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Zend Framework PHP Discussion :

Les nouveautés de Zend Framework 1.7 [News]

Sujet :

Zend Framework PHP

  1. #21
    Par défaut
    8 Décembre pour le mien, en version print.
    Dispo en Novembre (très bientot) en version PDF aussi, en théorie.

    On a environ 450 pages, le reste (sujets traités) est sur mon blog
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  2. #22

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Par défaut
    Et voici la version finale de ZF 1.7.0 !
    Zend Framework 1.7.0 is now available from the Zend Framework download

    This release introduces many new components and features, including:

    * Zend_Amf with support for AMF0 and AMF3 protocols
    * Dojo Toolkit 1.2.1
    * Support for dijit editor available in the Dojo Toolkit
    * Zend_Service_Twitter
    * ZendX_JQuery in extras library
    * Metadata API in Zend_Cache
    * Google book search API in Zend_Gdata
    * Preliminary support for GData Protocol v2 in Zend_Gdata
    * Support for skip data processing in Zend_Search_Lucene
    * Support for Open Office XML documents in Zend_Search_Lucene indexer
    * Performance enhancements in Zend_Loader, Zend_Controller, and server
    * Zend_Mail_Storage_Writable_Maildir enhancements for mail delivery
    * Zend_Tool in incubator
    * Zend_Text_Table for formatting table using characters
    * Zend_ProgressBar
    * Zend_Config_Writer
    * ZendX_Console_Unix_Process in the extras library
    * Zend_Db_Table_Select support for Zend_Paginator
    * Global parameters for routes
    * Using Chain-Routes for Hostname-Routes via Zend_Config
    * I18N improvements
    - Application wide locale for all classes
    - Data retrieving methods are now static
    - Additional cache handling methods in all I18N classes
    - Zend_Translate API simplified
    * File transfer enhancements
    - Support for file elements in subforms
    - Support for multifile elements
    - Support for MAX_FILES_SIZE in form
    - Support for breaking validation chain
    - Support for translation of failure ,messages
    - New IsCompressed, IsImage, ExcludeMimeType, ExcludeExtension
    - Support for FileInfo extension in MimeType validator
    * Zend_Db_Table_Select adapater for Zend_Paginator
    * Support for custom adapters in Zend_Paginator
    * More flexible handling of complex types in Zend_Soap

    In addition, almost three hundred bugs have been fixed:

    The Zend Framework team would like to thank everyone who made this
    release possible. As always, our generous ZF community has provided
    countless new features, bug fixes, documentation translations, etc. We'd
    also like to thank Adobe Systems and Wade Arnold for contributing the
    new Zend_Amf component. A big thanks to PHP Belgium and everyone who
    participated in bug hunt day ( and/or the
    Zend Framework bug hunt week. Finally, we'd like to thank all of those
    whom we've forgotten to thank above. Once again, we're reminded that
    Zend Framework is about much more than code, it is about community. See
    y'all online.

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  3. #23

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Par défaut
    Voici déjà une mini release, ZF 1.7.1 :
    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.1! You
    can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors
    for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a
    whole. Enjoy!


    Dans certains cas, si vos routes par défaut ne sont pas définies explicitement, il est possible que cette version ne conftionne pas avec vos applications. Matthew propose ce correctif en attendant la prochaine sortie :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    $front->setParam('useDefaultControllerAlways', true);
      0  0

  4. #24

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Par défaut
    Voici la version 1.7.2 avec un total de 88 bugs résolus :
    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.2! You
    can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors
    for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a
    whole. Enjoy!

      0  0

  5. #25
    Membre expert
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    Par défaut
    La version 1.7.3 est maintenant en ligne :
    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.3! You
    can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    Please note: There is a known issue with a require statement in
    ZendX_JQuery: We are
    currently considering issuing a patch to address this issue. Stay tuned!

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors
    for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a
    whole. Enjoy!

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  6. #26
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    Par défaut
    Bonsoir, j'ai trouvé se livre sur le ZF en français, par contre je ne sais pas trop se qu'il vaut:

    Zend Framework et PHP - Programmation par composants (Broché)
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  7. #27
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    Par défaut
    C'est au tour de la version 1.7.4 d'être disponible !
    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.4! You
    can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors
    for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a
    whole. Enjoy!

      0  0

  8. #28

    Avatar de Yogui
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    29 985
    Par défaut
    Et voici la version 1.7.5 :
    41 Bugs corrigés :
    Téléchargement :

    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.5! You can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a whole. Enjoy!

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  9. #29
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    Par défaut Correction de faille de Sécurité
    Une précision sur cette version 1.7.5 : elle corrige une faille de sécurité de la méthode render() des vues :
    The Zend Framework team has been notified of a potential Local File Inclusion (LFI) attack vector in Zend_View's render() method. To address the issue, as of the 1.7.5 release the render() method no longer accepts paths that include parent directory traversal (e.g., "../" and "..\") in the path argument. This introduces a regression in behavior which can be addressed by turning off the lfiProtectionOn flag. For more information, see:

    If this advisory does not affect your applications, please disregard. We take security very seriously and will continue to notify all users when a security fault is discovered.

    Thank you.

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  10. #30
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    Par défaut
    Savez-vous si Zend 1.7.5 supporte Lucene 2.4.0 ?

    En d'autres termes : un index Lucene créé en Java avec Lucene 2.4.0 peut-il être lu en php avec Zend 1.7.5 ?
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  11. #31

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Citation Envoyé par fabrisss Voir le message
    Savez-vous si Zend 1.7.5 supporte Lucene 2.4.0 ?

    En d'autres termes : un index Lucene créé en Java avec Lucene 2.4.0 peut-il être lu en php avec Zend 1.7.5 ?
    Non, apparemment avec ZF 1.6 cela va jusqu'à Lucene version 2.3 :
    The currently supported Lucene index file format version is 2.3 (starting from ZF 1.6).
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  12. #32
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    Par défaut
    Voici la version 1.7.6 :
    - 19 bugs corrigés :
    - Téléchargement :

    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.6! You can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a whole. Enjoy!

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  13. #33
    Membre expert
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    Par défaut
    C'est au tour de la 1.7.7 avec de nouveau 19 bugs corrigés !

    Hi all,

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of Zend Framework 1.7.7! You can download this new mini release from the ZF download site:

    A list of all issues resolved in this release can be found at:

    We'd like to once again thank our generous Zend Framework contributors for all the effort they have put in to this release and the project as a whole. Enjoy!

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  14. #34
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    Par défaut
    Il est fortement conseillé de migrer vers la version 1.7.7 qui corrige une faille de sécurité XSS de la classe Zend_Filter_StripTags :
    The Zend Framework team was recently notified of an XSS attack vector in its Zend_Filter_StripTags class. Zend_Filter_StripTags offers the ability to strip HTML tags from text, but also to selectively choose which tags and specific attributes of those tags to keep.

    The XSS attack vector was due to a bug in matching HTML tag attributes to retain. If whitespace was introduced surrounding the attribute assignment operator or the value included newline characters, the attribute would always be included in the final output- even if it was not marked to retain.

    A security fix has been created and released with Zend Framework 1.7.7.

    Additionally, the fix has been back-ported to the 1.6, 1.5, and 1.0 release branches.

    The Zend Framework team strongly recommends upgrading to version 1.7.7. If you cannot upgrade at this time, we recommend exporting from the release branch matching the minor release you are currently using, or downloading the file listed below and pushing it into your Zend Framework installation.

    Thank you.

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  15. #35

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Par défaut
    Et voici Zend Framework 1.7.8 avec 15 correctifs :

    Pour le télécharger :
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  16. #36

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    Ce débat touche à sa fin puisque ZF 1.8 approche :
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