Bonjour à tous,

je travaille sur un plugin eclipse où je dois créer des wizards en SWT/Jface.
Dans ces wizards j'ai besoin d'enregistrer quelques informations qui ont été spécifiées par les utilisateurs au fur et à mesure. J'ai vu un exemple qui parle de cette partie, j'ai essayé de faire la même chose mais je suis perdu !!

If the user uses a wizard regularly, have the wizard remember some dialog settings so that the user does not have to key in certain information repeatedly. In the hotel reservation dialog, customer information such as name, phone number, and e-mail address should be saved after the wizard is closed and loaded when the wizard is opened again.

The JFace wizard framework has built-in support for dialog setting persistence. The IDialogSettings interface represents a storage mechanism for making settings persistent. You can store a collection of key-value pairs in such stores. The key must be a string, and the values can be either a string or an array of strings. If you need to store other primitive types, such as int and double, you store them as strings and use some convenient functions declared in the interface to perform conversion. The DialogSettings class is a concrete implementation of the IDailogSettings interface. A DialogSettings store persists the settings in an XML file.

Usually, the dialog settings should be loaded before the wizard is opened and they should be saved when the wizard is closed.
Est ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider sur ce point là en me précisant les grandes étapes à suivre.

merci d'avance