pouvez vous me dire laquelle de ces deux requetes est la plus rapide, et pourquoi ?
j'utilise le BDE et FIREBIRD
select H.*,O.*
from hist H , operation O
where O.opr_id=H.opr_id
and H.his_date >= "09/19/2006"
and H.his_date < "10/20/2006"
and opr_id in (select opr_id from operation where opr_typref="IN")
and (opr_id not in (select B.opr_id from bonlivr B where B.opr_id=O.opr_id ) or opr_okblqte=1)
order by HIS_DATE desc
select H.*,O.*
from hist H , operation O
where O.opr_id=H.opr_id
and H.his_date >= "09/19/2006"
and H.his_date < "10/20/2006"
and O.opr_typref="IN"
and (O.opr_id not in (select opr_id from bonlivr) or O.opr_okblqte=1)
order by HIS_DATE desc