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Reports Oracle Discussion :

forms9i , reports9i: imprimer directement en local

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Reports Oracle

  1. #1
    Futur Membre du Club
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    Par défaut forms9i , reports9i: imprimer directement en local
    j'aimerai savoir comment faire pour lancer directement l'impréssion d'un état (sans qu'il ne s'affiche) vers l'imprimante qui est connectée sur le poste client.

  2. #2
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    tu cliques sur le feu vert

  3. #3
    Futur Membre du Club
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    tout d'abord Merci pour votre reponse.
    j'ai oublié de mentionner qu'en fait , je veux faire cela via un bouton sur un formulaire (forms9i); c'est à dire dans un déclencheur "when-button-pressed".
    je reste à l'ecoute pour toute proposition.

  4. #4
    Membre actif Avatar de Nounoursonne
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    Par défaut
    quand tu lance ton etat à partir de forms, tu passes le paramètre DESTYPE=PRINTER

    et ça devrait marcher

  5. #5
    Expert éminent sénior
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    Par défaut
    Voici ce que l'on peut trouver sur Metalink:

    How do you print locally from Web Reports V6.0 or 6i?


    The following examples apply to Windows NT

    1. Run the Report to cache with DESFORMAT HTML, HTMLCSS; PDF or RTF and use
    browser fuctionality to print out locally.

    2. Setup the user's printer as a mapped printer on the Reports Server
    machine. Then, select that printer when printing a report from the web.

    Setup a parameter form for the report that asks the user to enter a value
    for the SYSTEM parameter, DESNAME. The user can then enter the UNC name
    (universal naming convention) of the printer that takes the form:
    such as: \\\HPLJ4000N
    where the user's machine is "" and the printer
    attached on that machine is shared as "HPLJ4000N".
    Please note that this will only work if the Reports Server machine
    has permissions to print on the remote printer.

    3. Use the ORARRP utility (Oracle Reports Remote Printing).
    The ORARRP is a plug-in on the client browser that recognizes a special
    mimetype an invokes Acrobat Reader printing in batch.

    The ORARRP utility can be downloaded from OTN (
    Note that it is a demonstration of the possibilities of web technologies
    together with ORACLE Reports but not a specific ORACLE Reports feature.


    Any application deployed in a three tiered environment, and displayed with
    a browser, actually runs on the middle tier (server machine). In this case,
    the Reports Server is deployed on the middle tier, and the user views these
    reports on the client PC with a browser. But the report is actually running
    on the server. The browser is only displaying a representation of the output.
    All processing and activity is on the server side.

    Therefore, if you try to print anything, it will be the server that is getting
    the request to print; the hardcopy output will, therefore, go to a printer
    defined by the Reports Server machine.

    If the user wants to print locally to his/her printer, they will have to use
    the browser's "Print" function.

    This functionality is for security purposes. The internet architecture does
    not allow a server process to control a local resource. This prevents a
    malicious site from wreaking havoc on client PCs. Printing locally is
    effectively controlling a local resource, such as the printer.
    Rédacteur Oracle (Oracle ACE)
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  6. #6
    Expert éminent sénior
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    Nouvel article qui couvre bien le besoin:
    Rédacteur Oracle (Oracle ACE)
    Guide Oracle ,Guide PL/SQL, Guide Forms 9i/10g, Index de recherche
    Je ne réponds pas aux questions techniques par MP
    Blogs: Forms-PL/SQL-J2EE - Forms Java Beans

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