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Outils Delphi Discussion :

[Inno Setup] Nouvelle release : v5.5.8

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    Par défaut [Inno Setup] Nouvelle release : v5.5.8
    La version 5.5.8 de Inno Setup est publiée (avec un peu de retard )

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    Mise à jour avec la bêta de la version 5.3.0
    sjrd, ancien rédacteur/modérateur Delphi.
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    Sortie de la version 5.3.4

    5.3.4 (2009-08-15)
    • On Windows 7 the Compiler IDE now displays a progress indicator on its taskbar button.
    • Pascal Scripting: Documented function IDispatchInvoke, which can be used to access a COM Automation property or method whose name is a reserved word.
    • Unicode Inno Setup fixes:
      • [Registry] section entries with ValueType set to binary did not set the correct value.
      • Pascal scripting: setting a COM Automation property or method parameter to a Unicode string variable caused an 'Invalid Type' error.
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    Sortie de la version 5.3.5.
    sjrd, ancien rédacteur/modérateur Delphi.
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    Sortie de la version 5.3.6 ( date de sortie le 14/11/2009)

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    Sortie de la version 5.3.7 (date de sortie le 06/01/2010)

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    Sortie de la version 5.3.8 (2010-02-18)

    • Added new [Setup] section directive: UsePreviousLanguage. When this directive is yes, the default, at startup Setup will look in the registry to see if the same application is already installed, and if so, it will use the language of the previous installation as the default language selected in the list of available languages on the Select Language dialog. Note that this directive does not change the language used by the Select Language dialog itself because it cannot assume that the current user understands the same languages as the previous user. UsePreviousLanguage must be set to no when AppId includes constants.
    • On Windows Vista and newer, Uninstall no longer blocks system shutdown until the uninstallation has actually started. This should make the Windows 7 Logo Kit (which wrongly tests any .exe in the application directory including the uninstaller) happy when it tries to shutdown an Uninstall sitting on its confirmation prompt.
    • On Windows NT and newer, PrivilegesRequired=lowest now has an additional effect: the uninstall info root key will always be HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and the "common" forms of the Shell Folder constants are always mapped to the "user" forms, even if administrative privileges are available.
    • [Setup] section directive CreateUninstallRegKey may now be set to a boolean expression, which may contain calls to check functions. For example: CreateUninstallRegKey=not IsTaskSelected('portablemode'). See the CreateUninstallRegKey documentation for details.
    • The Preparing to Install wizard page now offers the user an option to directly reboot instead of just saying a reboot is needed. To trigger this option from a PrepareToInstall event function set its new NeedsRestart parameter to True.
    • In the MinVersion and OnlyBelowVersion directives and parameters, .x is now treated the same as .0x when a major version of 5 or higher is specified. Thus, you now have the option of using either 5.01 or 5.1 to specify Windows XP. However, to maintain compatibility with existing scripts, 4.x will still be interpreted as 4.x0.
    • Pascal Scripting: Added new PageIndexFromID support function.
    • The online documentation available at now has an index and is searchable.
    • QuickStart Pack changes:
    • The uninstall program's version is now 51.(10)51.0.0.
    • Minor tweaks.

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    Sortie de la version 5.3.9.

    • For better appearance on Windows 7 and Vista when ClearType is enabled, Tahoma is the new default font used by Setup and Uninstall. A new [Setup] section directive DefaultDialogFontName has also been added to make it easy to override the default dialog font for all languages that do not have a custom DialogFontName setting. If you would like to revert to the dialog font used in previous versions of Inno Setup (Microsoft Sans Serif if available, else MS Sans Serif), set DefaultDialogFontName to an empty string (DefaultDialogFontName=).
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: DisableWelcomePage to hide the Welcome wizard page. Doing so is recommended by the Aero wizard guidelines. Additionally, the ShouldSkipPage event function is now also called for wpWelcome.
    • When Setup is not running silently, the Ready To Install wizard page now ignores attempts to skip it when no other wizard page before it has been shown yet.
    • Added LZMA2 compression support:
      • Updated the LZMA SDK compression code to version 9.10 which adds support for LZMA2 compression. LZMA2 is a modified version of LZMA that offers a better compression ratio for uncompressible data (random data expands about 0.005%, compared to 1.35% with original LZMA), and optionally can compress multiple parts of large files in parallel, greatly increasing compression speed but with a possible reduction in compression ratio. LZMA2 compression may be activated by setting the Compression [Setup] section directive to lzma2, and lzma2 is now also the default value.

    • Added various new [Setup] section directives with names that start with LZMA to fine-tune LZMA and LZMA2 compression parameters, including LZMADictionarySize which allows the LZMA dictionary size to be increased up to 256 MB from the previous maximum of 64 MB. Review the memory requirements listed in the Compression topic before using.
    • Tweaked the JMP/CALL instruction optimization algorithm for slightly better compression of executable files. (On Inno Setup's own installer, this saved about 2 KB.)
    • Improved compression of x64 executable files: just like for x86 executable files, JMP/CALL instruction optimization is now performed for x64 executable files. On average, this will reduce the compressed size of x64 executable files by 2-3%.
    • [Setup] section directive DiskSliceSize can now be set to max, and max is now also the default value.
    • Windows 7 change: The Compiler IDE is now pinnable. Also, files that are opened via the Welcome dialog, MRU list, and drag & drop now get added to the Jump List.
    • Windows 7 and Vista changes:
      • Before deleting a pinned shortcut, Uninstall now automatically removes it from the current user's Start menu pinned list and on Windows 7 also from the taskbar.
      • Changed the icon that is shown on Select Start Menu Folder wizard page. Previously, it used the same icon as the preceding Select Destination Location page, but that was never really the intention.
      • When Setup and Uninstall respawn for elevation, any SUBST'ed drives in the EXE filename are now expanded before the respawn, since the elevated user will not retain the original user's SUBST mappings. Fixes error seen when starting Setup from a SUBST'ed drive.

    • Setup now uses the SHA-1 algorithm instead of MD5 for file checksums and various internally-used hashes.
    • Pascal Scripting: Added support functions GetSHA1OfString, GetSHA1OfUnicodeString, and GetSHA1OfFile.
    • QuickStart Pack: Added ISPP functions GetSHA1OfString, GetSHA1OfUnicodeString, and GetSHA1OfFile.
    • [Icons] section parameter AppUserModelID is now also used on Windows Server 2008 R2.
    • In Setup's version info text fields, "(C)" is now automatically replaced with real copyright symbols ("©").
    • Unicode Inno Setup: Added workaround for upstream Delphi bug that could cause Setup (versions 5.3.6 to 5.3.8) to display a "Stream read error" error message at startup on Windows 2000 systems that did not have Service Pack 4 installed.
    • Compiler IDE change: the Tools | Configure Sign Tools... dialog now allows editing of existing Sign Tools.
    • The uninstall program's version is now 51.(10)52.0.0.
    • Minor tweaks.
    sjrd, ancien rédacteur/modérateur Delphi.
    Auteur de Scala.js, le compilateur de Scala vers JavaScript, et directeur technique du Scala Center à l'EPFL.
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    Sortie de la version 5.3.10

    • Added .NET Framework 4.0 support:
      • Added constants {dotnet40}, {dotnet4032}, and {dotnet4064}. An exception will be raised if an attempt is made to expand these constants on a system with no .NET Framework version 4.0 present.
      • [Files] section flag gacinstall can now be used on .NET Framework 4.0 assemblies too.

    • Windows 7 changes:
      • [Icons] section flag foldershortcut is now ignored when running on Windows 7 (or later), as folder shortcuts do not expand properly on the Start Menu anymore.

    • [Setup] section directive changes:
      • When SignedUninstaller is set to yes, any temporary self-copies used by Setup are now digitally signed too.
      • Uninstallable may now be set to a boolean expression, which may contain calls to check functions. For example: Uninstallable=not IsTaskSelected('portablemode'). See the Uninstallable documentation for details.
      • AppVerName is no longer required if AppVersion is specified. It will now effectively default to: {cm:NameAndVersion,[AppName],[AppVersion]}. The Compiler IDE's New Script Wizard now also asks for an AppVersion instead of an AppVerName.
      • If a text VersionInfo* directive is set to an empty string (as opposed to not being specified), then the version info field is really set to an empty string now, instead of forcing a default value.
      • VersionInfoProductTextVersion now defaults to VersionInfoProductVersion if set, else AppVersion if AppVersion is set and does not include constants, else VersionInfoTextVersion.

    • Unicode Inno Setup: an issue with the taskbar button re-appearing on /VERYSILENT installs has been fixed.
    • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 228.
    • Minor tweaks.
    sjrd, ancien rédacteur/modérateur Delphi.
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    Sortie de la version 5.3.11 (merci à Eric2a pour l'avoir signalé ici).

    * QuickStart Pack: Now offers to download and install InnoIDE instead of ISTool. InnoIDE is an easy to use Inno Setup Script editor by Graham Murt and meant as a replacement of the standard Compiler IDE that comes with Inno Setup. Using InnoIDE is especially recommended for new users. Note: unlike ISTool, InnoIDE supports Unicode scripts.
    * Unicode changes:
    o Previously, if a Unicode installer included translations for both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese using the language IDs $0404 (Taiwan) and $0804 (PRC), a user running under another Traditional Chinese language ID—such as $0C04 (Hong Kong)—could have incorrectly received the Simplified Chinese translation by default if it was listed first in the script's [Languages] section. Now, like the ANSI version of Setup, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese are treated as completely separate languages. Thus, provided other options are available, Simplified Chinese will not be considered for selection as the default language on Traditional Chinese systems, and vice versa.
    o Compiler IDE editor updated to the latest UniSynEdit version. This fixes the extra empty line appearing at the end of scripts when first saved.
    o Ctrl+V/Esc/etc. are no longer intercepted by the Compiler IDE's main window while the Find dialog has the focus.
    o Based on RemObjects Pascal Script SVN code revision 233. This fixes GetExceptionMessage always returning "(There is no current exception)" on Unicode.
    * Compiler IDE: Added new Build | Open Output Folder command.
    * In certain cases, applications started via postinstall nowait [Run] entries did not come to the foreground (top of the Z-order) as expected. This could occur if Setup exited before the spawned process(es) were able to initialize, causing Windows to bring the window that was underneath Setup in the Z-order to the foreground instead. Now, when postinstall nowait [Run] entries are processed, Setup will wait briefly (up to one second) before exiting for another process to bump Setup from the foreground.
    * To help protect applications against potential DLL preloading attacks, Setup now always specifies a working directory on shortcuts it creates. If a WorkingDir parameter is not specified or is blank, Setup will try to extract a directory name from the Filename parameter. If for some reason that fails, the working directory will be set to {sys}.
    * To help protect installers against potential DLL/EXE preloading attacks, Setup/Uninstall now calls SetDllDirectory to remove the current directory from the DLL search order, and SetSearchPathMode to prevent SearchPath and CreateProcess from searching the current directory before system directories.
    * If the Filename parameter of a [Run]/[UninstallRun] entry or Exec/ShellExec call does not include a path, and a WorkingDir value is not provided, Setup/Uninstall will now specify a known-safe default (currently {sys}) for the process's initial current directory, instead of allowing the process to inherit Setup/Uninstall's current directory. You should not rely on this behavior, however; it is best to always specify a path in the Filename parameter.
    * When an Open or Save common dialog is dismissed, the current directory is now restored to its original value.
    * Updated bzip2 library to version 1.0.5.
    * Minor tweaks.

  12. #12
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    Nouvelle version 5.4 du 31 Octobre 2010 :

    * Compiler IDE changes:
    o The editor component has been changed from SynEdit to Scintilla.
    o Autocompletion support has been added to all sections except for [Messages], [CustomMessages], and [Code].
    o Brace highlighting has been added to all sections.
    o Syntax errors are now underlined during editing. (Support for the [Code] section is limited.)
    o Constants are now highlighted.
    o Variable-pitch fonts may now be selected as the editor font.
    o ISPP inline directives ({#...}) are now consistently highlighted in all contexts.
    o Zooming is now supported.
    o Added new options: Word wrap (default: off), Auto indent mode (default: on), Show indentation guides (default: off), Invoke autocomplete automatically (default: on), Underline syntax errors (default: on), and Use tab character (default: off).
    * Setup now instructs edit controls which are used to input a file or folder name to use AutoComplete to help complete file system paths.
    * On disk space checks, Setup now queries the nearest volume mount point rather than the root.
    * The default directory and Start Menu folder names specified via the /DIR=, /GROUP=, and /LOADINF= command line parameters now may include an "expand:" prefix which instructs Setup to expand any constants in the name. For example: /DIR="expand:{pf}\My Program".
    * Pascal Scripting changes:
    o TNewProgressBar: Added new Style and State properties. See the CodeClasses.iss example script for an example.
    o TBitmapImage: Added new OnClick and OnDblClick properties. See the CodeClasses.iss example script for an example.
    * QuickStart Pack changes:
    o All ISPP functions that take filenames have been changed to interpret the filenames as relative to SourcePath instead of the current directory with the exception of Exec, ReadIni, and WriteIni, as they already have their own established handling of relative filenames.
    o ISPP directive #include no longer searches the current directory.
    * Dropped Itanium-specific 64-bit support for the [Files] section's regtypelib flag and the [Registry] section's Permissions parameter. These features depended on an Itanium-specific "helper" binary, which we no longer have the ability to test or build. (x64 support for these features is unaffected.)
    * Updated bzip2 library to version 1.0.6.
    * Minor tweaks.

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    Sortie de la version 5.4.1 :

    • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes:
      • ISPP is now an official part of Inno Setup and is included in the standard Inno Setup installer instead of only being included in the QuickStart Pack installer.
      • It is now possible to enable ISPP preprocessing on .isl files by adding a line saying #preproc ispp at the top of the .isl file.
      • With the exception of Exec, ReadIni, and WriteIni, all ISPP functions that take filenames have been changed to interpret the filenames as relative to SourcePath instead of the current directory. Additionally, these functions, the #include directive, and the #file directive now support prefix expansion (e.g. 'compiler:') in filenames.
      • The #include directive no longer searches the current directory.
      • Builtins.iss has been renamed to ISPPBuiltins.iss.
      • The Compiler IDE no longer displays a separate ISPP version number in its title bar.

    • Compiler IDE changes:
      • The Edit | Replace | Replace All command now actually replaces all occurrences, instead of doing a Delphi-style "From Cursor" replacement. Also it now counts all replacements as a single undo action and shows how many occurrences were replaced.
      • Unicode change: Added a new File | Save Encoding submenu. It now defaults to preserving the UTF-8 BOM of existing files, even if the UTF-8 encoding isn't really needed.

    • Unicode change: Added support for Unicode characters in DLL filenames (not specified directly in the script, but returned by constants like {app}). This fixes the "Cannot Import" error seen with for example the CodeDll.iss example script when uninstalling from an {app} path containing non-ANSI characters.
    • Two new Setup exit codes related to the Preparing to Install stage were added. See the help file for more information.
    • Minor tweaks.
    sjrd, ancien rédacteur/modérateur Delphi.
    Auteur de Scala.js, le compilateur de Scala vers JavaScript, et directeur technique du Scala Center à l'EPFL.
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    Nouvelle version 5.4.2
    • Windows 7 change:
      • Added new [Icons] section flag: excludefromshowinnewinstall. Prevents a Start menu entry for a newly installed application shortcut from receiving a highlight on Windows 7 (or later). Ignored on earlier Windows versions.
    • Compiler IDE change:
      • Changed shortcut for Edit | Complete Word to Alt+Right (but still recognize Ctrl+Space). Reportedly, Ctrl+Space conflicts with the Chinese IME.
    • Fixes:
      • Inno Setup Preprocessor: #include handling of '.\' and '..\' now treats such filenames as relative to the directory containing the current file, not to the current directory (which is undefined).
      • On the 5.4.1 Unicode compiler, trying to build a multi-language installer while running under a DBCS code page could unexpectedly result in "Illegal null character" errors.
      • On Unicode, string-type parameters passed to BeforeInstall and AfterInstall functions were being converted to ANSI.
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    Nouvelle version (20.12.2011) :

    • QuickStart Pack: Now offers to download and install Inno Script Studio (*) besides InnoIDE.
    • Setup now only allows the "Don't create a Start Menu folder" check box to suppress the creation of shortcuts under {group}. Previously, it would also suppress the creation of shortcuts in other locations, such as {userstartup}, on entries that lacked a Tasks parameter.
    • Setup now doesn't count files with Tasks/Check parameters when calculating the disk space shown at the bottom of the Select Components page.
    • Improved throughput of external file copying on some devices.
    • On Unicode, Setup now supports Rich Edit 4.1 when available.
    • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes:

      • Documentation improvements: Added the functions available from ISPPBuiltins.iss to the help file.
      • #ifexist/#ifnexist: For consistency with ISPP functions, prepend SourcePath if the filename is relative, and also support prefix expansion.
      • ReadReg: Now only requests KEY_QUERY_VALUE access on the key. Previously, it requested KEY_ALL_ACCESS.

    • The Inno Setup source code is now also available as a Git repository at GitHub. This should make it easier to contribute to Inno Setup, see GitHub Help - Fork A Repo for more info.
    • Added official Serbian (both Latin and Cyrillic) and Ukrainian translations.
    • Minor tweaks.

    (*) Inno Script Studio
    New intuitive graphical interface for generating and compiling scripts for the award winning Inno Setup compiler from Jordan Russell.

  16. #16
    Avatar de ero-sennin
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    Nouvelle version 5.5.0 datant du 29/05/2012 !

    Voici les nouveautés :
    • Non-Unicode Inno Setup OS requirements change: Windows 95, 98, Me, and NT 4.0 are no longer supported. Like the Unicode version, Windows 2000 is now the minimum supported operating system.
    • The MinVersion and OnlyBelowVersion directives and parameters now require only a single version number. For example: MinVersion=5.1. For compatibility with previous versions of Inno Setup, separate Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT version numbers may still be specified, but these aren't used anymore.
    • On Windows Vista and newer, Setup now supports the Windows Restart Manager API to close and restart applications using files that need to be updated:
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: CloseApplications, which defaults to yes. If set to yes and Setup is not running silently, Setup will now pause on the Preparing to Install wizard page if it detects applications using files that need to be updated by the [Files] or [InstallDelete] section, showing the applications and asking the user if Setup should automatically close the applications and restart them after the installation has completed. If set to yes and Setup is running silently, Setup will always close and restart such applications, unless told not to via the command line (see below).
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: CloseApplicationsFilter, which defaults to *.exe,*.dll,*.chm. Controls which files Setup will check for being in use. Setting this to *.* can provide better checking at the expense of speed.
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: RestartApplications, which defaults to yes. Note: for Setup to be able to restart an application after the installation has completed, the application needs to be using the Windows RegisterApplicationRestart API function.
    • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS and /NORESTARTAPPLICATIONS. These can be used to overide the new CloseApplications and RestartApplications directives.
    • Added new [Code] support function: RmSessionStarted.
    • TWizardForm: Added new PreparingMemo property.
    • The Preparing to Install wizard page now also checks if one or more files specified in the [InstallDelete] section were queued (by some other installation) to be replaced or deleted on the next restart, making Setup stop on the page if it does. Previously it only checked files specified in the [Files] section.
    • Setup now additionally hides the Back and Next buttons while the PrepareToInstall [Code] event function is running. Previously it only disabled itself.
    • Added new [Setup] section directive: AllowNetworkDrive, which defaults to yes. If set to no, the user will not be allowed to enter a network drive on the Select Destination Location page of the wizard. Note: to fully disallow installation to network locations, you must also set AllowUNCPath to no.
    • Windows 7 changes:
    • Added new [Icons] section flag: preventpinning. Prevents a Start menu entry from being pinnable to Taskbar or the Start Menu on Windows 7 (or later). This also makes the entry ineligible for inclusion in the Start menu's Most Frequently Used (MFU) list. Ignored on earlier Windows versions. Contributed by Milan Burda via GitHub.
    • Windows 7 SP1 fixed the issue with EstimatedSize values in the Uninstall registry key and on Windows 7 SP1 or newer Setup now sets EstimatedSize even for sizes of 4GB or more.
    • Improved the "auto-retry" feature of the [Files] section: it now automatically retries even if the restartreplace [Files] section flag is used.
    • Pascal Scripting: Changed the InstallOnThisVersion support function to return a Boolean value. If an invalid version string is passed, an exception will be raised.
    • Added 128x128 and 256x256 sizes to the compiler and document icons, created by Motaz.
    • Some messages have been added and removed in this version. (View differences in Default.isl)
    • New messages: ApplicationsFound, ApplicationsFound2, CannotInstallToNetworkDrive, CannotInstallToUNCPath, CloseApplications, DontCloseApplications, InvalidParameter, SetupAlreadyRunning, ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp, ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp, StatusClosingApplications, StatusRestartingApplications, WindowsServicePackRequired, WindowsVersionNotSupported.
    • New custom messages: AutoStartProgramGroupDescription, AutoStartProgram, AddonHostProgramNotFound.
    • Removed messages: ToUNCPathname.
    • Note: only the official English and Dutch translations have been updated for these changes at this moment. See the Inno Setup Translations page for more information.
    • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes:
    • Added function DirExists.
    • The ISPP source code has been moved into the main Inno Setup source code repository.
    • Minor tweaks.

  17. #17
    Avatar de ero-sennin
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    Nouvelle version datant du 09/07/2012 !!!

    Voici les nouveautés :

    • Added official Greek translation.
    • Updated the official Catalan, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French (Standard), German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmal), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Serbian (Latin), Slovenian, Spanish, and Ukrainian translations for the changes introduced by the previous version.
    • Demoted the official Basque and Slovak translations to unofficial because of a lack of updates by the maintainers. To send updates yourself, see this post for what needs updating and use this form to send updates (or use GitHub). See the Inno Setup Translations page for more information.
    • Fix: The Preparing to Install wizard page's detection of files that need to be updated but are in use or queued (by some other installation) to be replaced or deleted on the next restart did not work for [Files] and [InstallDelete] entries with a Components or Tasks parameter.
    • Minor tweaks.

  18. #18
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    Par défaut
    5.5.2 (2012-10-08)
    • Added the Windows 8 "compatibility" section to the various manifest resources used by Inno Setup.
    • Added constants {userpf} and {usercf}. Only Windows 7 and later supports {userpf} and {usercf}; if used on previous Windows versions, they will translate to the same directories as {localappdata}\Programs and {localappdata}\Programs\Common.
    • Pascal Scripting: Added new RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResources event function and also added new RegisterExtraCloseApplicationsResource support function. These functions can be used to register extra files which Setup should check for being in-use.
    • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /CLOSEAPPLICATIONS and /RESTARTAPPLICATIONS. These can be used to override the CloseApplications and RestartApplications directives.
    • Decreased Unicode Inno Setup's size slightly. Contributed by Andreas Hausladen via GitHub.
    • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit 52291ffbfc14f3cf1a445f3e88c6902e13fbdf78.
    • Minor tweaks.
    Il existe 3 sortes de gens: ceux qui savent compter et ceux qui ne savent pas.

  19. #19
    Avatar de ero-sennin
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    Secteur : High Tech - Éditeur de logiciels

    Informations forums :
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    Par défaut
    Et hop, la nouvelle version est là (5.5.3) datant du 30/01/2013

    • Windows 8 change: [Icons] section flag excludefromshowinnewinstall now additionally prevents the new shortcut from being automatically pinned the Start screen.
    • Added new command line parameters supported by Setup: /HELP and /?. Cause Setup to display the list of accepted command line parameters in a message box, exiting with exit code 0 afterwards. Ignored if the UseSetupLdr [Setup] section directive was set to no.
    • Added new command line parameter supported by Inno Setup's own installer: /PORTABLE=1. Causes Inno Setup's own installer to not create an uninstaller nor an entry in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet. Also supported by QuickStart Pack's installer.
    • Added workaround for bug in 64-bit Windows which in some cases would cause Windows to display an error message when a user tries to change the icon of an installed shortcut.
    • Updated the compiler and document icons, created by Motaz.
    • Restart Manager: If Setup is not running silently and is unable to close all applications using files that need to be updated, it will now ask the user to abort, retry, or ignore. Previously it always ignored.
    • A message has been added in this version. (View differences in Default.isl)
    • New message: ErrorCloseApplications.
    • Added official Corsican and Nepali translations. The Nepali translation requires Unicode Inno Setup.
    • Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP) changes:
    • Added directive #redim to increase or decrease the dimension of an existing array variable.
    • Added function DimOf. Returns the dimension of the specified identifier.
    • Pascal Scripting changes:
    • Added new function: ExtractTemporaryFiles. This function is like ExtractTemporaryFile but supports wildcards and doesn't ignore directory information.
    • When ExtractTemporaryFile or ExtractTemporaryFiles extracts a file, this is now logged.
    • Unicode Inno Setup: Now has an Int64 type, supported by IntToStr. Also added new StrToInt64, StrToInt64Def, and GetSpaceOnDisk64 support functions.
    • If the Flags parameter of a [Files] entry includes isreadme and the entry also has a BeforeInstall or AfterInstall parameter, the BeforeInstall or AfterInstall functions will now only be called when the file is installed and no longer a second time when the file is viewed after the installation has completed.
    • [Setup] section directive VersionInfoProductTextVersion, which sets the textual product version value, is now truncated at 50 characters instead of 20. Contributed by Lukas Ais via GitHub.
    • The Inno Setup help file source code has been moved into the main Inno Setup source code repository.
    • Fix: [Setup] section directive CloseApplicationsFilter was partially case sensitive.
    • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit 31abd2925837d85a6965b5325e8fb7835ca73ea8.
    • QuickStart Pack: No longer offers to download and install InnoIDE (which is no longer maintained by its author) unless /ALLOWINNOIDE=1 is specified on the command line. If you're still using InnoIDE it is recommended you switch to Inno Script Studio (which QuickStart pack can download and install).
    • Minor tweaks.

  20. #20
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    2 411
    Par défaut Version 5.5.4

    5.5.4 (2013-10-13)

    • Added the Windows 8.1 "compatibility" section to the various manifest resources used by Inno Setup. This enables any check for the operating system version to get the real version number (6.3) instead of getting the same version number as it did in Windows 8 (6.2).
    • Compiler IDE: Added new option: Show line numbers in gutter (default: off).
    • Pascal Scripting changes:
      • Added new event function CurInstallProgressChanged, which you can use to monitor progress while Setup is extracting files, creating shortcuts, creating INI entries, and creating registry entries. See the help file and the CodeExample1.iss example script for more information. Contributed by TLama via GitHub.
      • WizardForm.BeveledLabel visibility is now automatically handled even if its caption was set from [Code].
    • Unicode [Code] based on RemObjects Pascal Script Git commit 538905910852bcbeef646f26592a973d15d3d5ec.
      Minor tweaks.

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