc2000 --xp aafc1000 00:00 0
    aafc2000-aafcf000 rwxp aafc2000 00:00 0
    aafcf000-aafd2000 --xp aafcf000 00:00 0
    aafd2000-ab042000 rwxp aafd2000 00:00 0
    ab042000-ab043000 --xp ab042000 00:00 0
    ab043000-ab050000 rwxp ab043000 00:00 0
    ab050000-ab053000 --xp ab050000 00:00 0
    ab053000-ab0c3000 rwxp ab053000 00:00 0
    ab0c3000-ab174000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096092 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/jxl.jar
    ab174000-ab1a4000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096088 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/xml-apis.jar
    ab1a4000-ab2cf000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096087 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/xercesImpl.jar
    ab2cf000-ab2e4000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096034 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/resolver.jar
    ab2e4000-ab30a000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096091 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/jdom.jar
    ab30a000-ab312000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229680 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/commons-cli-1.0.jar
    ab312000-ab369000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229672 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
    ab369000-ab379000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096084 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/VIESMonitoring.jar
    ab379000-ab385000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229663 /opt/csi/JCSI/jCSI-rt-1.3.1.jar
    ab385000-ab39d000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229660 /opt/csi/JCSI/jCSI-1.3.1.jar
    ab39d000-ab3b9000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253512 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar
    ab3b9000-ab3bc000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253513 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/dnsns.jar
    ab3bc000-ab479000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1254088 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/localedata.jar
    ab479000-ab47a000 --xp ab479000 00:00 0
    ab47a000-ab4fa000 rwxp ab47a000 00:00 0
    ab4fa000-ab4fb000 --xp ab4fa000 00:00 0
    ab4fb000-ab508000 rwxp ab4fb000 00:00 0
    ab508000-ab50b000 --xp ab508000 00:00 0
    ab50b000-ab6fb000 rwxp ab50b000 00:00 0
    ab6fb000-ab6fc000 --xp ab6fb000 00:00 0
    ab6fc000-ab709000 rwxp ab6fc000 00:00 0
    ab709000-ab70c000 --xp ab709000 00:00 0
    ab70c000-ab77c000 rwxp ab70c000 00:00 0
    ab77c000-ab77d000 --xp ab77c000 00:00 0
    ab77d000-ab7fd000 rwxp ab77d000 00:00 0
    ab7fd000-ab9fd000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 690556 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    ab9fd000-ab9fe000 --xp ab9fd000 00:00 0
    ab9fe000-aba0b000 rwxp ab9fe000 00:00 0
    aba0b000-aba0e000 --xp aba0b000 00:00 0
    aba0e000-aba7e000 rwxp aba0e000 00:00 0
    aba7e000-aba7f000 --xp aba7e000 00:00 0
    aba7f000-aba8c000 rwxp aba7f000 00:00 0
    aba8c000-aba8f000 --xp aba8c000 00:00 0
    aba8f000-abaff000 rwxp aba8f000 00:00 0
    abaff000-abb00000 --xp abaff000 00:00 0
    abb00000-abb83000 rwxp abb00000 00:00 0
    abb83000-abba1000 rwxp abb83000 00:00 0
    abba1000-abba3000 rwxp abba1000 00:00 0
    abba3000-abbbf000 rwxp abba3000 00:00 0
    abbbf000-abbc0000 rwxp abbbf000 00:00 0
    abbc0000-abbc1000 rwxp abbc0000 00:00 0
    abbc1000-abbc3000 rwxp abbc1000 00:00 0
    abbc3000-abbdf000 rwxp abbc3000 00:00 0
    abbdf000-abbe2000 rwxp abbdf000 00:00 0
    abbe2000-abbff000 rwxp abbe2000 00:00 0
    abbff000-abca0000 rwxp abbff000 00:00 0
    abca0000-ac0e0000 rwxp abca0000 00:00 0
    ac0e0000-ac387000 rwxp ac0e0000 00:00 0
    ac387000-afc00000 rwxp ac387000 00:00 0
    afc00000-b0180000 rwxp afc00000 00:00 0
    b0180000-b3c00000 rwxp b0180000 00:00 0
    b3c01000-b3c2f000 rwxp b3c01000 00:00 0
    b3c2f000-b3ca9000 rwxp b3c2f000 00:00 0
    b3ca9000-b3e21000 rwxp b3ca9000 00:00 0
    b3e21000-b5ca9000 rwxp b3e21000 00:00 0
    b5ca9000-b626d000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1254087 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/charsets.jar
    b626d000-b627f000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253517 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/jce.jar
    b627f000-b6359000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253594 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/jsse.jar
    b6359000-b636f000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253516 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/sunrsasign.jar
    b636f000-b63b9000 rwxp b636f000 00:00 0
    b63b9000-b7aba000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1254168 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/rt.jar
    b7aba000-b7ac8000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253490 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7ac8000-b7aca000 rwxp 0000d000 fd:05 1253490 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7aca000-b7ae6000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253488 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7ae6000-b7ae8000 rwxp 0001b000 fd:05 1253488 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7ae8000-b7af5000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253487 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7af5000-b7af7000 rwxp 0000c000 fd:05 1253487 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7af7000-b7b00000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 163882 /lib/
    b7b00000-b7b01000 r-xp 00008000 fd:00 163882 /lib/
    b7b01000-b7b02000 rwxp 00009000 fd:00 163882 /lib/
    b7b02000-b7b0f000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253515 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/ldapsec.jar
    b7b0f000-b7f2d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253481 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/client/
    b7f2d000-b7f49000 rwxp 0041d000 fd:05 1253481 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/client/
    b7f49000-b7f5f000 rwxp b7f49000 00:00 0
    b7f60000-b7f64000 rwxs 00000000 fd:04 98306 /tmp/hsperfdata_viesprod/5639
    b7f64000-b7f6a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253475 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/native_threads/
    b7f6a000-b7f6c000 rwxp 00005000 fd:05 1253475 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/native_threads/
    b7f6c000-b7f6d000 rwxp b7f6c000 00:00 0
    b7f6d000-b7f6e000 r-xp b7f6d000 00:00 0 [vdso]
    bf88f000-bf899000 rwxp bf88f000 00:00 0
    bf899000-bf89c000 --xp bf899000 00:00 0
    bfa77000-bfa8c000 rwxp bfa77000 00:00 0 [stack]

    VM Arguments:
    jvm_args: -Djava.library.path=/opt/csi/JCSI/lib/:/opt/csi/lib/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:////opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/log4j.xml -Dviesmonit.props=/opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/ -Dconfig.xml=/opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/config.xml -Dconfig.xsd=file:////opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/config.xsd
    java_command: cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.Monitoring
    Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

    Environment Variables:

    --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------

    OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)

    uname:Linux 2.6.18-53.el5 #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 16:34:02 EDT 2007 i686
    libc:glibc 2.5 NPTL 2.5
    rlimit: STACK 10240k, CORE 0k, NPROC 16384, NOFILE 1024, AS infinity
    load average:0.00 260219922376399938262982742996624027373659019080238916357286610880376686678668403027231337705257689023148747312782102789414741133625606252880368299901905269352037631628864957043422225246063086465700829417439232.00 177842483722168517742098732790950687621750830720695060824467715489357813427131576483511674471100065829529060399307305199073232163973417691407997097213739181669173474762977596247552173167944648915404311788509987144385540434647742189258045934019178159691095681642911858950144.00

    CPU:total 1 family 6, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2

    Memory: 4k page, physical 1035324k(15216k free), swap 2096472k(2096408k free)

    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_19-b04) for linux-x86, built on Nov 9 2008 22:21:09 by unknown with unknown compiler

  2. #2
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    Bonjour, est-ce volontaire si tu lances ton application avec seulement 32Mo de mémoire maximum? par défaut il me semble que c'est 128Mo, et c'est parfois insuffisant pour une application conséquente.

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    Citation Envoyé par CheryBen Voir le message
    Bonjour, est-ce volontaire si tu lances ton application avec seulement 32Mo de mémoire maximum? par défaut il me semble que c'est 128Mo, et c'est parfois insuffisant pour une application conséquente.
    Oui, de toute maniere, la mémoire n'a jamais atteint les 32 car plante avant. Mais l'utilisation de la mémoire augmente continuellement.

    Par acquis de conscience, je viens d'augmenter la taille à 128. Mais je pense que ca ne fera que repousser le probleme.

    Alors que l'applic est supposée touner 24h/24 et 7j/7

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    Tout d'abord, je ne suis pas du tout développeur en Java. Donc, je n'ai pas développé cette applic donc pas d'acces au code , pour moi, il y a un probleme dans le code, mais les développeurs ont du mal à croire à ca, donc, je tente de trouver une solution pour mieux libérer les ressources ... Je suis un peu dans une impasse

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    Citation Envoyé par CheryBen Voir le message
    Bonjour, est-ce volontaire si tu lances ton application avec seulement 32Mo de mémoire maximum? par défaut il me semble que c'est 128Mo, et c'est parfois insuffisant pour une application conséquente.

    tail -f /opt/csi/log/gc.log
    0.830: [GC 0.830: [DefNew: 8127K->423K(9088K), 0.0119150 secs] 8127K->423K(130112K), 0.0120060 secs]
    1.411: [GC 1.411: [DefNew: 8551K->852K(9088K), 0.0113380 secs] 8551K->852K(130112K), 0.0114170 secs]
    1.697: [GC 1.697: [DefNew: 8974K->22K(9088K), 0.0099530 secs] 8974K->862K(130112K), 0.0100210 secs]
    10.045: [GC 10.045: [DefNew: 8150K->960K(9088K), 0.0147050 secs] 8990K->2477K(130112K), 0.0147730 secs]
    38.889: [GC 38.889: [DefNew: 9087K->960K(9088K), 0.0160740 secs] 10605K->3583K(130112K), 0.0161640 secs]
    1753.152: [GC 1753.152: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0153410 secs] 11711K->4231K(130112K), 0.0154320 secs]
    1800.029: [GC 1800.029: [DefNew: 9087K->960K(9088K), 0.0120780 secs] 12359K->4953K(130112K), 0.0121870 secs]
    2691.383: [GC 2691.383: [DefNew: 9087K->960K(9088K), 0.0117530 secs] 13081K->5459K(130112K), 0.0118350 secs]
    3586.872: [GC 3586.872: [DefNew: 9087K->960K(9088K), 0.0106410 secs] 13587K->6127K(130112K), 0.0107300 secs]
    4439.219: [GC 4439.219: [DefNew: 9087K->960K(9088K), 0.0121660 secs] 14255K->6742K(130112K), 0.0122470 secs]
    5354.740: [GC 5354.740: [DefNew: 9082K->960K(9088K), 0.0143050 secs] 14865K->7442K(130112K), 0.0143910 secs]
    5409.156: [GC 5409.157: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0088420 secs] 15570K->8008K(130112K), 0.0089060 secs]

    Comme vous pouvez le voir, mettre la valeur à 128Mo ne fait que repousser le probleme, l'utilisation de la mémoire augmente toujours.

    J'utilise une version 1.4.2, car, 1.6 n'a pas été validé par les développeurs. Mais est ce que le GC de la version 1.6 peut améliorer la libération des ressources allouées ?

  7. #7
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    Citation Envoyé par quiquekoi Voir le message
    Mais est ce que le GC de la version 1.6 peut améliorer la libération des ressources allouées ?
    N'oubliez pas de consulter les FAQ Java et les cours et tutoriels Java
    Que la force de la puissance soit avec le courage de ta sagesse.

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    As-tu essayé les solutions proposées chez Sun ?

  9. #9
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    Citation Envoyé par sewatech Voir le message
    As-tu essayé les solutions proposées chez Sun ?
    Merci, je vais tester le workaround ... Je vous tiens au courant

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    Mouais, une appli dont la conso mémoire ne fait qu'augmenter dans le temps, c'est un problème de code dans 100% des cas.

  11. #11
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    Et voilà, l'application à encore planté :s
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00c6f2c6, pid=18029, tid=2798451600
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_19-b04 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C []

    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------

    Current thread (0x089b5950): JavaThread "1007.1" [_thread_in_native, id=18048]

    siginfo:si_signo=11, si_errno=0, si_code=1, si_addr=0x0000000c

    EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x00d44ff4, ECX=0x00000001, EDX=0x00000000
    ESP=0xa6cced10, EBP=0xa6cced78, ESI=0x08b4a8b8, EDI=0x08b528c8
    EIP=0x00c6f2c6, CR2=0x0000000c, EFLAGS=0x00210246

    Top of Stack: (sp=0xa6cced10)
    0xa6cced10: a6cced50 00000000 08ac07ab b7ede0c0
    0xa6cced20: 00000000 00000000 a6cced44 00008010
    0xa6cced30: 00008008 00d2c25c b7ee03f0 a6cced5c
    0xa6cced40: a6ccedb0 a6d1d05c 08b1f1fc a6d7e40c
    0xa6cced50: a6ccedb0 a6d1d1ec 00000001 08b26520
    0xa6cced60: 00000006 00000001 00000000 00d44ff4
    0xa6cced70: 00d46120 08b4a8c0 a6ccedb0 00c72e00
    0xa6cced80: 00d46120 08b4a8c0 00000000 00000014

    Instructions: (pc=0x00c6f2c6)
    0x00c6f2b6: 44 17 04 01 0f 85 e5 02 00 00 8b 47 08 8b 57 0c
    0x00c6f2c6: 39 78 0c 0f 84 04 05 00 00 8b 83 d0 00 00 00 89

    Stack: [0xa6c5d000,0xa6cd0000), sp=0xa6cced10, free space=455k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    C []
    C [] cfree+0x90
    C [] OS_mem_free+0x142
    C []
    C [] CT_unbind+0x2e1
    C [] T_unbind+0x3b1
    C [] CSI_core_unbind+0xc2
    C [] CSI_unbind+0x1b7
    C [] HL_unbind+0x431
    C [] Java_ccncsi_impl_HL_1JNI_unbind+0xb4
    J ccncsi.impl.HL_JNI.unbind(Lccncsi/base/CSILong;Lccncsi/base/CSILongJ
    J ccncsi.impl.ConnectionImpl.release()V
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send(Lcec/taxud/fiscalis/vies/monitoring/control/MonitorMS;III)V+159
    J cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send()V
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService._monitor()V+76
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.monitor()V+8
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    C []

    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    J ccncsi.impl.HL_JNI.unbind(Lccncsi/base/CSILong;Lccncsi/base/CSILongJ
    J ccncsi.impl.ConnectionImpl.release()V
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send(Lcec/taxud/fiscalis/vies/monitoring/control/MonitorMS;III)V+159
    J cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.send()V
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService._monitor()V+76
    j cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.MonitorService.monitor()V+8
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub

    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------

    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x08751270 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=18029]
    0x089ce818 JavaThread "1009.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18056]
    0x089cdac8 JavaThread "1001.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18055]
    0x089cce60 JavaThread "1006.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18054]
    0x089bbfd8 JavaThread "1010.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18053]
    0x089bb288 JavaThread "1003.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18052]
    0x089ba6c0 JavaThread "1002.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18051]
    0x089b7648 JavaThread "1008.1" [_thread_blocked, id=18050]
    0x089b9a18 JavaThread "1008.0" [_thread_blocked, id=18049]
    =>0x089b5950 JavaThread "1007.1" [_thread_in_native, id=18048]
    0x089b5d30 JavaThread "1007.0" [_thread_blocked, id=18047]
    0x08986120 JavaThread "ShutdownSocketListener" [_thread_in_native, id=18044]
    0x08984a58 JavaThread "Thread-0" [_thread_blocked, id=18043]
    0x0878ce60 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=18040]
    0x0878bff8 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=18039]
    0x08787a18 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=18037]
    0x08786df0 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=18036]

    Other Threads:
    0x08785b78 VMThread [id=18032]
    0x0878e8a0 WatcherThread [id=18041]

    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

    def new generation total 9088K, used 2222K [0xa7b90000, 0xa8560000, 0xa8560000)
    eden space 8128K, 15% used [0xa7b90000, 0xa7ccba80, 0xa8380000)
    from space 960K, 100% used [0xa8470000, 0xa8560000, 0xa8560000)
    to space 960K, 0% used [0xa8380000, 0xa8380000, 0xa8470000)
    tenured generation total 121024K, used 12912K [0xa8560000, 0xafb90000, 0xafb90000)
    the space 121024K, 10% used [0xa8560000, 0xa91fc1f0, 0xa91fc200, 0xafb90000)
    compacting perm gen total 5632K, used 5467K [0xafb90000, 0xb0110000, 0xb3b90000)
    the space 5632K, 97% used [0xafb90000, 0xb00e6de0, 0xb00e6e00, 0xb0110000)

    Dynamic libraries:
    00bec000-00c05000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165664 /lib/
    00c05000-00c06000 r-xp 00019000 fd:00 165664 /lib/
    00c06000-00c07000 rwxp 0001a000 fd:00 165664 /lib/
    00c09000-00d43000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165693 /lib/
    00d43000-00d45000 r-xp 00139000 fd:00 165693 /lib/
    00d45000-00d46000 rwxp 0013b000 fd:00 165693 /lib/
    00d46000-00d49000 rwxp 00d46000 00:00 0
    00d4b000-00d4d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165694 /lib/
    00d4d000-00d4e000 r-xp 00001000 fd:00 165694 /lib/
    00d4e000-00d4f000 rwxp 00002000 fd:00 165694 /lib/
    00d51000-00d76000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 165698 /lib/
    00d76000-00d77000 r-xp 00024000 fd:00 165698 /lib/
    00d77000-00d78000 rwxp 00025000 fd:00 165698 /lib/

    00dee000-00def000 rwxp 00013000 fd:00 165699 /lib/
    00def000-00df1000 rwxp 00def000 00:00 0
    08048000-08053000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253458 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/bin/java
    08053000-08055000 rwxp 0000a000 fd:05 1253458 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/bin/java
    0874e000-08b7b000 rwxp 0874e000 00:00 0
    a67c6000-a67c7000 --xp a67c6000 00:00 0
    a67c7000-a67d4000 rwxp a67c7000 00:00 0
    a67d4000-a67d7000 --xp a67d4000 00:00 0
    a67d7000-a6847000 rwxp a67d7000 00:00 0
    a6847000-a6848000 --xp a6847000 00:00 0
    a6848000-a6855000 rwxp a6848000 00:00 0
    a6855000-a6858000 --xp a6855000 00:00 0
    a6858000-a68c8000 rwxp a6858000 00:00 0
    a68c8000-a68c9000 --xp a68c8000 00:00 0
    a68c9000-a68d6000 rwxp a68c9000 00:00 0
    a68d6000-a68d9000 --xp a68d6000 00:00 0
    a68d9000-a6949000 rwxp a68d9000 00:00 0
    a6949000-a694a000 --xp a6949000 00:00 0
    a694a000-a6957000 rwxp a694a000 00:00 0
    a6957000-a695a000 --xp a6957000 00:00 0
    a695a000-a69ca000 rwxp a695a000 00:00 0
    a69ca000-a69cb000 --xp a69ca000 00:00 0
    a69cb000-a69d8000 rwxp a69cb000 00:00 0
    a69d8000-a69db000 --xp a69d8000 00:00 0
    a69db000-a6a4b000 rwxp a69db000 00:00 0
    a6a4b000-a6a4c000 --xp a6a4b000 00:00 0
    a6a4c000-a6a59000 rwxp a6a4c000 00:00 0
    a6a59000-a6a5c000 --xp a6a59000 00:00 0
    a6a5c000-a6acc000 rwxp a6a5c000 00:00 0
    a6acc000-a6acd000 --xp a6acc000 00:00 0
    a6acd000-a6ada000 rwxp a6acd000 00:00 0
    a6ada000-a6add000 --xp a6ada000 00:00 0
    a6add000-a6b4d000 rwxp a6add000 00:00 0
    a6b4d000-a6b4e000 --xp a6b4d000 00:00 0
    a6b4e000-a6b5b000 rwxp a6b4e000 00:00 0
    a6b5b000-a6b5e000 --xp a6b5b000 00:00 0
    a6b5e000-a6bce000 rwxp a6b5e000 00:00 0
    a6bce000-a6bcf000 --xp a6bce000 00:00 0
    a6cd0000-a6d5d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 229420 /opt/csi/lib/
    a6d5d000-a6d6a000 rwxp 0008c000 fd:02 229420 /opt/csi/lib/
    a6d6a000-a6d6c000 rwxp a6d6a000 00:00 0
    a6d6c000-a6d7e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 229676 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/
    a6d7e000-a6d7f000 rwxp 00011000 fd:02 229676 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/
    a6d7f000-a6d80000 --xp a6d7f000 00:00 0
    a6d80000-a6d8d000 rwxp a6d80000 00:00 0
    a6d8d000-a6d90000 rwxp a6d8d000 00:00 0
    a6d90000-a6e21000 rwxp a6d90000 00:00 0
    a6e21000-a6f00000 --xp a6e21000 00:00 0
    a6f01000-a6f0e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 229418 /opt/csi/lib/
    a6f0e000-a6f0f000 rwxp 0000c000 fd:02 229418 /opt/csi/lib/
    a6f0f000-a6f1d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253493 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    a6f1d000-a6f1e000 rwxp 0000d000 fd:05 1253493 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    a6f1e000-a6f1f000 --xp a6f1e000 00:00 0
    a6f1f000-a6f2c000 rwxp a6f1f000 00:00 0
    a6f2c000-a6f2f000 --xp a6f2c000 00:00 0
    a6f2f000-a6f9f000 rwxp a6f2f000 00:00 0
    a6f9f000-a6fa0000 --xp a6f9f000 00:00 0
    a6fa0000-a6fad000 rwxp a6fa0000 00:00 0
    a6fad000-a6fb0000 --xp a6fad000 00:00 0
    a6fb0000-a7020000 rwxp a6fb0000 00:00 0
    a7020000-a70d1000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096092 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/jxl.jar
    a70d1000-a7101000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096088 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/xml-apis.jar
    a7101000-a722c000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096087 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/xercesImpl.jar
    a722c000-a7241000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096034 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/resolver.jar
    a7241000-a7267000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096091 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/jdom.jar
    a7267000-a72be000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229672 /opt/csi/JCSI/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
    a72be000-a72ce000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 4096084 /opt/viesmonitoring/engine/lib/VIESMonitoring.jar
    a72ce000-a72da000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229663 /opt/csi/JCSI/jCSI-rt-1.3.1.jar
    a72da000-a72f2000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 229660 /opt/csi/JCSI/jCSI-1.3.1.jar
    a72f2000-a730e000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253512 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar
    a730e000-a73cb000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1254088 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/localedata.jar
    a73cb000-a73cc000 --xp a73cb000 00:00 0
    a73cc000-a744c000 rwxp a73cc000 00:00 0
    a744c000-a744d000 --xp a744c000 00:00 0
    a744d000-a745a000 rwxp a744d000 00:00 0
    a745a000-a745d000 --xp a745a000 00:00 0
    a745d000-a764d000 rwxp a745d000 00:00 0
    a764d000-a764e000 --xp a764d000 00:00 0
    a764e000-a765b000 rwxp a764e000 00:00 0
    a765b000-a765e000 --xp a765b000 00:00 0
    a765e000-a76ce000 rwxp a765e000 00:00 0
    a76ce000-a76cf000 --xp a76ce000 00:00 0

    b3b98000-b3b9b000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253513 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/dnsns.jar
    b3b9b000-b3bcb000 rwxp b3b9b000 00:00 0
    b3bcb000-b3c43000 rwxp b3bcb000 00:00 0
    b3c43000-b3e0b000 rwxp b3c43000 00:00 0
    b3e0b000-b5c43000 rwxp b3e0b000 00:00 0
    b5c43000-b6207000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1254087 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/charsets.jar
    b6207000-b6219000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253517 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/jce.jar
    b6219000-b62f3000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253594 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/jsse.jar
    b62f3000-b6309000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253516 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/sunrsasign.jar
    b6309000-b6353000 rwxp b6309000 00:00 0
    b6353000-b7a54000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1254168 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/rt.jar
    b7a54000-b7a62000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253490 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7a62000-b7a64000 rwxp 0000d000 fd:05 1253490 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7a64000-b7a80000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253488 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7a80000-b7a82000 rwxp 0001b000 fd:05 1253488 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7a82000-b7a8f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253487 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7a8f000-b7a91000 rwxp 0000c000 fd:05 1253487 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/
    b7a91000-b7a9a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 163882 /lib/
    b7a9a000-b7a9b000 r-xp 00008000 fd:00 163882 /lib/
    b7a9b000-b7a9c000 rwxp 00009000 fd:00 163882 /lib/
    b7a9c000-b7aa9000 r-xs 00000000 fd:05 1253515 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/ext/ldapsec.jar
    b7aa9000-b7ec7000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253481 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/client/
    b7ec7000-b7ee3000 rwxp 0041d000 fd:05 1253481 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/client/
    b7ee3000-b7efa000 rwxp b7ee3000 00:00 0
    b7efa000-b7efe000 rwxs 00000000 fd:04 98306 /tmp/hsperfdata_viesprod/18029
    b7efe000-b7f04000 r-xp 00000000 fd:05 1253475 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/native_threads/
    b7f04000-b7f06000 rwxp 00005000 fd:05 1253475 /usr/lib/jvm/j2re1.4.2_19/lib/i386/native_threads/
    b7f06000-b7f07000 rwxp b7f06000 00:00 0
    b7f07000-b7f08000 r-xp b7f07000 00:00 0 [vdso]
    bf71c000-bf726000 rwxp bf71c000 00:00 0
    bf726000-bf729000 --xp bf726000 00:00 0
    bf904000-bf919000 rwxp bf904000 00:00 0 [stack]

    VM Arguments:
    jvm_args: -Xms128m -Xmx128m -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xloggc:/opt/csi/log/gc.log -Xcheck:jni -Djava.library.path=/opt/csi/JCSI/lib/:/opt/csi/lib/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:////opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/log4j.xml -Dviesmonit.props=/opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/ -Dconfig.xml=/opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/config.xml -Dconfig.xsd=file:////opt/viesmonitoring/engine/config/config.xsd
    java_command: cec.taxud.fiscalis.vies.monitoring.control.Monitoring
    Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

    Environment Variables:
    --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------

    OS:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)

    uname:Linux 2.6.18-53.el5 #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 16:34:02 EDT 2007 i686
    libc:glibc 2.5 NPTL 2.5
    rlimit: STACK 10240k, CORE 0k, NPROC 16384, NOFILE 1024, AS infinity
    load average:0.00 260219922376399938262982742996624027373659019080238916357286610880376686678668403027231337705257689023148747312782102789414741133625606252880368299901905269352037631628864957043422225246063086465700829417439232.00 177842483722168517742098732790950687621750830720695060824467715489357813427131576483511674471100065829529060399307305199073232163973417691407997097213739181669173474762977596247552173167944648915404311788509987144385540434647742189258045934019178159691095681642911858950144.00

    CPU:total 1 family 6, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2

    Memory: 4k page, physical 1035324k(14636k free), swap 2096472k(2096408k free)

    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_19-b04) for linux-x86, built on Nov 9 2008 22:21:09 by unknown with unknown compiler

  12. #12
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    En même temps il y a un plantage de Hotspost et pas une OutOfMemoryError, donc le problème ne vient pas forcément de la consommation mémoire de l'appli Java.

  13. #13
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    Citation Envoyé par Uther Voir le message
    En même temps il y a un plantage de Hotspost et pas une OutOfMemoryError, donc le problème ne vient pas forcément de la consommation mémoire de l'appli Java.
    Le Hotsport a détecté l'erreur .. Peut-etre que j'ai mal interprêté le message.

    Merci de votre aide, je bloque vraiment ...

  14. #14
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    Citation Envoyé par quiquekoi Voir le message
    pour moi, il y a un probleme dans le code, mais les développeurs ont du mal à croire à ca,
    Ah ouais quand même

    Donc pour les développeurs c'est tout à fait normal que l'application plante ???

    Citation Envoyé par Uther Voir le message
    En même temps il y a un plantage de Hotspost et pas une OutOfMemoryError, donc le problème ne vient pas forcément de la consommation mémoire de l'appli Java.

    En regardant la pile d'appel on voit du code natif, dont ce qui semble être une librairie pour JNI :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    C [] Java_ccncsi_impl_HL_1JNI_unbind+0xb4
    Qu'est-ce donc que ce ???


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    glibc detected *** java: malloc(): memory corruption

    I tested the workaround by set MALLOC_CHECK_ to 0, but, it crashed again.

  16. #16
    Expert éminent sénior Avatar de Uther
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    Le problème ne vient visiblement pas du code java mais des bibliothèque JNI utilisées par le programe. Il faudrait vérifier les malloc/free correspondants dans ces lib

  17. #17
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    Ben, que la VM plante, oui ce n'est pas à cause du code Java, par contre, qu'un applicatif Java voit sa consommation mémoire non maitrisée, pour moi, ça vient forcément du code.

  18. #18
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    En ce moment l'application tourne depuis plus de 13 h, un record !!!

    Malheureusement, quand je l'ai redémarré hier soir j'ai fait deux manipulations

    Passer de la version 1.4.2 à 1.6.0 et réiniitaliser la variable MALLOC_CHECK_=0 .

    Donc je vais devoir tester à nouveau ..

    Peut etre est ce un mixages des deux qui fait que ca tourne, car j'avais déjà essayé avec une version 1.6 ...

    Néanmoins, j'ai ces stats concernant le GC :

    34108.493: [GC 34108.493: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0097790 secs] 27609K->20001K(130112K), 0.0098830 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    34982.310: [GC 34982.310: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0097100 secs] 28129K->20237K(130112K), 0.0098380 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    35867.768: [GC 35867.768: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0097060 secs] 28365K->20721K(130112K), 0.0098430 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    35923.452: [GC 35923.452: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0089580 secs] 28849K->21076K(130112K), 0.0090620 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    37644.382: [GC 37644.382: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0075360 secs] 29204K->21327K(130112K), 0.0076060 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    37705.813: [GC 37705.813: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0090560 secs] 29455K->21687K(130112K), 0.0091800 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    39369.897: [GC 39369.897: [DefNew: 9081K->960K(9088K), 0.0089350 secs] 29809K->21967K(130112K), 0.0090750 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    39466.630: [GC 39466.630: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0109170 secs] 30095K->22497K(130112K), 0.0110390 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    40306.839: [GC 40306.839: [DefNew: 9086K->960K(9088K), 0.0080750 secs] 30623K->22652K(130112K), 0.0082090 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    41234.546: [GC 41234.546: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0115810 secs] 30780K->23269K(130112K), 0.0117030 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    41305.838: [GC 41305.838: [DefNew: 9087K->960K(9088K), 0.0068620 secs] 31397K->23473K(130112K), 0.0069780 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    42992.513: [GC 42992.513: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0087120 secs] 31601K->23630K(130112K), 0.0089050 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    43049.479: [GC 43049.479: [DefNew: 9083K->960K(9088K), 0.0101360 secs] 31753K->24144K(130112K), 0.0102750 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    43140.456: [GC 43140.456: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0116950 secs] 32272K->24907K(130112K), 0.0118140 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    43200.732: [GC 43200.732: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0067730 secs] 33035K->25092K(130112K), 0.0068560 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    44808.132: [GC 44808.132: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0074860 secs] 33220K->25183K(130112K), 0.0076190 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    44885.181: [GC 44885.181: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0082930 secs] 33311K->25680K(130112K), 0.0084240 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.01, real=0.00 secs]
    45725.634: [GC 45725.634: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0076980 secs] 33808K->25965K(130112K), 0.0078470 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.01, real=0.01 secs]
    46626.995: [GC 46626.995: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0096420 secs] 34093K->26719K(130112K), 0.0110070 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    47428.589: [GC 47428.590: [DefNew: 9088K->960K(9088K), 0.0099020 secs] 34847K->26910K(130112K), 0.0100540 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    48005.588: [GC 48005.588: [DefNew: 5617K->599K(9088K), 0.0046300 secs] 31567K->26610K(130112K), 0.0047560 secs]

    On voit qu'il y a toujours une augmentation de l'utilisation de la mémoire, mais ce n'est pas ça qui fait crasher l'application, je suis curieux de voir ce qu'il va se passer, lorsque l'application aura atteint le plafond.

    Bonne journée à tous

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