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GTK+ avec C & C++ Discussion :

Télécharger GTK sous linux?

Sujet :

GTK+ avec C & C++

  1. #1
    Membre à l'essai
    Homme Profil pro
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    Septembre 2017
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    Âge : 19
    Localisation : France, Côtes d'Armor (Bretagne)

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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2017
    Messages : 14
    Points : 11
    Par défaut Télécharger GTK sous linux?
    Je suis sur un réseau local je ne peut pas utiliser sudo ... pour installer GTK et je ne vois pas souvent l'administrateur comment fair?

  2. #2

    Homme Profil pro
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    Par défaut

    si tu as une machine sous Linux ça m'étonnerait que GTK+ ne soit pas installé de base. Qu'est-ce que tu compte en faire au juste ? Juste utiliser des applications qui utilisent elle-mêmes GTK+ (et tu as besoin des bibliothèques dynamiques), ou tu veux développer une application GTK+ (et dans ce cas tu as besoin des entêtes) ?

  3. #3
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    Par défaut

    Anestaicha, puis-je reformuler ta situation ainsi ?

    Je souhaite installé Gtk+ sur une machine où:
    • Je n'ai pas les droit administrateur( root) .
    • Je n'ai pas accès à internet.
    • Il n'y a pas de repository sur mon intranet.
    • Je peu utiliser un support de stockage externe (CD, cle USB)

  4. #4
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    Âge : 19
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    Inscription : Septembre 2017
    Messages : 14
    Points : 11
    Par défaut
    J'ai acces a internet j'ai essayer de compiler gtk 2.0 mais sa ne marche pas

  5. #5
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    Par défaut
    Je veut utiliser gtk pour programmer (en langage C)

  6. #6
    Responsable Systèmes

    Homme Profil pro
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    Par défaut
    et tu as quoi comme erreur ?
    ça marche pas c'est un peu léger.

  7. #7
    Membre à l'essai
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    Par défaut
    En fait je met ./configur dans mon terminal j'est pas lu se qui etait mis j ai taper make comme l indique le redme et sa fait erreur aucun resultat n a ete trourne

  8. #8
    Responsable Systèmes

    Homme Profil pro
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    Localisation : France, Paris (Île de France)

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    43 821
    Par défaut
    Il faut lire les messages, ils donnent l'explication.

  9. #9
    Membre à l'essai
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    Par défaut
    Je lirai des que je pourais me connecter au college ( jeudi )
    je voulais savoir chez moi je tourne sous Archlinux et j ai installer la libgtk-dev2.0 avec pacman ( le gestionnair de paquet arch) est se que si je met le packet sur ma cle je pourai creer des programme avec gtk j ai dejas pose cette question sur le forum archlinux mais j ai eu aucune reponse merci

  10. #10
    Responsable Systèmes

    Homme Profil pro
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    43 821
    Par défaut
    C'est bien archlinux aussi au collège ? Sinon c'est pas valable

    pacman est fait pour télécharger en ligne. Mais tu devrais pouvoir récupérer les paquets dans ta machine dans /var/cache/pacman/pkg, puis lancer l'installation. Je n'utilise pas archlinux donc je suis pas sûr que ça fonctionnera.

    Par ailleurs pacman nécessitera des droits admin.

  11. #11
    Membre à l'essai
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    Inscription : Septembre 2017
    Messages : 14
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    Par défaut
    Voici sa qui se passe quand je lance configure
    sa me donne se message

    Package glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'glib-2.0' found Package atk was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `atk.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'atk' found Package pango was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pango.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pango' found
    configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.0.0 atk >= 1.0.0 pango >= 1.0.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
    C'est bien archlinux aussi au collège
    Se qui veut dire d’après google traduction

    Package glib-2.0 n'a pas été trouvé dans le chemin de recherche pkg-config. Vous devriez peut-être ajouter le répertoire contenant `glib-2.0.pc 'à la variable d'environnement PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Aucun paquet' glib-2.0 'trouvé. Atk paquet n'a pas été trouvé dans le chemin de recherche pkg-config. Peut-être devriez-vous ajouter le répertoire contenant `atk.pc 'à la variable d'environnement PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Aucun paquet' atk 'trouvé. Package pango n'a pas été trouvé dans le chemin de recherche de pkg-config. Peut-être devriez-vous ajouter le répertoire contenant `pango.pc 'à la variable d'environnement PKG_CONFIG_PATH Aucun paquet' pango 'trouvé
    configure: error: Les exigences de la bibliothèque (glib-2.0> = 2.0.0 atk> = 1.0.0 pango> = 1.0.0) ne sont pas satisfaites; pensez à ajuster la variable d'environnement PKG_CONFIG_PATH si vos bibliothèques sont dans un préfixe non standard afin que pkg-config puisse les trouver.

    Je ne comprend pas tres bien se que sa veut dir

    C'est bien archlinux aussi au collège

    et au collège on est sur linux mint


  12. #12

    Homme Profil pro
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    Par défaut
    Bon, déjà GTK+ 2 c'est le passé, GTK+ 3 est sorti depuis des années.
    Ensuite, si tu n'as pas les droits sudo, ça va être compliqué, tu as potentiellement besoin de plein de choses pour recompiler GTK+.
    Est-ce que tu n'aurais vraiment pas moyen de demander à l'administrateur de t'installer le paquet de développement pour GTK+ 3 et les outils de développement nécessaires ? Ce serait la solution la plus simple.

    Pourrais tu lister les paquets qui sont déjà installés, qu'on sache ce qui est disponible ? Pour cela, fais un copier-coller de ce que renvoie la commande:
    Ainsi que:
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    pkg-config --list-all | sort
    PS: Sinon il y a peut être moyen de passer par un runtime flatpack, et l'environnement de développement GNOME builder, mais je n'ai pas encore essayé cette méthode.

  13. #13
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    Par défaut
    Désolé je croie que mon terminal n'est pas assez grand pour montrez tout mais:

    ii mate-settings-daemon 1.6.1-1~mate1+maya daemon handling the MATE session settings (metapackage)
    ii mate-settings-daemon-common 1.6.1-1~mate1+maya daemon handling the MATE session settings (common files)
    ii mate-settings-daemon-pulse 1.6.1-1~mate1+maya daemon handling the MATE session settings (PulseAudio version)
    ii mate-system-monitor 1.6.1-1+maya Process viewer and system resource monitor for MATE
    ii mate-system-tools 1.6.0-1+maya Cross-platform configuration utilities for MATE
    ii mate-terminal 1.6.1-1.1+maya MATE terminal emulator application
    ii mate-terminal-common 1.6.1-1.1+maya MATE terminal emulator application (common files)
    ii mate-text-editor 1.6.0-2+maya official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (transitional package)
    ii mate-user-share 1.6.0-2+maya User level public file sharing via WebDAV or ObexFTP
    ii mate-utils 1.6.0-1+maya MATE desktop utilities
    ii mate-utils-common 1.6.0-1+maya MATE desktop utilities (common files)
    ii mate-vfs 1.4.0-1+precise MATE VFS userspace virtual filesystem
    ii mate-vfs-common 1.4.0-1+precise MATE VFS userspace virtual filesystem (common files)
    ii mate-window-manager 1.4.1-1+precise MATE lightweight GTK+ window manager (metapackage)
    ii mawk 1.3.3-17 a pattern scanning and text processing language
    ii mdm 1.4.11+maya MDM Display Manager
    ii media-player-info 16-1 Media player identification files
    ii medibuntu-keyring 2008.04.20 GnuPG key of the Medibuntu repository
    ii melt 0.7.6+git20120204-2 command line media player and video editor
    ii memtest86+ 4.20-1.1ubuntu1 thorough real-mode memory tester
    ii menu 2.1.46ubuntu1 generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications
    ii menu-xdg 0.5 menu compliant window manager scripts
    ii mesa-utils 8.0.1+git20110129+d8f7d6b-0ubuntu2 Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities
    ii metacity 1:2.34.1-1ubuntu11 lightweight GTK+ window manager
    ii metacity-common 1:2.34.1-1ubuntu11 shared files for the Metacity window manager
    ii mime-support 3.51-1ubuntu1.1 MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
    ii mint-artwork-common 1.4.8-maya2 Common artwork for Linux Mint editions
    ii mint-artwork-gnome 2.6.24 Default artwork for Linux Mint
    ii mint-artwork-mate 1.1.4 Default artwork for MATE
    ii mint-backgrounds-maya 1.2 The desktop backgrounds for Linux Mint 13 Maya
    ii mint-backgrounds-maya-extra 1.1 Extra desktop backgrounds for Linux Mint 13 Maya
    ii mint-common 1.1.1 Common scripts and resources for Linux Mint
    ii mint-info-mate 2012.05.02 Necessary information about the Linux Mint release and edition.
    ii mint-local-repository 1.0.7 Local repository for Linux Mint
    ii mint-mdm-themes 1.1.2 Linux Mint MDM Themes
    ii mint-meta-core 2012.05.20.1 Core Linux Mint packages
    ii mint-mirrors 1.1.5 Linux Mint Repository mirrors
    ii mint-search-addon 2015.12.18 Enhances the results given by Google
    ii mint-stylish-addon 1.0.5 Stylish add-on for Firefox
    ii mint-themes 1.0.8 Mint themes
    ii mint-translations 2013.11.26 Translation files for Linux Mint
    ii mint-x-icons 1.1.6 Mint-X Icon themes
    ii mintbackup 2.0.7 Home Directory Backup Tool
    ii mintdesktop 3.3.3 Desktop configuration tool
    ii mintinstall 7.5.2 Software Manager
    ii mintinstall-icons 1.0.7 Icons for the Software Manager
    ii mintmenu Advanced MATE menu
    ii mintmenu-keybinder 1.2 Keybinder for mintMenu
    ii mintnanny 1.4.3 Domain blocker for Linux Mint
    ii mintsystem 7.9.1 Linux Mint System Base Package
    ii mintupdate 4.5.6-1 Update Manager
    ii mintupload 3.9.4 Uploads files on the Internet
    rc mintwelcome 1.4.6 Welcome screen for Linux Mint
    ii mintwifi 2.0 Collection of drivers for you to configure your wireless card through ndiswrapper without co
    ii mlocate 0.23.1-1ubuntu2 quickly find files on the filesystem based on their name
    ii mobile-broadband-provider-info 20120410-0ubuntu1 database of mobile broadband service providers
    ii modemmanager D-Bus service for managing modems
    ii module-init-tools 3.16-1ubuntu2 tools for managing Linux kernel modules
    ii mono-4.0-gac Mono GAC tool (for CLI 4.0)
    ii mono-gac Mono GAC tool
    ii mono-runtime Mono runtime
    ii mount 2.20.1-1ubuntu3.1 Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
    ii mountall 2.36.4ubuntu0.1 filesystem mounting tool
    ii mousetweaks 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop
    ii mozo 1.6.0-1+maya easy MATE menu editing tool
    ii mscompress 0.3-3.1 Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
    ii mtools 4.0.12-1ubuntu0.12.04.1 Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
    ii mtr-tiny 0.80-1ubuntu1 Full screen ncurses traceroute tool
    ii multiarch-support 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 Transitional package to ensure multiarch compatibility
    ii myspell-en-au 2.1-5.3ubuntu1 English_australian dictionary for myspell
    ii myspell-en-gb 1:3.3.0-2ubuntu3 English_british dictionary for myspell
    ii myspell-en-za 1:3.3.0-2ubuntu3 English_southafrican dictionary for myspell
    ii mythes-en-au 2.1-5.3ubuntu1 Australian English Thesaurus for
    rc mythes-en-us 1:3.3.0-2ubuntu3 English Thesaurus for LibreOffice/
    rc mythes-fr 1:3.3.0-2ubuntu3 French Thesaurus for LibreOffice/
    ii nano 2.2.6-1 small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico
    ii ncurses-base 5.9-4 basic terminal type definitions
    ii ncurses-bin 5.9-4 terminal-related programs and man pages
    ii ncurses-term 5.9-4 additional terminal type definitions
    ii ndisgtk 0.8.5-1 graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers)
    ii ndiswrapper-common 1.57-1ubuntu1 Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper
    ii ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 1.57-1ubuntu1 Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper Linux kernel module
    ii net-tools 1.60-24.1ubuntu2 The NET-3 networking toolkit
    ii netbase 4.47ubuntu1 Basic TCP/IP networking system
    ii netcat-openbsd 1.89-4ubuntu1 TCP/IP swiss army knife
    ii netpbm 2:10.0-15 Graphics conversion tools between image formats
    ii network-manager network management framework (daemon and userspace tools)
    ii network-manager-gnome network management framework (GNOME frontend)
    ii network-manager-pptp network management framework (PPTP plugin core)
    ii network-manager-pptp-gnome network management framework (PPTP plugin GNOME GUI)
    ii notify-osd-icons 0.8~precise Notify-OSD icons
    ii nscd 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 Embedded GNU C Library: Name Service Cache Daemon
    ii ntfs-3g 1:2012.1.15AR.1-1ubuntu1.2 read/write NTFS driver for FUSE
    ii ntp 1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.11 Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs
    ii ntpdate 1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.11 client for setting system time from NTP servers
    ii nux-tools 2.14.1-0ubuntu1 Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - tools
    ii nvidia-common 1: Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers
    ii obex-data-server 0.4.6-0ubuntu1 D-Bus service for OBEX client and server side functionality
    ii obexd-client 0.44-0ubuntu1 D-Bus OBEX client
    ii odbcinst 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 Helper program for accessing odbc ini files
    ii odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 Support library for accessing odbc ini files
    ii openjdk-6-jre 6b41-1.13.13-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT
    ii openjdk-6-jre-headless 6b41-1.13.13-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)
    ii openjdk-6-jre-lib 6b41-1.13.13-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 OpenJDK Java runtime (architecture independent libraries)
    ii 0.6 Hyphenation patterns for
    ii openprinting-ppds 20120322-0ubuntu1 OpenPrinting printer support - PostScript PPD files
    ii openshot 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 Create and edit videos and movies
    ii openshot-doc 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 Help manual for OpenShot Video Editor
    ii openssh-client 1:5.9p1-5ubuntu1.10 secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines
    ii openssl 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.39 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools
    ii opera 12.16.1860-1linuxmint Fast and secure web browser and Internet suite
    ii os-prober 1.51ubuntu3 utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives
    ii p7zip 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4+deb7u2build0.12.04.1 7z file archiver with high compression ratio
    ii p7zip-full 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4+deb7u2build0.12.04.1 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio
    ii parted 2.3-8ubuntu5.2 disk partition manipulator
    ii passwd 1: change and administer password and group data
    ii patch 2.6.1-3ubuntu0.1 Apply a diff file to an original
    ii pavucontrol 0.99.2-1build1 PulseAudio Volume Control
    ii pax 1:20120216-1 Portable Archive Interchange (cpio, pax, tar)
    ii pciutils 1:3.1.8-2ubuntu6 Linux PCI Utilities
    ii pcmciautils 018-6 PCMCIA utilities for Linux 2.6
    rc pdfedit 0.4.5-2 Editor for manipulating PDF documents
    ii perl 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.5 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
    ii perl-base 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.5 minimal Perl system
    ii perl-modules 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.5 Core Perl modules
    ii pidgin 1:2.10.3-0ubuntu1.8 graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X
    ii pidgin-data 1:2.10.3-0ubuntu1.8 multi-protocol instant messaging client - data files
    ii pidgin-facebookchat 1.69-2ubuntu2 Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin
    ii pidgin-libnotify 0.14-4ubuntu10 display notification bubbles in pidgin
    ii pitivi 0.15.2-0ubuntu0.1 non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer
    ii pkg-config 0.26-1ubuntu1 manage compile and link flags for libraries
    ii pluma 1.6.0-2+maya official text editor of the MATE desktop environment
    ii pluma-common 1.6.0-2+maya official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (common files)
    ii plymouth 0.8.2-2ubuntu31.1 graphical boot animation and logger - main package
    ii plymouth-label 0.8.2-2ubuntu31.1 graphical boot animation and logger - label control
    ii plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text 0.8.2-2ubuntu31.1 graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
    ii pm-utils 1.4.1-9fix.ubuntu12.04 utilities and scripts for power management
    ii po-debconf 1.0.16+nmu2ubuntu1 tool for managing templates file translations with gettext
    ii policykit-1 0.104-1ubuntu1.1 framework for managing administrative policies and privileges
    ii policykit-1-gnome 0.105-1ubuntu3.1 GNOME authentication agent for PolicyKit-1
    ii policykit-desktop-privileges 0.10 run common desktop actions without password
    ii poppler-data 0.4.5-2 Encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library
    ii poppler-utils 0.18.4-1ubuntu3.2 PDF utilities (based on Poppler)
    ii powermgmt-base 1.31 Common utils and configs for power management
    ii ppp 2.4.5-5ubuntu1.2 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) - daemon
    ii pppconfig 2.3.18+nmu3ubuntu1 A text menu based utility for configuring ppp
    ii pppoe 3.8-3ubuntu1 PPP over Ethernet driver
    ii pppoeconf 1.20ubuntu1 configures PPPoE/ADSL connections
    ii pptp-linux 1.7.2-6 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
    ii printer-driver-c2esp 23-1 printer driver for Kodak ESP AiO color inkjet Series
    ii printer-driver-foo2zjs 20111202dfsg0-1ubuntu1 printer driver for ZjStream-based printers
    ii printer-driver-gutenprint 5.2.8~pre1-0ubuntu2.1 printer drivers for CUPS
    ii printer-driver-hpcups 3.12.2-1ubuntu3.5 HP Linux Printing and Imaging - CUPS Raster driver (hpcups)
    ii printer-driver-hpijs 3.12.2-1ubuntu3.5 HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs)
    ii printer-driver-min12xxw 0.0.9-6ubuntu1 printer driver for KonicaMinolta PagePro 1[234]xxW
    ii printer-driver-pnm2ppa 1.13+nondbs-0ubuntu1 printer driver for HP-GDI printers
    ii printer-driver-postscript-hp 3.12.2-1ubuntu3.5 HP Printers PostScript Descriptions
    ii printer-driver-ptouch 1.3-3ubuntu0.1 printer driver Brother P-touch label printers
    ii printer-driver-pxljr 1.3+repack0-2 printer driver for HP Color LaserJet 35xx/36xx
    ii printer-driver-sag-gdi 0.1-3 printer driver for Ricoh Aficio SP 1000s/SP 1100s
    ii printer-driver-splix 2.0.0+svn300-1.1ubuntu2 Driver for Samsung and Xerox SPL2 and SPLc laser printers
    ii procps 1:3.2.8-11ubuntu6.4 /proc file system utilities
    ii protobuf-compiler 2.4.1-1ubuntu2 compiler for protocol buffer definition files
    ii psmisc 22.15-2ubuntu1.2 utilities that use the proc file system
    ii pulseaudio 1:1.1-0ubuntu15.4 PulseAudio sound server
    ii pulseaudio-module-bluetooth 1:1.1-0ubuntu15.4 Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound server
    ii pulseaudio-module-gconf 1:1.1-0ubuntu15.4 GConf module for PulseAudio sound server
    ii pulseaudio-module-x11 1:1.1-0ubuntu15.4 X11 module for PulseAudio sound server
    ii pulseaudio-utils 1:1.1-0ubuntu15.4 Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server
    ii python 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.2 interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version)
    ii python-appindicator 0.4.92-0ubuntu1.1 Python bindings for libappindicator
    ii python-apport 2.0.1-0ubuntu17.15 apport crash report handling library
    ii python-apt 0.8.3ubuntu7.3 Python interface to libapt-pkg
    ii python-apt-common 0.8.3ubuntu7.3 Python interface to libapt-pkg (locales)
    ii python-aptdaemon 0.43+bzr805-0ubuntu10 Python module for the server and client of aptdaemon
    ii python-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets 0.43+bzr805-0ubuntu10 Python GTK+ 3 widgets to run an aptdaemon client
    ii python-aptdaemon.pkcompat 0.43+bzr805-0ubuntu10 PackageKit compatibilty for AptDaemon
    ii python-beautifulsoup 3.2.0-2build1 error-tolerant HTML parser for Python
    ii python-brlapi 4.3-1ubuntu5 Python bindings for BrlAPI
    ii python-cairo 1.8.8-1ubuntu3 Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
    ii python-central 0.6.17ubuntu2 register and build utility for Python packages
    ii python-chardet 2.0.1-2build1 universal character encoding detector
    ii python-configglue 1.0-1build1 Glues together optparse.OptionParser and ConfigParser.ConfigParser
    ii python-corba 1.4.0-1+precise A Python language binding for the ORBit2 MATECORBA implementation
    ii python-crypto 2.4.1-1ubuntu0.1 cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python
    ii python-cups 1.9.61-0ubuntu2 Python bindings for CUPS
    ii python-cupshelpers 1.3.8+20120201-0ubuntu8.1 Python modules for printer configuration with CUPS
    ii python-dateutil 1.5-1 powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
    ii python-dbus 1.0.0-1ubuntu1 simple interprocess messaging system (Python interface)
    ii python-dbus-dev 1.0.0-1ubuntu1 main loop integration development files for python-dbus
    ii python-debian 0.1.21ubuntu1 Python modules to work with Debian-related data formats
    ii python-debtagshw 1.9+git20120320-0ubuntu1 Match debtags hardware:: tags against the actual hardware
    ii python-defer 1.0.2+bzr481-1 Small framework for asynchronous programming
    ii python-dev 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.2 header files and a static library for Python (default)
    ii python-dirspec 3.0.0-0ubuntu1 Python User Folders Specification Library
    ii python-egenix-mxdatetime 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 date and time handling routines for Python
    ii python-egenix-mxtools 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 collection of additional builtins for Python
    ii python-feedparser 5.1-0ubuntu3.1 Universal Feed Parser for Python
    ii python-gconf 2.28.1+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the GConf configuration database system
    ii python-gdbm 2.7.3-1ubuntu1 GNU dbm database support for Python
    ii python-gi 3.2.2-1~precise Python 2.x bindings for gobject-introspection libraries
    ii python-gi-cairo 3.2.2-1~precise Python Cairo bindings for the GObject library
    ii python-glade2 2.24.0-3 GTK+ bindings: Glade support
    ii python-gnome2 2.28.1+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment
    ii python-gnomekeyring 2.32.0+dfsg-1 Python bindings for the GNOME keyring library
    ii python-gnupginterface 0.3.2-9.1ubuntu3 Python interface to GnuPG (GPG)
    ii python-gobject 3.2.2-1~precise Python 2.x bindings for GObject - transitional package
    ii python-gobject-2 2.28.6-10ubuntu1 deprecated static Python bindings for the GObject library
    ii python-gst0.10 0.10.22-3ubuntu0.1 generic media-playing framework (Python bindings)
    ii python-gtk2 2.24.0-3 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set
    ii python-gtksourceview2 2.10.1-2build1 Python bindings for the GtkSourceView widget
    ii python-httplib2 0.7.2-1ubuntu2.1 comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python
    ii python-imaging 1.1.7-4ubuntu0.12.04.3 Python Imaging Library
    ii python-kaa-base 0.6.0+svn4596-1 Base Kaa Framework for all Kaa Modules
    ii python-kaa-metadata 0.7.7+svn4596-2 Media Metadata for Python
    ii python-keyring 0.9.2-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 store and access your passwords safely
    ii python-launchpad-integration library for launchpad integration
    ii python-launchpadlib 1.9.12-1 Launchpad web services client library
    ii python-lazr.restfulclient 0.12.0-1ubuntu1.2 client for lazr.restful-based web services
    ii python-lazr.uri 1.0.3-1 library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs
    ii python-libproxy 0.4.7-0ubuntu4.1 automatic proxy configuration management library (python)
    ii python-libxml2 2.7.8.dfsg-5.1ubuntu4.17 Python bindings for the GNOME XML library
    ii python-lockfile 1:0.8-2ubuntu1 file locking library for Python
    ii python-louis 2.3.0-3 Python bindings for liblouis
    ii python-mako 0.5.0-1 fast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
    ii python-markupsafe 0.15-1 XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
    ii python-mate 1.4.0-1+precise Python bindings for the MATE desktop environment
    ii python-mate-desktop 1.4.0-1+precise Python bindings for the MATE desktop environment
    ii python-mate-menu 1.6.0-1+maya implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE (python bindings)
    ii python-minimal 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.2 minimal subset of the Python language (default version)
    ii python-mlt3 0.7.6+git20120204-2 multimedia framework (python bindings)
    ii python-notify 0.1.1-3 Python bindings for libnotify
    ii python-numpy 1:1.6.1-6ubuntu1 Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language
    ii python-oauth 1.0.1-3build1 Python library implementing of the OAuth protocol
    ii python-openssl 0.12-1ubuntu2.1 Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
    ii python-packagekit 0.7.2-4ubuntu3 PackageKit Python bindings
    ii python-pam 0.4.2-12.2ubuntu4 A Python interface to the PAM library
    ii python-paramiko Make ssh v2 connections with Python
    ii python-pexpect 2.3-1ubuntu2 Python module for automating interactive applications
    ii python-piston-mini-client 0.7.2+bzr57-0ubuntu1 library for writing clients for Django's Piston REST APIs
    ii python-pkg-resources 0.6.24-1ubuntu1 Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    ii python-problem-report 2.0.1-0ubuntu17.15 Python library to handle problem reports
    ii python-protobuf 2.4.1-1ubuntu2 Python bindings for protocol buffers
    ii python-pyatspi2 2.4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu3 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - Python bindings
    ii python-pycurl 7.19.0-4ubuntu3 Python bindings to libcurl
    ii python-pygoocanvas 0.14.1-1ubuntu6 GooCanvas Python bindings
    ii python-pyinotify 0.9.2-1 simple Linux inotify Python bindings
    ii python-pyorbit 2.24.0-6ubuntu2 A Python language binding for the ORBit2 CORBA implementation
    ii python-qt4 4.9.1-2ubuntu1 Python bindings for Qt4
    ii python-qt4-dbus 4.9.1-2ubuntu1 DBus Support for PyQt4
    ii python-renderpm 2.5-1.1build1 python low level render interface
    ii python-reportlab 2.5-1.1build1 ReportLab library to create PDF documents using Python
    ii python-reportlab-accel 2.5-1.1build1 C coded extension accelerator for the ReportLab Toolkit
    ii python-serial 2.5-2.1build1 pyserial - module encapsulating access for the serial port
    ii python-sexy 0.1.9-1ubuntu3-1mint3 python language bindings for libsexy
    ii python-simplejson 2.3.2-1 simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
    ii python-sip 4.13.2-1 Python/C++ bindings generator runtime library
    ii python-smbc 1.0.13-0ubuntu1 Python bindings for Samba clients (libsmbclient)
    ii python-software-properties manage the repositories that you install software from
    ii python-speechd 0.7.1-6ubuntu3 Python interface to Speech Dispatcher
    ii python-sqlite 1.0.1-9 Python interface to SQLite 2
    ii python-support 1.0.14ubuntu2 automated rebuilding support for Python modules
    ii python-twisted-bin 11.1.0-1ubuntu2 Event-based framework for internet applications
    ii python-twisted-core 11.1.0-1ubuntu2 Event-based framework for internet applications
    ii python-twisted-names 11.1.0-1 DNS protocol implementation with client and server
    ii python-twisted-web 11.1.0-1 HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers
    ii python-uno 1:3.5.7-0ubuntu13 Python-UNO bridge
    ii python-utidylib 0.2-8build1 Python wrapper for TidyLib
    ii python-virtkey 0.60.0-0ubuntu5 Library to emulate keyboard keypresses.
    ii python-vte 1:0.28.2-3ubuntu2 Python bindings for the VTE widget set
    ii python-wadllib 1.3.0-2 Python library for navigating WADL files
    ii python-webkit 1.1.8-2ubuntu2 WebKit/Gtk Python bindings
    ii python-xapian 1.2.8-1 Xapian search engine interface for Python
    ii python-xdg 0.19-3ubuntu2 Python library to access standards
    ii python-xkit library for the manipulation of the xorg.conf
    ii python-xlib 0.14+20091101-1 Interface for Python to the X11 Protocol
    ii python-zeitgeist 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 event logging framework - Python bindings
    ii python-zope.interface 3.6.1-1ubuntu3 Interfaces for Python
    ii python2.7 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.9 Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.7)
    ii python2.7-dev 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.9 Header files and a static library for Python (v2.7)
    ii python2.7-minimal 2.7.3-0ubuntu3.9 Minimal subset of the Python language (version 2.7)
    ii qdbus 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.9 Qt 4 D-Bus tool
    ii qt-at-spi 0.2.0+git20120411-0ubuntu1 accessibility plugin for Qt
    ii radeontool 1.6.2-1.1 utility to control ATI Radeon backlight functions on laptops
    ii rarian-compat 0.8.1-5 Documentation meta-data library (compatibility tools)
    ii rdesktop 1.7.0-1ubuntu2 RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server
    ii readline-common 6.2-8 GNU readline and history libraries, common files
    ii resolvconf 1.63ubuntu16 name server information handler
    ii rfkill 0.4-1ubuntu2 tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
    ii rhino 1.7R3-5 JavaScript engine written in Java
    ii ri1.8 Ruby Interactive reference (for Ruby 1.8)
    ii rpm package manager for RPM
    ii rpm-common common files for RPM
    ii rpm2cpio tool to convert RPM package to CPIO archive
    ii rsync 3.0.9-1ubuntu1.1 fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
    ii rsyslog 5.8.6-1ubuntu8.9 reliable system and kernel logging daemon
    ii rtkit 0.10-2ubuntu0.12.04.1 Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
    ii ruby-full 4.8 Transitional package for ruby1.8-full
    ii ruby1.8 Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby 1.8
    ii ruby1.8-dev Header files for compiling extension modules for the Ruby 1.8
    ii ruby1.8-full Ruby 1.8 full installation
    ii samba 2:3.6.25-0ubuntu0.12.04.10 SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix
    ii samba-common 2:3.6.25-0ubuntu0.12.04.10 common files used by both the Samba server and client
    ii samba-common-bin 2:3.6.25-0ubuntu0.12.04.10 common files used by both the Samba server and client
    ii sane-utils 1.0.22-7ubuntu1 API library for scanners -- utilities
    ii scratch easy to use programming environment for ages 8 and up
    ii sed 4.2.1-9 The GNU sed stream editor
    ii sensible-utils 0.0.6ubuntu2 Utilities for sensible alternative selection
    ii sessioninstaller 0.20+bzr128-0ubuntu1.3 APT based installer using PackageKit's session DBus API
    ii sgml-base 1.26+nmu1ubuntu1 SGML infrastructure and SGML catalog file support
    ii sgml-data 2.0.6 common SGML and XML data
    ii shared-mime-info 1.0-0ubuntu4.1 shared MIME database and spec
    ii simple-scan 3.4.4-0ubuntu1 Simple Scanning Utility
    ii smbclient 2:3.6.25-0ubuntu0.12.04.10 command-line SMB/CIFS clients for Unix
    ii smbfs 2:5.1-1ubuntu2 Common Internet File System utilities - compatibility package
    ii sni-qt 0.2.5-0ubuntu3 indicator support for Qt
    ii software-center-aptdaemon-plugins 0.1.2 The aptdaemon plugins for software-center
    ii software-properties-common manage the repositories that you install software from (common)
    ii software-properties-gtk manage the repositories that you install software from (gtk)
    ii sound-theme-freedesktop 0.7.pristine-2 sound theme
    ii sox 14.3.2-3 Swiss army knife of sound processing
    ii sp 1.3.4-1.2.1-47.1 James Clark's SGML parsing tools
    ii speech-dispatcher 0.7.1-6ubuntu3 Common interface to speech synthesizers
    ii sqlite3 3.7.9-2ubuntu1.2 Command line interface for SQLite 3
    ii squeak-plugins-scratch Squeak plugins for the Scratch programming environment
    ii squeak-vm 1: The Squeak Smalltalk System (virtual machine)
    ii ssh-askpass-gnome 1:5.9p1-5ubuntu1.10 interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add
    ii ssl-cert 1.0.28ubuntu0.1 simple debconf wrapper for OpenSSL
    ii stopmotion 0.6.2-1.2 program for creating stop motion animations
    ii strace 4.5.20-2.3ubuntu1 A system call tracer
    ii sudo 1.8.3p1-1ubuntu3.7 Provide limited super user privileges to specific users
    rc sweethome3d 4.3-1~getdeb2 Interior 2D design application with 3D preview
    ii swh-plugins 0.4.15+1-6 Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins
    ii synaptic 0.75.9ubuntu1.1 Graphical package manager
    ii syslinux 2:4.05+dfsg-2 collection of boot loaders
    ii syslinux-common 2:4.05+dfsg-2 collection of boot loaders (common files)
    ii syslinux-legacy 2:3.63+dfsg-2ubuntu5 Bootloader for Linux/i386 using MS-DOS floppies
    ii system-config-printer-common 1.3.8+20120201-0ubuntu8.1 Printer configuration GUI
    ii system-config-printer-gnome 1.3.8+20120201-0ubuntu8.1 Printer configuration GUI
    ii system-config-printer-udev 1.3.8+20120201-0ubuntu8.1 Printer auto-configuration facility based on udev
    ii system-tools-backends 2.10.2-1ubuntu1 System Tools to manage computer configuration -- scripts
    ii sysv-rc 2.88dsf-13.10ubuntu11.1 System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
    ii sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-13.10ubuntu11.1 System-V-like utilities
    ii tar 1.26-4ubuntu1.1 GNU version of the tar archiving utility
    ii tcl8.5 8.5.11-1ubuntu1 Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.5 - run-time files
    ii tcpd 7.6.q-21 Wietse Venema's TCP wrapper utilities
    ii tcpdump 4.9.0-1ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.1 command-line network traffic analyzer
    ii tdb-tools 1.2.9-4 Trivial Database - bundled binaries
    ii telnet 0.17-36build1 The telnet client
    rc thunderbird 1:24.5.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter
    ii time 1.7-23.1 The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage
    ii tomboy 1.10.1-1linuxmint1 desktop note taking program using Wiki style links
    ii toshset 1.76-2 Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface
    ii totem 3.0.1-0ubuntu21.1 Simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer
    ii totem-common 3.0.1-0ubuntu21.1 Data files for the Totem media player
    ii totem-mozilla 3.0.1-0ubuntu21.1 Totem Mozilla plugin
    ii totem-plugins 3.0.1-0ubuntu21.1 Plugins for the Totem media player
    ii totem-plugins-extra 3.0.1-0ubuntu21.1 Extra plugins for the Totem media player
    ii transmission-common 2.77-1~getdeb1 lightweight BitTorrent client (common files)
    ii transmission-gtk 2.77-1~getdeb1 lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK interface)
    ii tsconf 1.0-10 touch screen library common files
    ii ttf-dejavu 2.33-2ubuntu1 Metapackage to pull in ttf-dejavu-core and ttf-dejavu-extra
    ii ttf-dejavu-core 2.33-2ubuntu1 Vera font family derivate with additional characters
    ii ttf-dejavu-extra 2.33-2ubuntu1 Vera font family derivate with additional characters
    ii ttf-droid 20101110+git-2 transitional dummy package
    ii ttf-freefont 20100919-1 Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
    ii ttf-indic-fonts-core 1:0.5.11ubuntu1 Core collection of free fonts for languages of India
    ii ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.4ubuntu3 Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts
    ii ttf-punjabi-fonts 1:0.5.11ubuntu1 Free TrueType fonts for the Punjabi language
    ii ttf-sil-gentium-basic 1.1-5 transitional dummy package
    ii ttf-ubuntu-font-family 0.80-0ubuntu2 Ubuntu Font Family, sans-serif typeface hinted for clarity
    ii ttf-wqy-microhei 0.2.0-beta-1ubuntu1 A droid derived Sans-Seri style CJK font
    ii tzdata 2016j-0ubuntu0.12.04 time zone and daylight-saving time data
    ii tzdata-java 2016j-0ubuntu0.12.04 time zone and daylight-saving time data for use by java runtimes
    ii ubiquity-slideshow-mint 28-1mint4 Ubiquity slideshow for Linux Mint
    ii ubuntu-advantage-tools 1 Ubuntu Advantage tools for ESM
    ii ubuntu-extras-keyring 2010.09.27 GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu extras archive
    ii ubuntu-keyring 2011.11.21.1 GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive
    ii ubuntu-minimal 1.267.2 Minimal core of Ubuntu
    ii ubuntu-system-adjustments 2012.10.03.1 Adjustments to the Ubuntu package base
    ii ubuntu-system-service Dbus service to set various system-wide configurations
    ii ucf 3.0025+nmu2ubuntu1 Update Configuration File: preserve user changes to config files.
    ii udev 175-0ubuntu9.10 rule-based device node and kernel event manager
    ii udisks 1.0.4-5ubuntu2.2 storage media interface
    ii ufw 0.31.1-1 program for managing a Netfilter firewall
    ii unattended-upgrades 0.76ubuntu1.3 automatic installation of security upgrades
    ii unixodbc 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 Basic ODBC tools
    ii uno-libs3 3.5.7-0ubuntu13 LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- public shared libraries
    ii unzip 6.0-4ubuntu2.5 De-archiver for .zip files
    ii update-inetd 4.41 inetd configuration file updater
    ii update-manager-core 1: manage release upgrades
    ii update-notifier-common 0.119ubuntu8.7 Files shared between update-notifier and other packages
    ii upower 0.9.15-3git1ubuntu0.1 abstraction for power management
    ii upstart 1.5-0ubuntu7.3 event-based init daemon
    ii ure 3.5.7-0ubuntu13 LibreOffice UNO runtime environment
    ii ureadahead 0.100.0-12 Read required files in advance
    ii usb-imagewriter 0.1.3-1linuxmint2 Tool to write .img and .iso files to USB sticks
    ii usb-modeswitch 1.2.3+repack0-1ubuntu2 mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices
    ii usb-modeswitch-data 20120120-0ubuntu1 mode switching data for usb-modeswitch
    ii usbmuxd 1.0.7-2ubuntu0.1 USB multiplexor daemon for iPhone and iPod Touch devices
    ii usbutils 1:005-1 Linux USB utilities
    ii user-setup 1.42ubuntu3 Set up initial user and password
    ii util-linux 2.20.1-1ubuntu3.1 Miscellaneous system utilities
    ii uuid-runtime 2.20.1-1ubuntu3.1 runtime components for the Universally Unique ID library
    ii vbetool 1.1-2ubuntu1 run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
    ii vgrabbj 0.9.6-5build1 grabs an image from a camera and puts it in jpg/png format
    ii vim-common 2:7.3.429-2ubuntu2.2 Vi IMproved - Common files
    ii vim-tiny 2:7.3.429-2ubuntu2.2 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version
    ii vino 3.4.2-0ubuntu1.3.1 VNC server for GNOME
    rc virtualbox-guest-utils 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.6 x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities
    rc virtualbox-guest-x11 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.6 x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities
    ii vlc 2.0.8-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 multimedia player and streamer
    ii vlc-data 2.0.8-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 Common data for VLC
    ii vlc-nox 2.0.8-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 multimedia player and streamer (without X support)
    ii vlc-plugin-notify 2.0.8-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 LibNotify plugin for VLC
    ii vlc-plugin-pulse 2.0.8-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 PulseAudio plugin for VLC
    ii wamerican 7.1-1 American English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
    ii wbritish 7.1-1 British English dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
    ii wfrench 1.2.3-9 French dictionary words for /usr/share/dict
    ii wget 1.13.4-2ubuntu1.4 retrieves files from the web
    ii whiptail 0.52.11-2ubuntu10 Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts
    ii whois 5.0.15ubuntu2 intelligent WHOIS client
    ii whoopsie Ubuntu crash database submission daemon
    ii winbind 2:3.6.25-0ubuntu0.12.04.10 Samba nameservice integration server
    ii wine-gecko2.24 2.24-0ubuntu1~ppa1 Microsoft Windows compatibility layer (embedded web browser)
    ii wine-mono4.5.2 4.5.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1 Microsoft Windows compatibility layer (.NET compatibility)
    ii wine1.7 1:1.7.18-0ubuntu1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)
    ii wine1.7-i386 1:1.7.18-0ubuntu1 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (32-bit support)
    ii winetricks 0.0+20140302-0ubuntu2 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (winetricks)
    ii wireless-regdb 2011.04.28-1ubuntu3 wireless regulatory database
    ii wireless-tools 30~pre9-5ubuntu2 Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
    ii wodim 9:1.1.11-2ubuntu2 command line CD/DVD writing tool
    ii wpasupplicant 0.7.3-6ubuntu2.4 client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)
    ii x11-apps 7.6+5ubuntu1 X applications
    ii x11-common 1:7.6+12ubuntu2 X Window System (X.Org) infrastructure
    ii x11-session-utils 7.6+2 X session utilities
    ii x11-utils 7.6+4ubuntu0.2 X11 utilities
    ii x11-xfs-utils 7.6+1 X font server utilities
    ii x11-xkb-utils 7.6+4 X11 XKB utilities
    ii x11-xserver-utils 7.6+3 X server utilities
    ii x11proto-core-dev 7.0.22-1ubuntu0.2 X11 core wire protocol and auxiliary headers
    ii x11proto-input-dev 2.3-1~precise2 X11 Input extension wire protocol
    ii x11proto-kb-dev 1.0.5-2 X11 XKB extension wire protocol
    ii xauth 1:1.0.6-1 X authentication utility
    ii xbitmaps 1.1.1-1 Base X bitmaps
    ii xchat 2.8.8-4linuxmint1 IRC client for X similar to AmIRC
    ii xchat-common 2.8.8-4linuxmint1 Common files for X-Chat
    ii xdg-user-dirs 0.14-0ubuntu2 tool to manage well known user directories
    ii xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.9-0ubuntu1 tool to manage well known user directories (Gtk extension)
    ii xdg-utils 1.1.0~rc1-2ubuntu6 desktop integration utilities from
    ii xfonts-base 1:1.0.3 standard fonts for X
    ii xfonts-encodings 1:1.0.4-1ubuntu1 Encodings for X.Org fonts
    ii xfonts-mathml 4ubuntu1 Type1 Symbol font for MathML
    ii xfonts-scalable 1:1.0.3-1 scalable fonts for X
    ii xfonts-utils 1:7.6+1 X Window System font utility programs
    ii xinit 1.3.1-1 X server initialisation tool
    ii xinput Runtime configuration and test of XInput devices
    ii xkb-data 2.5-1ubuntu1.5 X Keyboard Extension (XKB) configuration data
    ii xml-core 0.13 XML infrastructure and XML catalog file support
    ii xorg 1:7.6+12ubuntu2 X.Org X Window System
    ii xorg-docs-core 1:1.6-1ubuntu2 Core documentation for the X Window System
    ii xorg-sgml-doctools 1:1.10-1 Common tools for building X.Org SGML documentation
    rc xsane 0.998-3ubuntu2 featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
    ii xserver-common 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17 common files used by various X servers
    ii xserver-xephyr 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17 nested X server
    ii xserver-xorg 1:7.6+12ubuntu2 X.Org X server
    ii xserver-xorg-core 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.17 Xorg X server - core server
    ii xserver-xorg-input-all 1:7.6+12ubuntu2 X.Org X server -- input driver metapackage
    ii xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.7.0-0ubuntu1.2 X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
    ii xserver-xorg-input-mouse 1:1.7.1-1build3 X.Org X server -- mouse input driver
    ii xserver-xorg-input-synaptics 1.6.2-1ubuntu1~precise2 Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
    ii xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse 1:12.9.0-0ubuntu0.1 X.Org X server -- VMMouse input driver to use with VMWare
    ii xserver-xorg-input-wacom 1:0.14.0-0ubuntu2.1 X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-all 1:7.6+12ubuntu2 X.Org X server -- output driver metapackage
    ii xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.14.99~git20111219.aacbd629-0ubuntu X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI display driver wrapper
    ii xserver-xorg-video-cirrus 1:1.3.2-4build1 X.Org X server -- Cirrus display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-fbdev 1:0.4.2-4ubuntu2 X.Org X server -- fbdev display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-geode 2.11.13-2build1 X.Org X server -- Geode GX2/LX display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.17.0-1ubuntu4.4 X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-mach64 6.9.0-1build2 X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-mga 1:1.4.13.dfsg-4build2 X.Org X server -- MGA display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-neomagic 1:1.2.5-2build2 X.Org X server -- Neomagic display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 1:0.0.16+git20111201+b5534a1-1build3 X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-openchrome 1:0.2.904+svn1050-1ubuntu0.1 X.Org X server -- VIA display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-qxl 0.0.16-2ubuntu0.1 X.Org X server -- QXL display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-r128 6.8.1-5build2 X.Org X server -- ATI r128 display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.14.99~git20111219.aacbd629-0ubuntu X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI Radeon display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-s3 1:0.6.3-4build2 X.Org X server -- legacy S3 display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-savage 1:2.3.3-1ubuntu1 X.Org X server -- Savage display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion 1:1.7.5-1build2 X.Org X server -- SiliconMotion display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-sis 1:0.10.3-3build2 X.Org X server -- SiS display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-sisusb 1:0.9.4-2build2 X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-tdfx 1:1.4.3-4build2 X.Org X server -- tdfx display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-trident 1:1.3.4-2build2 X.Org X server -- Trident display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-vesa 1:2.3.0-7build2 X.Org X server -- VESA display driver
    ii xserver-xorg-video-vmware 1:12.0.1-1ubuntu1.2 X.Org X server -- VMware display driver
    ii xsltproc 1.1.26-8ubuntu1.4 XSLT 1.0 command line processor
    ii xterm 271-1ubuntu2.1 X terminal emulator
    ii xtrans-dev 1.2.6-2 X transport library (development files)
    ii xz-lzma 5.1.1alpha+20110809-3 XZ-format compression utilities - compatibility commands
    ii xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20110809-3 XZ-format compression utilities
    ii yelp 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 Help browser for GNOME
    ii yelp-xsl 3.4.1-1 XSL stylesheets for the yelp help browser
    ii zeitgeist 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 event logging framework
    ii zeitgeist-core 0.9.0-1ubuntu1 event logging framework - engine
    ii zeitgeist-datahub 0.8.2-1ubuntu2 event logging framework - passive logging daemon
    ii zenity 3.4.0-0ubuntu4 Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
    ii zenity-common 3.4.0-0ubuntu4 Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts (common files)
    ii zip 3.0-4 Archiver for .zip files
    ii zlib1g 1: compression library - runtime
    ii zlib1g-dev

    voila sa fait beaucoup de packet et pour

    et pour pkg-config --list-all | sort je recoit sa

    avahi-client avahi-client - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (Client Support)
    banshee-collection-indexer Banshee Collection Indexer Helper - A library for applications to bundle to easily consume the Banshee Collection Indexer
    banshee-core Banshee Core - Core APIs for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-hyena Banshee Hyena - Hyena libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-hyena-data-sqlite Banshee Hyena - Hyena sqlite libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-hyena-gui Banshee Hyena GUI - Hyena GUI libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-lastfm Banshee - libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-lastfm-gui Banshee GUI - GUI libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-mono-media Banshee Mono.Media - Mono.Media libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-musicbrainz Banshee MusicBrainz - MusicBrainz libraries for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-nowplaying Banshee NowPlaying - Now Playing extension source for Banshee
    banshee-services Banshee Services - Service layer APIs for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-thickclient Banshee ThickClient - GUI Service layer APIs for the Banshee Media Framework
    banshee-webbrowser Banshee WebBrowser - Embedded web browser for the Banshee Media Framework
    com_err com_err - Common error description library
    dbus-1 dbus - Free desktop message bus
    dbus-python dbus-python - Python bindings for D-Bus
    deskbar-applet Deskbar Applet Handlers Location - Providing the location of deskbar-applet system-wide handlers.
    fontutil FontUtil - Font utilities dirs
    form form - ncurses 5.9 add-on library
    ginn ginn - Ginn
    gnome-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme - A collection of icons used as the basis for GNOME themes
    gnutls-extra GnuTLS-extra - Additional add-ons for GnuTLS licensed under GPL
    gnutls GnuTLS - Transport Security Layer implementation for the GNU system
    gtk-doc gtk-doc - API documentation generator
    inputproto InputProto - Input extension headers
    iso-codes iso-codes - ISO country, language, script and currency codes and translations
    kbproto KBProto - KB extension headers
    libcrypto OpenSSL-libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptography library
    libexif libexif - Library for easy access to EXIF data
    libffi libffi - Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces
    libgdiplus libgdiplus - GDI+ implementation
    libgphoto2 libgphoto2 - Library for easy access to digital cameras
    libgphoto2_port libgphoto2_port - Device-independent access to serial, USB, and other ports
    libpng12 libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
    libpng libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
    libquvi-scripts libquvi-scripts - Scripts for libquvi
    libslab libslab - Beautiful App Slab
    libssl OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries
    libtasn1 libtasn1 - Library for ASN.1 and DER manipulation
    libusb-1.0 libusb-1.0 - C API for USB device access from Linux, Mac OS X and Windows userspace
    libusb libusb - USB access library
    libv4l1 libv4l1 - v4l1 compatibility library
    libv4l2 libv4l2 - v4l2 device access library
    libv4lconvert libv4lconvert - v4l format conversion library
    mate-default-applications mate-default-applications - Default MATE applications configuration
    mate-doc-utils mate-doc-utils - MATE Documentation Utilities
    mate-icon-theme mate-icon-theme - A collection of icons used as the basis for MATE themes
    mate-keybindings mate-keybindings - Keybindings configuration for MATE applications
    mate-mime-data-2.0 mate-mime-data - Base set of file types and applications for MATE
    mate-python-2.0 MATE-python - Python bindings for MATE libraries
    mate-python-desktop-2.0 MATE-python - Python bindings for MATE libraries
    mate-screensaver mate-screensaver - mate screensaver
    mate-settings-daemon mate-settings-daemon - Utility library for accessing mate-settings-daemon over DBUS
    mate-system-tools gst - Mate System Tools
    mate-window-settings-2.0 mate-window-settings-2.0 - Utility library for getting window manager settings
    menu menu - ncurses 5.9 add-on library
    mobile-broadband-provider-info mobile-broadband-provider-info - Mobile Broadband Service Provider Information Database
    ncurses++ ncurses++ - ncurses 5.9 add-on library
    ncurses ncurses - ncurses 5.9 library
    notify-python notify-python - Python bindings for libnotify
    openssl OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
    p11-kit-1 p11-kit - Library and proxy module for properly loading and sharing PKCS
    panel panel - ncurses 5.9 add-on library
    pm-utils pm-utils - Power management scripts for suspend and hibernate
    pthread-stubs pthread stubs - Stubs missing from libc for standard pthread functions
    pygoocanvas PyGooCanvas - Python bindings for GooCanvas
    pygtksourceview-2.0 PyGtkSourceView - Python bindings for GtkSourceView
    pymatecorba-2 PyMateCORBA - Python bindings for MateCORBA2
    python-2.7 Python - Python library
    python2 Python - Python library
    python Python - Python library
    sane-backends SANE Backends - Backends for SANE, the universal scanner interface
    shared-mime-info shared-mime-info - Freedesktop common MIME database
    tic tic - ncurses 5.9 add-on library
    tinfo tinfo - ncurses 5.9 terminal interface library
    tomboy-addins Tomboy Addin Library - Library providing the interfaces for Tomboy addins
    udev udev - udev
    udisks udisks - udisks storage daemon
    usbutils usbutils - USB device database
    x11 X11 - X Library
    xau Xau - X authorization file management libary
    xbitmaps X bitmaps - Bitmaps that are shared between X applications
    xcb XCB - X-protocol C Binding
    xdmcp Xdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocol library
    xkeyboard-config XKeyboardConfig - X Keyboard configuration data
    xorg-sgml-doctools xorg-sgml-doctools - Stylesheets and entities for X.Org documentation
    xorg-wacom xorg-wacom - X.Org Wacom Tablet driver.
    xproto Xproto - Xproto headers
    xtrans XTrans - Abstract network code for X
    yaml-0.1 LibYAML - Library to parse and emit YAML
    yelp-xsl yelp-xsl - Yelp XSLT Stylesheets
    zlib zlib - zlib compression library


  14. #14

    Homme Profil pro
    Développeur informatique
    Inscrit en
    Juin 2009
    1 395
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    Localisation : France

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Développeur informatique
    Secteur : Industrie

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Juin 2009
    Messages : 1 395
    Points : 2 002
    2 002
    Par défaut
    Merci. Vu qu'on a pas la liste complète des paquets, tu peux essayer de la rediriger vers un fichier.
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    dpkg -l > $HOME/paquets.txt
    Tu pourras copier/coller la liste à partir du fichier paquets.txt qui se trouve dans ton dossier personnel.

    As, et poste aussi la sortie de

  15. #15
    Membre à l'essai
    Homme Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Septembre 2017
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 19
    Localisation : France, Côtes d'Armor (Bretagne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : collegiens

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2017
    Messages : 14
    Points : 11
    Par défaut
    la prochaine fois que je pourais secher les cour :-p


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