Bonjour à tous,
Mes voeux les meilleurs à tous pour cet nouvel an. J'ai un soucis avec le deploiement du projet OPENLmis, j'ai suivi le tutoriel sur github mais lorsque j'arrive à l'etape du build on me sort : build FAILED
voici le resultat de sortie:
Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux): Executed 1034 of 1059 (256 FAILED) (skipped 8) (0 secs /Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux) User User Role Assignment Controller should not add allocation role without role ids FAILED

Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux): Executed 1035 of 1059 (257 FAILED) (skipped 8) (0 secs /Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux) User User Role Assignment Controller should not add allocation role if role ids are undefined FAILED

Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux): Executed 1036 of 1059 (258 FAILED) (skipped 8) (0 secs /Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux) User User Role Assignment Controller should not add allocation role if duplicate FAILED

Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux): Executed 1039 of 1059 (261 FAILED) (skipped 8) (0 secs /Firefox 34.0.0 (Linux) User User Role Assignment Controller should add shipment role if all fields present FAILED

Quelqu'un a -t il deploye deja OPENLmis quelque part ?