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Langage Perl Discussion :

using 3 sockets with files

Sujet :

Langage Perl

  1. #1
    Nouveau Candidat au Club
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    Administrateur systèmes et réseaux
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    Mai 2017
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 28
    Localisation : Tunisie

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Administrateur systèmes et réseaux

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mai 2017
    Messages : 1
    Points : 1
    Par défaut using 3 sockets with files
    We will create 3 sockets two Servers and one Client : ServerA and ServerB and Client

    My Problem is that I don't know how to use files in sockets and perl and also I don't know how to create a communication between 3 Sockets
    I know only with Client/Server

    Is there anyone who can help me in doing this.

    This is the Instructions :

    The Client will send the string containing his name and his credit card number (Exemple : "Carl, 5321456855741") and wait.
    This String will be sent to ServerA with a communication protocol between Client and ServerA.

    Then ServerA will modify the information and make it in this form "Carl-5321456855741" then send it to ServerB.

    ServerB will verify if the informtion is correct or not by searching in a text file (created already and contain a list of names and Credit card numbers in this
    form "Name-CardNumber-Amount" in each line) :

    *) If it's correct (existing in the text file) ServerB will reply "Welcome $Name you have $Amount in your account" to ServerA and ServerA will send the
    same message received from ServerB to Client.

    *) If it's not correct (not existing in the text file) ServerB will reply "Sorry your informations is incorrect" to ServerA and ServerA will send the
    same message received from ServerB to Client.

  2. #2

    Avatar de Lolo78
    Homme Profil pro
    Conseil - Consultant en systèmes d'information
    Inscrit en
    Mai 2012
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yvelines (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Conseil - Consultant en systèmes d'information
    Secteur : High Tech - Opérateur de télécommunications

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mai 2012
    Messages : 3 612
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    Par défaut
    Hello arekik,

    this is a French-speaking forum, you should ask questions in French.

    In addition, this looks like homework. Please do not expect us to do your homework for you, that would be a very bad service to you. We can help you if you encounter some difficulties while trying by yourself to solve your problem, we will not do the work for you.


    En français, brièvement: c'est un forum francophone, les questions doivent être posées en français. De plus il s'agit manifestement d'un devoir scolaire, nous ne ferons pas ce devoir à la place du demandeur. Ce serait d'ailleurs lui rendre un bien mauvais service. Nous pouvons aider s'il rencontre des difficultés, pas faire son devoir à sa place.

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