The Zend Framework team is pleased to announce the immediate
availability of the 1.8.2 release. This release is the second
maintenance release in the 1.8 series. Fixes for this release focus on
Zend_Db and autoloading improvements. In all, over 50 issues were closed
for the release.
With the introduction of Zend_Loader_Autoloader in 1.8.0, a number of
issues related to autoloading could finally be closed. All cases where
Zend_Loader::loadClass() was hard-coded into the framework were modified
to check for class_exists() first, to trigger the autoloader. This
should make writing custom adapters and plugins an easier task.
For a full list of closed issues, you can visit:
For those that follow Zend Framework closely, the above URL should look
quite new. One often requested feature for the website has been a
canonical changelog for each release. The changelog for the current
release may always be found at:
and contains a sidebar with changelogs by version. As we continue, we
will also add in release notes, including migration issues.
Many thanks to all the contributors who helped with this release: issue
reporters, documentation translators, and code contributors alike.
-- Matthew Weier O'Phinney