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PureBasic Discussion :

PureBasic 4.70 bêta 1 est disponible

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  1. #1
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 4.70 bêta 1 est disponible
    Cette version est disponible sur votre compte.
    Elle est principalement axée sur OS X par l'ajout d'un nouveau framework cocoa. Il est disponible en version 32 bits et 64 bits.

    Les anciennes bibliothèques basées sur carbon restent disponibles en tant que sous système (dans les options du compilateur).

    La prochaine bêta devrait contenir de nouvelles fonctions 3D.

    Hi there,

    After quite a lot of work, here is the beta of the new version of PureBasic, mainly focused on OS X. It introduces full Cocoa support and a brand new x64 version. A lot of libraries have been reworked from scratch so don't panic if a lot of things are not working in this first beta. Feature wise, we plan to add some more 3D functions before the final 4.70 release, it will be done in a next beta. Priority is to iron out the Cocoa related bugs so we can move forward on other topics. We are very proud to finally have 64-bit support for all supported platforms, which is really a big achievement. Here is the changes:

    • Added: Cocoa support on OS X (now the default toolkit)
    • Added: 64-bit version of PureBasic for OS X
    • Added: Carbon subsystem for PowerPC and x86 version of PureBasic (use 'carbon' as subsystem to enable it)
    • Added: InitScintilla() on Linux and OS X avoid compilation issues (empty function)
    • Changed: SetModulePosition() is now in milliseconds, no more in pattern
    • Updated: Scintilla updated to 3.1.0
    • Updated: Expat updated to 2.1.0
    • Updated: libjpeg updated to 8.0d
    • Updated: ModPlug lib update to
    • Updated: Use of VC++ 2010 instead of VC++ 2005 to compile the Windows libraries (32-bit and 64-bit), resulting of better optimized code

    Cocoa'ified libraries:

    • 2DDrawing
    • Clipboard
    • Desktop
    • Dragdrop
    • Engine3D
    • Font
    • Gadget
    • Help
    • Image
    • Menu
    • Printer
    • Requester
    • Scintilla
    • Screen
    • StatusBar
    • Systray
    • ToolBar
    • Window

    Have fun and don't hesitate to report any bugs or inconsistencies you may encounter !

    The Fantaisie Software Team.
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  2. #2
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut
    ça n'a pas tardé, voila déjà la première bibliothèque écrite par un utilisateur de PureBasic dédiée à la version cocoa

    A lib to work with the Cocoa version of PureBasic. (The library is currently in beta status)

    x86 / x64 static library archive :
    source (a real mess) :

    Commands :

    • oAutorelease (Object)
    • oClass (ClassName.s)
    • oClassExists (ClassName.s)
    • oClassAddMethod (Class, Selector, Imp, Types.s)
    • oClassName (Object)
    • oCreateClass (Superclass, ClassName.s)
    • oDescription (Object)
    • oMsg (Receiver, Selector, ...)
    • oRegisterClass (Class)
    • oRelease (Object)
    • oRetain (Object)
    • oSel (Selector.s)

    • AppleScript (Script.s) - Execute AppleScript code.
    • BringGadgetToFront (GadgetID) - Bring gadget to front.
    • DoubleToNSNumber (Number.d) - Convert Double to NSNumber.
    • EnableFullScreenButton (WindowID) - Enable OSX 10.7+ full screen button.
    • NSApp () - Returns the application instance.
    • NSAutoreleasePool () - Returns a new autorelease pool.
    • NSNumberToDouble (Number) - Convert NSNumber to Double.
    • NSNumberToQuad (Number) - Convert NSNumber to Quad.
    • NSStringToString (String) - Convert NSString to String.
    • MacOSVersion () - Returns the OS version.
    • QuadToNSNumber (Number.q) - Convert Quad to NSNumber.
    • SendGadgetToBack (GadgetID) - Send gadget to back.
    • StringToNSString (String.s) - Convert String to NSString.
    Simple example enabling Full Screen button on OSX 10.7+
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    SoundName = StringToNSString("Purr")
    PurrSound = oRetain(oMsg(oClass("NSSound"), oSel("soundNamed:"), SoundName))
    If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 600, 340, "OSX 10.7+ Full Screen", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_SizeGadget | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
      Window = WindowID(0)
      ButtonGadget(0, 10, 10, 200, 30, "Print Window")
      oMsg(GadgetID(0), oSel("setSound:"), PurrSound)
        EventID = WaitWindowEvent()
        If EventID = #PB_Event_Gadget
          Select EventGadget()
            Case 0
              oMsg(Window, oSel("print:"), 0)   
      Until EventID = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
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  3. #3
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 4.70 beta 1.1 is out (OS X only)
    Une nouvelle version est disponible (uniquement pour OS X) . Elle corrige les principaux bogues déjà signalés pour permettre de poursuivre les tests.

    N'hésitez pas à signaler le moindre problème avant la sortie finale, c'est le moment ou jamais

    Just a quirk beta release with the fixed bugs included, to continue the bug hunt. Only the OS X packages have been uploaded, and the beta number is still '1'.

    Have fun,

    The Fantaisie Software Team.
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  4. #4
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    Par défaut PureBasic 4.70 beta 1.2 (OS X only)
    Une nouvelle beta est disponible sur votre compte. Elle corrige tous les bogues signalés, ce qui devrait vous permettre de poursuivre les tests de façon plus approfondie.

    N'hésitez pas à signaler le moindre problème avant la sortie finale, c'est le moment ou jamais

    Again, another quick beta release with the all fixed bugs included, to continue the bug hunt. Only the OS X packages have been uploaded, and the beta number is still '1'.


    The Fantaisie Software Team.
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    Par défaut [PB Cocoa] Methods, Tips & Tricks
    L'auteur de la bibliothèque signalée plus haut récidive en nous proposant cette fois-ci une discussion sur les trucs et astuces pour utiliser cocoa avec PureBasic.

    A thread for Methods, Tips & Tricks for the Cocoa version of PureBasic.
    The intention is to collect information from different threads and users in this thread, just like the "API list for Mac" thread.

    A little information :
    Cocoa is object oriented and works by sending a message to a receiver.
    The Objective-C language uses square brackets for this. For example to print a view it uses
    [myView print:sender];
    In this case, the receiver (object myView) is told to print itself and is informed the message was send by sender.
    In this case, print: is called the selector ( it selects the method to be used ).
    PureBasic doesn't support square brackets like this so low level C functions are required to use this message sending system.

    I created a user library to help with this viewtopic.php?f=19&t=50688 .
    If you prefer not to use a user library, simple tips will also work with importing the low level functions with ImportC

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    ImportC ""
      oClass(name.p-ascii) As "_objc_lookUpClass"
      oMsg(receiver, selector, arg1 = #Null, arg2 = #Null, arg3 = #Null) As "_objc_msgSend"
      oSel(name.p-ascii) As "_sel_registerName"
    The biggest difference is that the user library has debug functionality built in so that if you type something wrong and therefore end up with a non existing selector, it will tell you about it if you compile with the debugger turned on. The ImportC way will simply crash the application in such a case.

    A simple example to start with ...
    The PureBasic gadgets, are extensions of the NSView class ( ... SView.html ).
    This class has a method print: to print itself. So if you want to print a gadget, you can do it like this

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    oMsg(GadgetID(MyGadget), oSel("print:"), 0)
    Note that oSel("print:") needs to look up the selector in a table and returns a pointer.
    Therefore if you use certain selectors a lot, it's best to look them up once in the beginning of your application, store the return value in a global variable and use that for the rest of your application.
    The same goes for looking up classes like oClass("NSNumber") .

    Showing a visible ruler inside an EditorGadget

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    oMsg(GadgetID(MyEditorGadget), oSel("setRulerVisible:"), #True)
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  6. #6
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 4.70 beta 1.3 (OS X only)
    As the IDE was broken, we have re-uploaded a new version which should fix it.
    L'équipe PureBasic a bossé cette nuit pour sortir rapidement une nouvelle beta.
    La 1.3 (uniquement pour OS X) est disponible sur votre compte.
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  7. #7
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 4.70 beta 1.4 (OS X only)
    C'est la dernière bêta dédiée uniquement à OS X. Pratiquement tous les bogues sont corrigés, les quelques bogues qui restent ne sont pas bloquants et seront corrigés ultérieurement. La prochaine bêta comportera des nouvelles commandes 3D et la correction des bogues des autres OS (Windows et Linux).

    Vous pouvez télécharger cette version sur votre compte

    Hi again,

    This is the last 'quick beta' of the OS X cocoa series. We have reviewed tons of bugs of the OS X bug forums, some of them were fixed by new versions of commands, we fixed the remaining. We should have reach an usable state, the last issues will be solved quickly. The next beta will include new 3D commands and more bug fixes for other OS !

    Have fun,

    The Fantaisie Software Team.
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  8. #8
    Responsable Purebasic

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    Par défaut PureBasic 4.70 beta 1.5 (OS X only)
    Fred pensait avoir éradiquer tous les bogues mais il en restait encore un peu

    Une nouvelle bêta est disponible sur votre compte (OS X uniquement).

    Que les utilisateurs des autres systèmes patientent la prochaine bêta arrive

    Hi there,

    Well, i said 'last' for 1.4, but some important bugs raised since, so here we go with a new version. It should be more reliable overall, don't hesitate to report bugs as usual and a big thanks to all beta testers for their patience !

    The Fantaisie Software Team.
    Source de l'information
    Vous souhaitez participer à la rubrique PureBasic (tutoriels, FAQ, sources) ? Contactez-moi par MP.

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