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Oracle Discussion :

Compatibilité de Oracle 9i

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  1. #1
    Nouveau Candidat au Club
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    Par défaut Compatibilité de Oracle 9i

    Je souhaite savoir si DBB 9i 32b est compatible avec AIX V 5.3

    Merci d'acvance,


  2. #2
    Expert éminent sénior
    Avatar de SheikYerbouti
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    Par défaut
    Voici ce qui est indiqué sur Metalink:
    General Notes For Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition On IBM AIX based Systems:
    O/S Information:
    Oracle products are certified for AIX5L on whatever servers that IBM supports with AIX5L. This includes IBM eServer pSeries and iSeries servers. Please visit IBM's website at this URL for more information on AIX5L support for iSeries.
    AIX5L certifications include AIX5L versions 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. 10g is ONLY certified on 5.2 and 5.3.
    Customers should review MetaLink Note 282036.1
    Note:A new installation of Oracle will need to be performed to operate on AIX 5L if upgrading from 4.3.3. Please refer to MetaLink note 231901.1 for clarification.
    32-bit/64-bit Information:

    Starting with Oracle9i, the Server is always in 64-bit mode and ships with both a 32-bit and 64-bit Client Libraries.
    If the Server product is 64-bit then 64-bit hardware (processors) is required.

    Hardware Information:
    Systems that are capable of more than 4 CPUs are certified only for the Enterprise Edition
    Oracle software for AIX-Based systems can be used on Bull Escala AIX, Motorola AIX.
    Since Oracle8, Server products in this section are also certified on the IBM SP.
    Rédacteur Oracle (Oracle ACE)
    Guide Oracle ,Guide PL/SQL, Guide Forms 9i/10g, Index de recherche
    Je ne réponds pas aux questions techniques par MP
    Blogs: Forms-PL/SQL-J2EE - Forms Java Beans

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