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Powerpoint Discussion :

Gérer une image GIF dans mon diaporama

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  1. #1
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    Par défaut Gérer une image GIF dans mon diaporama
    Bonjour ,

    Je souhaiterai pour mon diaporama faire en sorte que lorsque l'on veut (au clic de la souris) l’animation ci-dessous démarre et l'arrête au clic suivant.

    Nom : Radial_engine_large.gif
Affichages : 8866
Taille : 751,7 Ko

    Merci d'avance

  2. #2
    Membre expert Avatar de QuestVba
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    attention que souvent le gif est transformé en simple image. Donc, il faut :

    PowerPoint makes pictures blurry or unsharp, loses GIF animation

    When you save presentations in PowerPoint 2007/2010/2011(Mac)/2013 then open them again in any version, the pictures in your presentation are blurry or less sharp than when you first inserted them.

    In some cases, your animated GIFs may lose their animation.

    The same thing happens in Word 2007/2010/2013 and the fix is the same.


    PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 have an option to automatically compress images when you save the presentation. That's a good thing.

    This option is turned on by default. And that can be a bad thing. Programs should never, ever throw away a user's data without asking for permission first, but that's exactly what PowerPoint does.

    Worse, when PowerPoint compresses an animated GIF, the animations are lost.

    And even worse, it's hard to find the dialog box where you can turn this "feature" off.

    And ... are we having fun yet? ... turning compression off applies only to the current presentation. You have to change the option for every presentation you work on.

    If you've already inserted any pictures, be sure to turn compression of BEFORE you save your presentation. Otherwise it'll be too late. Your pictures will be compressed when you save. Here's how:

    To turn compression off (but only for the current presentation) in PowerPoint 2007:

    Choose File, Save As.
    In the Save As dialog box click Tools.
    Choose Compress Pictures.
    On the Compress Pictures dialog box, click Options.
    On the Compression Settings dialog box that appears, remove the checks next to "Automatically perform basic compression on save" and "Delete cropped areas of
    Optionally remove the check next to "Delete cropped areas of pictures".
    Click OK to dismiss the Compression Settings dialog box.
    Click OK to dismiss the Compress Pictures dialog box.
    Back in the Save As dialog box, you can either go ahead and save or cancel. The compression options you just set will be preserved either way.

    To turn compression off (but only for the current presentation) in PowerPoint 2010 or later:

    Choose File, Options
    Click Advanced
    Under "Image Size and Quality" remove the check next to "Discard editing data" and PUT a check next to "Do not comperss images in file". Yes, it IS confusingly worded.
    Click OK.

    A more thorough solution

    To really fix the problem, you'll need to edit the registry. The usual cautions apply: back up your PC first, be very careful, wash behind your ears ...

    Close Power Point
    Open registry editor (Start /Run and type Regedit)
    Go to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Options]. Change that "12.0" to "14.0" for PowerPoint 2010 or "15.0" for PowerPoint 2013.
    Create a new Dword value named AutomaticPictureCompressionDefault
    Make sure that the value of the new Dword is 0
    Close registry editor

    Now, by default, PowerPoint does not compress pictures. If we want to enable compression, go back to the same registry key and change the value from 0 to 1.

    Or if you use Mac PowerPoint 2011

    Instead of modifying the registry as above, you can modfy the Mac equivalent, the PowerPoint prefs file.

    Make sure PowerPoint is not running.
    Go to /Users/[myname]/Library/Preferences.
    Open the file in Property List Editor or other similar editor.
    Select ROOT then click Add Item.
    The name for the new item should be: 14\AutomaticPictureCompressionDefault
    The type should be Number
    The value should be 0
    Save the prefs file, start PowerPoint and test.

    Now, by default, PowerPoint does not compress pictures. If we want to enable compression, go back to the same part of the plist file and change the value from 0 to 1.

    Thanks to Marta Portela Maseda [Office MVP] for this tip, originally published on Fermu's Website. If you don't feel good about editing the registry, visit this site and click the text "reg file" and download the provided reg file. Doubleclick the reg file to make the needed registry edits automatically.

  3. #3
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    Vous parlez de fixe en mode création ou en mode diaporama ?

    de plus je vous remercie de me consacrer un peu de votre temps

  4. #4
    Membre expert Avatar de QuestVba
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    dès le départ certains gif perdent leur animation.

  5. #5
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    Par défaut
    L'animation est en route lorsque je suis en mode diaporama . Mais je peux pas géré son démarrage n son arrêt .

  6. #6
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    J'utiliserais un logiciel de retouche d'image pour ne garder qu'une vue du GIG (les GIF animés sont constitués de couches superposées) et j'alternerais, par les animations PPT, la vue fixe et la vue animée.

    Edit : voici la vue fixe Nom : Radial_engine_largeFixe.gif
Affichages : 2429
Taille : 67,3 Ko
    PowerQuery existe depuis plus de 13 ans, est totalement intégré à Excel 2016 &+. Utilisez-le !

    Quand un homme a faim, mieux vaut lui apprendre à pêcher que de lui donner un poisson.

    En cas de résolution, n'hésitez pas cliquer sur c'est toujours apprécié...

  7. #7
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    Merci beaucoup .

    A titre informatif , avec quel logiciel avez-vous fait ceci ?

  8. #8
    Expert éminent sénior

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    J'ai Photoshop Elements mais tout logiciel de retouches d'images gérant les calques peut le faire (on en trouve parmi les gratuits)
    PowerQuery existe depuis plus de 13 ans, est totalement intégré à Excel 2016 &+. Utilisez-le !

    Quand un homme a faim, mieux vaut lui apprendre à pêcher que de lui donner un poisson.

    En cas de résolution, n'hésitez pas cliquer sur c'est toujours apprécié...

  9. #9
    Membre expert Avatar de QuestVba
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    Pas mal non plus : GIMP

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