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Livres Discussion :

[Livre] SAS For Dummies

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  1. #1
    Responsable SAS

    Inscrit en
    Septembre 2006
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    Inscription : Septembre 2006
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    Par défaut [Livre] SAS For Dummies

    Description :

    Use SAS to meet your data management, analysis, reporting, and forecasting needs Thousands of businesses use hundreds of SAS products to manage and deliver their data more effectively and create reports that mean something. Are you ready to join them? This book helps you use and understand basic SAS software,including SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Add–In for Microsoft Office, and SAS Web Report Studio. Swiss army knife — learn how SAS® Enterprise Guide® facilitates both access to and protection of corporate data They can do it themselves — see how your analysts can create their own reports with SAS tools Data can′t hide — use infomaps and administered libraries to find data hiding in your PC It′s mine — make your data mining more effective with SAS® Enterprise Miner Show me the report — find out how to create reports in plain text, PDF, RTF, HTML, and SAS Report formats Intelligent BI — explore the concepts of statistics and analytics as they relate to quality business intelligence It′s everywhere — learn to use SAS from your desktop, on the Web, in Excel, and even in PowerPoint A peek at programming — discover how to tweak SAS to fit your needs perfectly Open the book and find: How SAS turns data into useful information A dozen types of graphs you can create Why the IT department loves SAS Installation and setup advice Where to find real–world SAS success stories How to create SAS® content to share with others Online SAS® resources Learn to: Use SAS9 statistical and analytical tools Get various types of data into thesoftware Use Web tools to produce reports Work with operational, financial,performance, and sales data

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  2. #2
    Membre éprouvé
    Avatar de steelspirit
    Homme Profil pro
    SAS discute
    Inscrit en
    Janvier 2008
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Paris (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : SAS discute
    Secteur : Industrie Pharmaceutique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Janvier 2008
    Messages : 472
    Points : 916
    Par défaut Critique du livre "SAS for dummies"
    Pour ceux qui sont interessés par SAS Enterprise Guide je vous conseil SAS for dummies (SAS pour les nuls) avec une approche pas à pas et des captures d'écran qui décrivent :
    -> l'accès et la gestion des données
    -> la production de rapports et graphiques
    -> les stored process, les cubes OLAP, l'Add in Office
    et bien d'autres choses encore.

    SAS for dummies
    Stephen McDaniel et Chris Hemedinger
    niveau : débutants SAS ou confirmés souhaitant bien débuter avec SAS Enterprise Guide.


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