bonjour a tous,

je cherche le moyen de modifier le numero de tel d'un contact qui se trouve dans le carnet d'adresse windows, je n'ai trouver que peu d'information.... mais rien de concluant (juste une instance ouverte), si vous pouvez m'aider ca serai super ...

Private Declare Function WABOpen Lib "C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\System\WAB32.dll" (lpAdrBook As Long, lpWABObject As Long, tWP As WAB_PARAM, ByVal lpReserved As Long) As Long

Private Const S_OK = &H0

'Contains the input information to pass to WABOpen
Private Type WAB_PARAM
cbSize As Long
hwnd As Long
sFileName As String
lFlags As Long
End Type

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim lAdrBook As Long, lWABObject As Long, tWP As WAB_PARAM

tWP.hwnd = Me.hwnd
tWP.sFileName = vbNullString
tWP.lFlags = 0&
tWP.cbSize = Len(tWP)

If WABOpen(lAdrBook, lWABObject, tWP, 0&) = S_OK Then
MsgBox "WABOpen succesful !"
MsgBox "WABOpen not succesful !!"
End If

MsgBox lAdrBook
MsgBox lWABObject
End Sub