
je connais pas grand chose en python. je suis juste un débutant dans ce domaine.
j'ai récupérer un programme sur ce site :

quand je clique sur ou, il m'affiche une erreur :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\N\Desktop\WKS-KEYS\", line 9, in <module>
from pywidevine.L1.cdm import cdm, deviceconfig
File "C:\Users\N\Deskop\WKS-KEYS\pywidevine\L1\cdm\", line 10, in <module>
from pywidevine.L1.cdm.formats import wv_proto2_pb2 as wv_proto2
File "C:\Users\N\Desktop\WKS-KEYS\pywidevine\L1\cdm\formats\", line 33, in <module>
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\google\protobuf\", line 755, in __new__
TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly.
If this call came from a file, your generated code is out of date and must be regenerated with protoc >= 3.19.0.
If you cannot immediately regenerate your protos, some other possible workarounds are:
1. Downgrade the protobuf package to 3.20.x or lower.
2. Set PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python (but this will use pure-Python parsing and will be much slower).

More information:
ma version python : Python 3.10.6

Pouvez-vous me dire comment puis-je corriger ce problème? merci d'avance