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Tests et Performance Java Discussion :

Mon appli java se gèle, comment lire la log ?

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Tests et Performance Java

  1. #1
    Membre régulier Avatar de POKOU
    Homme Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Décembre 2008
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 62
    Localisation : France, Finistère (Bretagne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : developpeur

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Décembre 2008
    Messages : 121
    Points : 101
    Par défaut Mon appli java se gèle, comment lire la log ?
    Sous windows seven,
    Ma RAM etant de 8Go (7,27Go utilisables),
    Je lance un traitement en java qui lit en inputstream un fichier de 134 Mo.
    Mon fichier .bat est :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    java -verbose:gc -Xloggc:logs/gc.txt  -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution  -Xmx3G -jar ./jar/extraireLesAnos.jar %origine%
    Le traitement se géle, je l'arrête par ctrl+C.
    et j'obtiens cette log :
    le fichier gc.txt
    2015-09-09T12:45:01.143+0200: 0.834: Application time: 0.7971650 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:01.143+0200: 0.834: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 589856 promoted: 8192 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 0.836 collection: 1

    Desired survivor size 4718592 bytes, new threshold 7 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.002108 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.997892 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 272787968 free_space: 62914560 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 31457280 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 31457280
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 1
    [PSYoungGen: 30720K->576K(35328K)] 30720K->584K(114688K), 0.0022541 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:01.143+0200: 0.837: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0031586 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:02.091+0200: 1.780: Application time: 0.9432981 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:02.091+0200: 1.780: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 622624 promoted: 8192 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 1.782 collection: 2

    Desired survivor size 4718592 bytes, new threshold 7 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001888 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998112 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 272823456 free_space: 62914560 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 31457280 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 31457280
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 2
    [PSYoungGen: 31296K->608K(35328K)] 31304K->624K(114688K), 0.0020463 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:02.091+0200: 1.783: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0029858 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:03.091+0200: 2.779: Application time: 0.9952796 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:03.091+0200: 2.779: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000629 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:03.101+0200: 2.795: Application time: 0.0158807 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:03.101+0200: 2.795: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 753680 promoted: 8192 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 2.797 collection: 3

    Desired survivor size 4718592 bytes, new threshold 7 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001737 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998263 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 272955424 free_space: 62914560 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 31457280 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 31457280
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 3
    [PSYoungGen: 31328K->736K(35328K)] 31344K->760K(114688K), 0.0020035 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:03.101+0200: 2.798: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0029084 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:04.061+0200: 3.754: Application time: 0.9569414 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:04.061+0200: 3.755: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 753712 promoted: 8192 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 3.756 collection: 4

    Desired survivor size 4718592 bytes, new threshold 7 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001637 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998363 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 273023616 free_space: 62914560 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 31457280 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 31457280
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 4
    [PSYoungGen: 31456K->736K(35328K)] 31480K->768K(114688K), 0.0017174 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:04.061+0200: 3.757: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0026168 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:04.421+0200: 4.109: Application time: 0.3515634 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:04.421+0200: 4.109: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0001368 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.739: Application time: 0.6306391 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.739: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 786480 promoted: 8192 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 4.741 collection: 5
    avg_survived_padded_avg: 865303.437500 avg_promoted_padded_avg: 8192.000000 avg_pretenured_padded_avg: 0.000000 tenuring_thresh: 6 target_size: 1048576
    Desired survivor size 1048576 bytes, new threshold 6 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001579 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998421 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 273083648 free_space: 62914560 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 31457280 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 30932992
    AdaptiveSizePolicy::survivor space sizes: collection: 5 (4718592, 524288) -> (1048576, 1048576)
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 5
    [PSYoungGen: 31456K->768K(31232K)] 31488K->808K(110592K), 0.0020570 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.742: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0030273 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.744: Application time: 0.0012787 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.744: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000261 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.744: Application time: 0.0001800 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.051+0200: 4.744: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000175 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.101+0200: 4.791: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000171 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.101+0200: 4.791: Application time: 0.0000915 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.101+0200: 4.791: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000513 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.981+0200: 5.675: Application time: 0.8832468 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.981+0200: 5.675: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 720912 promoted: 8192 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 5.677 collection: 6
    avg_survived_padded_avg: 850239.187500 avg_promoted_padded_avg: 8192.000000 avg_pretenured_padded_avg: 0.000000 tenuring_thresh: 5 target_size: 1048576
    Desired survivor size 1048576 bytes, new threshold 5 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001597 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998403 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 273113344 free_space: 62390272 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 30932992 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 30408704
    AdaptiveSizePolicy::survivor space sizes: collection: 6 (1048576, 1048576) -> (1048576, 1048576)
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 6
    [PSYoungGen: 30976K->704K(30720K)] 31016K->752K(110080K), 0.0022982 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.981+0200: 5.678: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0032245 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:05.981+0200: 5.678: Application time: 0.0000958 seconds
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 53
    [PSYoungGen: 23776K->192K(24064K)] 25172K->1604K(103424K), 0.0015763 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.831+0200: 39.519: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0024671 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.831+0200: 39.527: Application time: 0.0077652 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.831+0200: 39.527: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000355 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.831+0200: 39.527: Application time: 0.0000197 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.831+0200: 39.527: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000115 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.851+0200: 39.540: Application time: 0.0134718 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.851+0200: 39.540: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000458 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.851+0200: 39.540: Application time: 0.0000569 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.851+0200: 39.540: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000513 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.851+0200: 39.543: Application time: 0.0029439 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:39.851+0200: 39.543: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0000257 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:40.511+0200: 40.201: Application time: 0.6574540 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:40.511+0200: 40.201: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 196608 promoted: 40992 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 40.202 collection: 54
    avg_survived_padded_avg: 264895.437500 avg_promoted_padded_avg: 45567.468750 avg_pretenured_padded_avg: 0.000000 tenuring_thresh: 1 target_size: 524288
    Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001148 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998852 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 272760320 free_space: 55574528 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 24117248 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 24117248
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 59
    [PSYoungGen: 23744K->192K(24064K)] 25260K->1724K(103424K), 0.0013261 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:43.981+0200: 43.673: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0022370 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:44.671+0200: 44.358: Application time: 0.6856373 seconds
    2015-09-09T12:45:44.671+0200: 44.359: [GCAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_survivor_space_size_and_thresh: survived: 196608 promoted: 16384 overflow: falseAdaptiveSizeStart: 44.360 collection: 60
    avg_survived_padded_avg: 239619.437500 avg_promoted_padded_avg: 37049.632813 avg_pretenured_padded_avg: 0.000000 tenuring_thresh: 1 target_size: 524288
    Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 15)
    PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.001094 major_cost: 0.000000 mutator_cost: 0.998906 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 272758304 free_space: 55574528 old_promo_size: 31457280 old_eden_size: 24117248 desired_promo_size: 31457280 desired_eden_size: 24117248
    AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 60
    [PSYoungGen: 23744K->192K(24064K)] 25276K->1740K(103424K), 0.0011820 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
    2015-09-09T12:45:44.671+0200: 44.361: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0022272 seconds
    PSYoungGen total 24064K, used 19144K [0x00000007c0000000, 0x00000007c1c80000, 0x0000000800000000)
    eden space 23552K, 80% used [0x00000007c0000000,0x00000007c1282388,0x00000007c1700000)
    from space 512K, 37% used [0x00000007c1c00000,0x00000007c1c30000,0x00000007c1c80000)
    to space 512K, 0% used [0x00000007c1b80000,0x00000007c1b80000,0x00000007c1c00000)
    ParOldGen total 79360K, used 1548K [0x0000000740000000, 0x0000000744d80000, 0x00000007c0000000)
    object space 79360K, 1% used [0x0000000740000000,0x0000000740183180,0x0000000744d80000)
    PSPermGen total 21504K, used 4035K [0x000000073ae00000, 0x000000073c300000, 0x0000000740000000)
    object space 21504K, 18% used [0x000000073ae00000,0x000000073b1f0e90,0x000000073c300000)
    2015-09-09T12:45:45.261+0200: 44.949: Application time: 0.5882433 seconds
    Mais je n'y vois pas l'erreur.
    Pourriez vous m'aider ?
    merci d'avance
    # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
    # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
    # consult the online docs. You have been warned.

  2. #2
    Membre régulier Avatar de POKOU
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    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 62
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    Activité : developpeur

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Décembre 2008
    Messages : 121
    Points : 101
    Par défaut
    Je m'auto-réponds
    en fait le traitement dure 30 minutes et il donne les résultats attendus, je l'avais cancelé trop vite.
    J'en profite quand même pour demander si quelqu'un connait un tuto ou un outil pour manager une exécution d'un jar ?
    # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
    # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
    # consult the online docs. You have been warned.

  3. #3
    Expert éminent sénior
    Avatar de tchize_
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    Informations personnelles :
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    Secteur : High Tech - Éditeur de logiciels

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    48 806
    Par défaut
    qu'est-ce que tu appelle "manager une exécution d'un jar" ?

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