C'est gratuit, ça convertit une multitude de format 3D dans le format ogre (utilisé par la bibliothèque 3D de PureBasic). Et ça fonctionne, alors que demander de plus ?

d'après le site d'ogre, la plupart sinon tous les formats gérés par Assimp peuvent être convertis.

Frontend to OgreAssimpConverter.exe. (Updated)
Status: 100% freeware.
If conversion is a success, you can see the result immediately in the example window.
You can navigate around the converted model using "A,S,D,W" keys.
Change materials and skyboxes on the fly.
F1 - Release mouse
F2 - Turn camera towards model

The rest should be a walk in the park. :-)

As usual, I hope you'll find it usefull.

Filesize: 11.8 MB. (Skyboxes and textures inside rar-archive)

Get x64 windows here: http://www.vdata.dk/software/ogre_frontend_x64.rar and
for x86 windows here: http://www.vdata.dk/software/ogre_frontend_x86.rar

I'll still add features, so let me know if anything could be better.

Have fun!

Best regards
Source de l'information