08/12/2009 :

Citation Envoyé par Baptiste Wicht Voir le message
La version finale de IntelliJ Idea 9 est maintenant disponible

Voici la liste finale des nouveautés : http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/whatsnew/index.html

Quelques screenshots : http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/index.html

Vous pouvez télécharger la version payante "Ultimate Edition" ainsi que la version libre "Community Edition" sur le site officiel.

Je vais essayer de faire une review dès que possible.

Voici le communiqué de presse :

Newest Release of the Famous IntelliJ IDEA Available to Public

Major release delivers rich set of significant new features, surprises with speed improvements

Prague, Czech Republic, December 8, 2009 — JetBrains®, the creators of intelligent, productivity-enhancing tools for software developers, have announced the public availability of IntelliJ IDEA 9, the newest version of its award-winning Java IDE.

Starting with version 9, IntelliJ IDEA is offered in two editions: Community Edition, free and open-source, and Ultimate Edition, encompassing 100% of the famous IntelliJ IDEA functionality.

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is the perfect choice for those working on pure Java/Groovy applications or doing Swing development. It has all the crown jewels of IntelliJ IDEA, including numerous refactorings and code inspections, coding assistance, debugging, TestNG and JUnit testing; CVS, Subversion and Git support, as well as Ant and Maven build integration.

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the full-featured commercial IntelliJ IDEA with a complete set of tools and integrations with the most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate — a must-have for effective Web and Java EE development. Some of the general features that set the Ultimate edition apart include tight Perforce, Rational ClearCase and Microsoft Team Foundation Server integration, Dependency Structure Matrix, advanced code manipulation with structural search and replace.

“We’re happy to make this latest release not only packed full of new functionality, but also impressive in terms of the IDE performance, especially startup speed,” said Sergey Dmitriev, JetBrains CEO. “IntelliJ IDEA 9 offers many great new features, such as support for Java EE 6, Spring 3.0, OSGi, Android, and Tapestry, as well as many productivity and usability improvements. We keep up with all the latest technology trends and enjoy close cooperation with our users, whose feedback and overall contribution helps us stay on the cutting edge.”

Key new features and improvements include:

• Much faster environment, with background indexing on startup
• Extensive Java EE 6 support
• Many productivity features in core Java functionality
• Best-of-breed PHP support, with dedicated debugger, PHPUnit, etc.
• Visual editor for defining the structure of project deliverables (.war, .ear archives, etc.)
• AIR support, ActionScript refactorings, and other Flex support improvements
• And much more

Review the new features in detail, and download your free 30-day trial, at http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/whatsnew/index.html?I90PR.

Download IntelliJ IDEA edition of your choice: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/?I90PR.

To buy or upgrade to IntelliJ IDEA 9 today, please visit http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/buy/index.html?I90PR.
Certains l'ont téléchargé (30 jours d'évaluation, étendu jusqu'au 1er octobre pour ceux qui possède une licence IntelliJ IDEA 8.x) et évalué certaines des nouvelles fonctionnalités ?

Peut-on considérer qu'IntelliJ aligne sa stratégie sur Eclipse et NetBeans pour se positionner sur le marché des EDI généralistes après avoir prouvé son efficacité auprès de la communauté Java ?

N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de votre avis concernant cette nouvelle version

Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez lire :

Voir aussi :
Revue de l'IDE Jetbrains Intellij Idea 8
Le groupe des Utilisateurs d'IntelliJ IDEA