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Unix Discussion :

message d'erreur dans la console

Sujet :


  1. #1
    Candidat au Club
    Inscrit en
    Avril 2009
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    Âge : 45

    Informations forums :
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    Messages : 10
    Points : 4
    Par défaut message d'erreur dans la console
    j'ai un alpha 800 avec Digital unix...

    le probléme c'est que ces derniers jours, la console de la machine m'affiche un message que je comprend pas , est ce que vous pouvez m'expliquer de quoi il s'agit, et l'action à mener pour corriger ce probléme??

    merci pour votre collaboration , le message est le voila :

    Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    Machine Check error corrected by processor

    Physical address of error ffffff001b5b5daf in B-Cache during D-Cache fill

    Fill Syndrome = 0000000000001d00

    Invalid Syndrome Value = 1d

    EI Address = ffffff001b5b5daf

    EI Status = fffffff105ffffff

    Interrupt Status Reg = 0000000100000000

    ECC Syndrome = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 0 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    Memory Port 1 Status Reg = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Status = 0000000000000000

    CIA Error Reg = 0000000000000000

    WARNING: too many Processor corrected errors detected on cpu 0. Reporting suspended.

  2. #2
    Par défaut

    d'après ce post, Il semblerait que ce soit lié à un problème hardware.

  3. #3
    Candidat au Club
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    Avril 2009
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Âge : 45

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    Inscription : Avril 2009
    Messages : 10
    Points : 4
    Par défaut
    merci , pour votre réponse

    alors qu'est ce que je dois faire??

  4. #4
    Membre émérite
    Homme Profil pro
    Ingénieur développement logiciels
    Inscrit en
    Octobre 2008
    1 515
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 45
    Localisation : France

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Ingénieur développement logiciels

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Octobre 2008
    Messages : 1 515
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    2 505
    Par défaut
    Contacter le support ?

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