Depuis longtemps réclamé par la communauté, Adobe annonce aujourd'hui l'ouverture du protocole RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) utilisé principalement dans Flash Media Server et LiveCycle Data Services. Ce protocole est utilisé pour transférer en temps réel au Flash Player des flux de données, de son et de vidéo.
L'ouverture du protocole RTMP s'inscrit dans la stratégie globale de la plateforme Flash. Ses spécifications seront publiées par Adobe au cours du premier semestre 2009 sur le site Adobe Developer Connection.

L'accès libre au protocole RTMP pour les développeurs est une étape supplémentaire d'Adobe entrant dans le cadre de l'Open Screen Project, une initiative visant à exploiter des contenus riches et des applications web sur la majorité des écrans des terminaux (informatiques, mobiles, produits électroniques grand public).

Le communiqué de presse original :
Adobe to Open Flash Platform Messaging Protocol

Publishing RTMP Advances Open Screen Project

Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced plans to publish the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) specification, which is designed for high-performance transmission of audio, video, and data between Adobe® Flash® Platform technologies. Providing developers and companies open and free access to RTMP is the latest advancement of the Open Screen Project, an industry-wide initiative to enable the delivery of rich multi-screen experiences built on a consistent runtime environment for Web browsing and standalone applications across personal computers, mobile devices, and consumer electronics.

The RTMP specification is expected to be posted on the Adobe Developer Connection in the first half of 2009.

"With the RTMP specification, developers and companies will be able to provide users with optimized audio, video and data streaming, no matter what kind of device the user is on or where the content is coming from," said Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch. "Our ongoing commitment to openness is accelerating adoption of the Flash Platform by developers and resulting in a new generation of Web applications, content and video experiences that run reliably across operating systems and devices."

RTMP provides an enhanced and efficient way to deliver rich content. Developers and companies will have free and open access to the documented RTMP specification to help enable unparalleled delivery of video, audio and data in the open AMF, SWF, FLV and F4V formats compatible with Adobe Flash Player.

To benefit customers who want to protect their content, the open RTMP specification will not include Adobe's unique secure RTMP measures, nor will the license that accompanies the specification allow developers to circumvent such measures. However, developers will be free to use their own technological measures to secure content. The RTMP specification does not provide any requirement or restrictions on a developer's own measures to secure content.

The Open Screen Project is an initiative with 20 major industry partners who are working together to provide a consistent runtime environment for Web browsing and standalone applications — taking advantage of Adobe Flash

Player and, in the future, Adobe® AIR™. This consistent runtime environment will remove barriers to publishing Web content and rich applications across desktops, mobile phones, televisions, and other consumer electronics.

The Adobe Flash Platform is the de facto standard for delivering breakthrough applications, content and video on the Web. Adobe Flash Player is on over 98 percent of connected computers and delivers more than 80 percent of Web video worldwide, ensuring that content and applications are presented consistently in the format users want. For more information on the Adobe Flash Platform, please visit For more information on the Open Screen Project, please visit:

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