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| CONFIG = debug
CONFIG += release
CONFIG(release, debug|release):message(Release build!) #will print
CONFIG(debug, debug|release):message(Debug build!) #no print
contains( drivers, network ) {
# drivers contains 'network'
message( "Configuring for network build..." )
HEADERS += network.h
SOURCES += network.cpp
options = $$find(CONFIG, "debug") $$find(CONFIG, "release")
count(options, 2) {
message(Both release and debug specified.)
TARGET = helloworld
equals(TARGET, "helloworld") {
message("The target assignment was successful.")
exists( $(QTDIR)/lib/libqt-mt* ) {
message( "Configuring for multi-threaded Qt..." )
CONFIG += thread
if(linux-g++*|macx-g++*):CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
message("We are on Linux or Mac OS, and we are in debug mode.")
} |