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Zend Framework PHP Discussion :

Les nouveautés de Zend Framework 1.11

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Zend Framework PHP

  1. #1
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    Par défaut Les nouveautés de Zend Framework 1.11

    La version 1.11 du Zend Framework est sortie aujourd'hui. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de votre avis sur cette nouvelle mouture !

    Pour la télécharger, comme pour les précédentes versions, direction Les liens directs sont proposés en bas de page.

    Un petit résumé des nouvelles fonctionnalités (en anglais...) :
    mobile support

    Zend Framework 1.11 marks the first release with explicit support for
    mobile devices, via the new component Zend_Http_UserAgent. This
    component was developed by Raphael Carles. Carles is CTO of Interakting,
    the digital agency of Business & Decision Group of France. Interakting
    employs 150 PHP professionals to build industrial PHP projects, and its
    clients include Canal +/Vivendi, BNP Paribas, Samsung France, Ministry
    of Education, Alapage (Orange), Orange Tunisia, and many others. As
    such, they have extensive experience in supporting mobile devices, and
    stepped forward to contribute to Zend Framework, which they leverage in
    their projects.

    Zend_Http_UserAgent performs two responsibilities:

    - User-Agent detection
    - Device capabilities detection, based on User-Agent

    The component includes a "features" adapter mechanism that allows
    developers to tie into different backends for the purpose of discovering
    device capabilities. Currently, Zend Framework ships with adapters for
    the WURFL (Wireless Universal Resource File) API, Tera-WURFL, and
    DeviceAtlas, with more planned for the future.

    Luca Passani, author and lead of the WURFL project, has provided an
    exemption to Zend Framework to provide a non-GPL adapter accessing the

    Additional hooks into the component are provided via a Zend_Application
    resource plugin, and a Zend_View helper, allowing developers the ability
    to return output customized for the detected device (e.g., alternate
    layouts, alternate images, Flash versus HTML5 support, etc.).

    Zend_Cloud: SimpleCloud API

    During ZendCon 2009, Zend announced a prototype of the SimpleCloud API.
    This API was to provide hooks into cloud-based document storage, queue
    services, and file storage.

    Zend Framework 1.11.0 markes the first official, stable release of
    Zend_Cloud, Zend Framework's PHP version of the SimpleCloud API. Current
    support includes:

    - Document Services:
    - Amazon SimpleDB
    - Windows Azure's Table Storage
    - Queue Services:
    - Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
    - Windows Azure's Queue Service
    - All adapters supported by Zend_Queue:
    - Zend Platform JobQueue
    - Memcacheq
    - Relational Database
    - ActiveMQ
    - Storage Services:
    - Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    - Windows Azure's Blog Storage
    - Nirvanix
    - Local filesystem

    When using any of the SimpleCloud APIs, your code will be portable
    across the various adapters provided, allowing you to pick and choose
    your services, as well as try different services until you find one that
    suits your application or business needs. Additionally, if you find you
    need to code adapter-specific features, you can drop down to the
    specific adapter in order to do so.

    More adapters will be arriving in the coming months, giving you even
    more options!

    We thank Wil Sinclair and Stas Malyshev for their assistance in the
    initial releases of Zend_Cloud.


    Several classes in Zend Framework were patched to eliminate the
    potential for leaking timing information from the direct comparison of
    sensitive data such as plaintext passwords or cryptographic signatures
    to user input. These leaks arise from the normal process of comparing
    any two strings in PHP. The nature of the leaks is that strings are
    often compared byte by byte, with a negative result being returned early
    as soon as any set of non-matching bytes is detected. The more bytes
    that are equal (starting from the first byte) between both sides of the
    comparison, the longer it takes for a final result to be returned. Based
    on the time it takes to return a negative or positive result, it is
    possible that an attacker could, over many samples of requests, craft a
    string that compares positively to another secret string value known
    only to a target server simply by guessing the string one byte at a time
    and measuring each guess' execution time. This server secret could be a
    plaintext password or the correct cryptographic signature of a request
    the attacker wants to execute, such as is used in several open protocols
    including OpenID and OAuth. This could obviously enable an attacker to
    gain sufficient information to perform a secondary attack such as
    masquerading as an authenticated user.

    This form of attack is known as a Remote Timing Attack. Timing Attacks
    have been problematic in the past but to date have been very difficult
    to perform remotely over the internet due to the interference of network
    jitter which limits their effectiveness in resolving very small timing
    differences. While the internet still poses a challenge to performing
    successful Timing Attacks against a remote server, the increasing use of
    frameworks on local networks and in cloud computing, where network
    jitter may be significantly reduced, raises the distinct possibility
    that remote Timing Attacks will become feasible against ever smaller
    timing information leaks, such as those leaked when comparing any two
    strings. As a precaution, the applied changes implement a fixed time
    comparison for several classes which would be attractive targets in any
    potential remote Timing Attack. A fixed time comparison function does
    not leak any timing information useful to an attacker thus proactively
    preventing any future vulnerability to these forms of attack.

    We thank Pàdraic Brady for his efforts in identifying and patching these

    Dojo Support

    Zend Framework's default Dojo Toolkit version has been bumped to version
    1.5.0, which includes the new component, a simple framework
    for client-side mobile applications.

    SimpleDB Support

    Zend Framework has provided support for Amazon's Simple Storage Service
    (S3), Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)
    platforms for several releases. Zend Framework 1.11.0 adds support for
    SimpleDB, Amazon's non-relational document storage database offering.
    Support is available for all SimpleDB operations via

    Zend Framework's SimpleDB adapter was originally written by Wil

    eBay Findings API Support

    eBay has an extensive REST API, allowing developers to build
    applications interacting with their extensive data. Zend Framework
    1.11.0 includes Zend_Service_Ebay_Findings, which provides complete
    support for the eBay Findings API. This API allows developers to query
    eBay for details on active auctions, using categories or keywords.

    Zend_Service_Ebay was contributed by Renan de Lima, Ramon Henrique
    Ornelas, and Don Bosco Nguyen Van Hoi.

    MariaDB Compatibility

    Zend_Db's mysql and Pdo_Mysql adapters are fully MariaDB compatible, and
    the documentation has been updated to reflect configuration options for
    this fork of MySQL.

    New Configuration Formats

    Zend_Config has been a quite popular component in Zend Framework, and
    has offerred adapters for PHP arrays, XML, and INI configuration files.
    Zend Framework 1.11.0 now offers two additional configuration formats:
    YAML and JSON.

    Zend_Config_Yaml provides a very rudimentary YAML-parser that should
    work with most configuration formats. However, it also allows you to
    specify an alternate YAML parser if desired, allowing you to lever tools
    such as PECL's ext/syck or Symfony's YAML component, sfYaml.

    Zend_Config_Json leverages the Zend_Json component, and by extension

    Both adapters have support for PHP constants, as well as provide the
    ability to write configuration files based on configuration objects.

    Stas Malyshev created both adapters for Zend Framework; Zend_Config_Json
    also had assistance from Sudheer Satyanarayana.

    URL Shortening

    Zend_Service_ShortUrl was added for this release. The component provides
    a simple interface for use with most URL shortening services, defining
    simply the methods "shorten" and "unshorten". Adapters for two services, and, are provided with this release.

    Zend_Service_ShortUrl was contributed by Martin Hujer.

    Additional View Helpers

    Several new view helpers are now exposed:

    - Zend_View_Helper_UserAgent ties into the Zend_Http_UserAgent
    component, detailed above. It gives you access to the UserAgent
    instance, allowing you to query for the device and capabilities.

    - Zend_View_Helper_TinySrc is an additional portion of Zend Framework's
    mobile offering for version 1.11.0. The helper ties into the TinySrc
    API, allowing you to a) provide device-specific image sizes and
    formats for your site, and b) offload generation of those images to
    this third-party service. The helper creates img tags pointing to the
    service, and provides options for specifying adaptive sizing and

    - Zend_View_Helper_Gravatar ties into the Gravatar API, allowing you to
    provide avatar images for registered users that utilize the Gravatar
    service. This helper was contributed by Marcin Morawski.
    Pour en savoir plus : Zend sort de nouvelles versions orientées Cloud de son Framework et de son IDE et prépare une plateforme Cloud

  2. #2
    Expert éminent sénior

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    Par défaut
    et le changelog ici :

    dont le ZF-6620, résolu pour ce topic :

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