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Forms Oracle Discussion :

[Forms]Message lors de l'execution d'un report sous forms

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Forms Oracle

  1. #1
    Membre du Club
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    Par défaut [Forms]Message lors de l'execution d'un report sous forms
    Salut a tous,

    j'ai une application qui contient des ecrans de saisie et des etats sous forms 6i et report 6i. Quant je veux executer un etat a partir d'un ecran de saisie ou j'entre des parametres, j'obtiens le message suivant :
    << FRM-41211: Erreur d'integration : échec SSL pendant l'éxécution d'un autre produit >> alors que l'application fonctionnait sans probleme.
    A quoi cela peut etre dû ?

  2. #2
    Membre averti
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    Informations personnelles :
    Localisation : France, Bouches du Rhône (Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur)

    Informations forums :
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    Par défaut
    Subject: Resolving FRM-41211: Integration Error: SSL Failure Running Another Product
    Doc ID: Note:164945.1 Type: BULLETIN
    Last Revision Date: 31-AUG-2006 Status: PUBLISHED

    Checked for relevance on 09-May-2006 nothing were changed !

    You receive the following error when using RUN_PRODUCT or RUN_REPORT_OBJECT in

    This can occur for a number of reasons. Below are a number of problems
    and associated solutions:

    Problem Description 1 - Multiple Calls of RUN_PRODUCT/RUN_REPORT_OBJECT:

    If you run multiple Reports from Forms e.g. in a loop with
    Run_report_object or Run_product and the Communicaton Mode
    is Asynchronous you will get Error FRM-41211 INTEGRATION ERROR:

    Depending on the version of forms you may be receiving the following error:
    General Protection Fault ( GPF ) in module SSL21WIN.DLL AT 0002:0894

    Note: the module address reported in the GPF may vary depending on the
    version of Forms that you are running. The DLL will be the

    Solution Description 1:
    1) Use SYNCHRONOUS instead of ASYNCHRONOUS when running multiple reports. This
    way the next report will not run until the first completes.

    2) Use ON-ERROR trigger on forms-level as follows:
    lv_errcode number := error_code;
    lv_errtype varchar2(3) := error_type;
    lv_errtxt varchar2(80) := error_text;
    IF (lv_errcode = 41211) THEN
    message(lv_errtype || '-' || to_char(lv_errcode) || ': ' ||
    raise form_trigger_Failure;
    END IF;

    This will allow you to bypass the FRM-41211 error if you are receiving it
    in error.

    3) Introduce a small delay between the two calls. For instance, executing either
    the PAUSE command or create a TIMER between the successive

    This method is the workaround described in Bug 914477 for 6.0.X forms, and
    is intended to allow the background processes associated with RUN_PRODUCT
    complete before the next call is executed.

    Solution Explanation 1:
    Depending on the version of forms, this problem could be Bug 267128 (Forms
    versions 4.0.13.X, 4.5.X and 6.0.X) or it could be the fact that forms is
    performing internal functions that haven't completed between the RUN_PRODUCT
    calls. Using the PAUSE or a TIMER is most effective in these circumstances.

    Note 1018967.102 FRM-41211 Integration Error: SSL FAILURE RUNNING ANOTHER PRODUCT

    Problem Description 2 - Environment problems:

    The same report may be able to run successfully on another machine.
    The form may compile and run successfully, it is only when issuing
    the call to RUN_PRODUCT or RUN_REPORT_OBJECT that the above error occurs.

    Solution Description 2:

    is set correctly. The REPORTSXX_PATH should point to a directory which contains
    the executable files (for example,.rdf or .rep files) that are used by Oracle
    Forms to run the report. Also make sure that the environment variable is
    spelled properly (REPORTS60_PATH and not REPORT60_PATH). This is the environment
    variable that is used by the system to find your reports executables.

    Make sure that the REPORTSXX_TMP directory is set properly, as well. Verify that:
    1) The temporary directory is on a drive with enough free space and write
    permission set to allow the user access to this location.
    2) The TEMP and TMP environment variables are set to point to the temporary
    -- on NT in Control Panel -> System Properties -> Environment
    -- on 95/98 in autoexec.bat -> set temp=<path> and set tmp=<path>
    3) The REPORTSXX_TMP variable is set to point to the temporary
    directory on NT and 95 in the registry:
    4) Verify that the user has the appropriate write privileges and that there is
    plenty of disk space available for the REPORTSXX_TMP.
    5) Verify that there is plenty of space available for the working directory
    of forms.
    6) Verify that there is plenty of temporary space available in TEMP, TMP or
    TMPDIR, depending on the operating system.
    7) Verify that the user has Read and Execute privileges on the executables in
    the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

    The values for XX are dependent on the version of Reports and Graphics where XX
    is: XX=25 for reports/graphics 2.5.x
    XX=30 for reports/graphics 3.0.x
    XX=60 for reports/graphics 6.0.x

    Define the REPORTSXX_PATH and REPORTSXX_TMP in the same way that you would
    define other environment variables on your operating system, keeping in mind
    such platform-specific rules as path length and so forth.

    Solution Explanation 2:

    When starting a report from forms, reports has to find the report executable and
    create a temporary file. When the mentioned environment-variables are not
    defined, the working directory of the application is used. When this directory
    is read-only (as is often the case when the application is placed on a
    file server), reports cannot be started correctly, hence the error. If you have
    checked the paths in your environment and still see the same error, the
    environment variable(s) may be misspelled. For example, if it is spelled
    REPORT60_PATH instead of REPORTS60_PATH.

    Problem Description 3 - Memory Problems:

    FRM-41211 "Integration error -- SSL failure running another product." when

    Solution Description 3:

    Integration errors are most commonly caused by memory resource problems. This
    type of error can also occur if you do not have enough REAL ( CONVENTIONAL )
    memory necessary to launch Reports or Graphics.

    A general recommendation is 8 MB of Memory for one runtime component and 3 MB
    for each additional Runtime you want to run concurrently. 16 MB of memory are
    recommended for one Designer Component and an additional 4MB for each Designer
    you want to run concurrently.

    For example:
    You are running a form from the Oracle Forms Designer, and this form calls
    Oracle Graphics using RUN_PRODUCT. Thus, you have one Designer component
    open, one Forms Runtime component open, and one Graphics Runtime component
    open. This would require approximately 16 MB + 3 MB + 3 MB = 22 MB of memory.

    Also, the sheer quantity of memory is not the only important resource. It is
    also important to have sufficient low memory, which is the special region of
    memory which is located just below one megabyte of memory.

    Using Personal Oracle:

    If you are also using Personal Oracle with your Forms application, then there
    are additional memory resources involved. For example, if you are using Personal
    Oracle with PL/SQL installed, you need a minimum of 16 MB of RAM. A minimum of
    8 MB of RAM is required if PL/SQL is not installed. Thus if the forms example
    above requires 22 MB of memory, 38 MB of memory would be necessary if Personal
    Oracle7 was also used. The memory requirements may change depending on the
    version of Personal Oracle.

    Solution Explanation 3:

    RUN_PRODUCT and OG.OPEN invoke another runtime executable. Your PC must have
    an adequate amount of available RAM to run Forms, as well as the runtime of
    the product you are integrating. Memory requirements for Personal Oracle7 are
    over and above the memory needed to run the tools.

    Also note that even though your PC may have a large amount of total RAM
    available, there still may not be enough real memory available to start another
    Windows task.

    Additional Information:

    Oracle Documentation:
    Oracle Forms 4.0 Installation Guide for Windows,
    System Requirements

    Oracle CDE2 Installation Guide for Windows,
    System Requirements

    Oracle Developer/2000 Installation Guide for Windows,
    System Requirements

    Personal Oracle7 Version 7.1 for Windows, Installation and User's Guide,
    System Requirements

    Problem Description 4 - Incompatible Report/Graphics Version:

    The FRM-41211 "Integration error -- SSL failure running another product." can
    also occur if you have an incompatible version of the reports/graphics installed

    Solution Description 4:

    1. FRM-41211 will occur if you try to integrate Forms with an incompatible
    version of Graphics, Reports or Book.

    Make sure that you have properly installed the Oracle Graphics, Oracle
    Reports and Oracle Book version that is compatible with the Oracle Forms
    version that you are running.

    If you are unsure of what versions of the Tools are compatible with your
    Oracle Forms version, use the Oracle Installer to see the product versions
    of Reports, Graphics and Book that came with Forms.

    If you have upgraded and regenerated your Forms application files, make
    sure you have also upgraded and regenerated the Graphics, Reports and
    Book application files that you are invoking from Forms.

    For example:

    If you are running Forms 4.0.13, then you must have the compatible CDE1
    Production 3 tools installed to integrate them with Forms using
    RUN_PRODUCT. The CDE1 Production 3 Tool Set is:

    Forms 4.0.13.X
    Reports 2.0.14.X
    Graphics 2.0.10.X
    Book 2.0.X

    If you are running Forms, then you must have the compatible
    Developer/2000 Release 1.2 tools installed to integrate them with Forms
    using RUN_PRODUCT or OG.OPEN. The Developer/2000 Release 1.2 Tool Set is:

    Book 2.2.X

    If you try to issue a RUN_PRODUCT( REPORTS ) command from Oracle Forms and only Oracle Reports 2.0.14 is installed, you will get an
    integration error. RUN_PRODUCT is trying to invoke Oracle Reports 2.5, but
    it is not installed. You would need to install Oracle Reports to
    issue a RUN_PRODUCT( REPORTS ) command from Oracle Forms

    2. Set up the correct paths in the ORACLE.INI (16 bit) file or the registry (32
    bit Windows) or the environment variables (UNIX).

    The forms application will look for the module or document in the default
    paths defined for the called product. If you do not specify a hardcoded
    path when you specify the document parameter, then you must make sure the
    applicable path environment variables are defined for your system.

    --------- ----------------- ---------------------
    Forms Prior to 4.0.13 FORMS40_PATH
    Forms 4.0.13 FORMS_PATH
    Forms 4.5 FORMS45_PATH
    Forms 5.0 FORMS50_PATH
    Forms 6.0 FORMS60_PATH

    Graphics 2.0 GRAPHICS_PATH
    Graphics 2.5 GRAPHICS25_PATH
    Graphics 3.0 GRAPHICS30_PATH
    Graphics 6.0 GRAPHICS60_PATH

    Reports 2.0.12 and 2.0.13 RW20_PATH
    Reports 2.0.14 REPORTS_PATH
    Reports 2.5 REPORTS25_PATH
    Reports 3.0 REPORTS30_PATH
    Reports 6.0 REPORTS60_PATH

    Book 2.2 BOOK2_DIR

    See your product Installation Guide documentation for information on the
    default paths used by Forms, Graphics, Reports and Book for your operating

    Solution Explanation 4:

    You cannot specify the executable that RUN_PRODUCT will invoke. By default,
    RUN_PRODUCT will attempt to invoke the versions of Graphics, Reports, or Book
    that is in the same toolset as the Oracle Forms version. If you have upgraded
    Oracle Forms, you must also upgrade the tools you are trying to integrate with
    Forms so that all versions are compatible. Make sure all application files
    for all products involved that have been upgraded, have also been regenerated
    in the new version of the tool.

    Additional Information:

    Oracle Documentation:
    Installation Guide for Windows ( product specific )

    Oracle Forms 4.0 Reference Manual, Volume 1
    Chapter 3, Built-in Routines

    Oracle Forms 4.5 Reference Manual, Volume 1,
    Chapter 3, Built-in Routines

    Oracle Support Bulletins:
    Problem Description 5 - LAN Installation of Developer:

    You are using a Windows platform using a LAN install (the Oracle products are
    installed on a network drive). When you issue the RUN_PRODUCT built-in to call
    Oracle Reports from Oracle Forms, the following error occurs:
    FRM-41211: Integration error -- SSL failure running another product.

    Running the report stand-alone can result in the following error:
    REP-118 : Unable to create a temporary file.

    Note 73736.1 Installing Developer on a LAN - Is This Supported?
    for details.

    Solution Description 5:

    1. Set the REPORTSXX_TMP environment variable to a directory
    that the user has write privileges to and that has plenty
    of disk space. The 16-bit tools use the oracle.ini file.
    The 32-bit tools use the registry (See the solution of
    Note 1020823.6 for step-by-step instructions of how to edit
    the registry).

    16-bit Developer/2000
    Create and set the REPORTS25_TMP environment variable
    in the ORACLE.INI file:


    32-bit Developer/2000
    Create and set the REPORTSXX_TMP value using the Registry Editor.

    2. Check the working directory of the Oracle Forms icon. Verify that the user
    has write privileges on the directory and that there is plenty of disk space.

    3. Make sure the user has read privileges to the %ORACLE_HOME%/bin directory.

    Solution Explanation - 5:

    Oracle Reports sometimes needs to create temporary files. If you
    do not set the REPORTSXX_TMP environment variable, Oracle Reports
    resorts to creating temporary files in the working directory.

    Additional Information:
    Note 1020823.6 WIN95,WINNT: REP-0756, REP-0118 RUNNING REPORTS IN 32BIT


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