Bonjour ;
y'a t'il quelqu'un qui a déjà utilisé la méthode :getAllHyponyms (word,pos)

J'ai un problème avec cette méthode; elle me retourne des resultats ; mais tous les mots composés sont absents voir les deux listes en bas)

Elle devra me donner cette liste :pour le word "animal" avec pos="n"
Premiere liste :
Hyponyms of noun animal

1 sense of animal

Sense 1
animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
=> pest
=> critter
=> creepy-crawly
=> darter
=> peeper
=> homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm
=> poikilotherm, ectotherm
=> range animal
=> varmint, varment
=> scavenger
=> work animal
=> domestic animal, domesticated animal
=> feeder
=> migrator
=> molter, moulter
=> pet
=> stayer
=> stunt
=> marine animal, marine creature, sea animal, sea creature
=> female
=> male
=> adult
=> young, offspring
=> thoroughbred, purebred, pureblood
=> giant
=> survivor
=> mutant
=> herbivore
=> insectivore
=> acrodont
=> pleurodont
=> zooplankton
=> embryo, conceptus, fertilized egg
=> chordate
=> invertebrate
=> metazoan
=> omnivore
=> predator, predatory animal
=> prey, quarry
=> game
=> hexapod
=> biped
=> larva
=> racer
=> fictional animal
=> captive
=> mate
Voila la méthode:

Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
public String[] getAllHypoByWord()
// Hyponyms for all senses
String []result = null;
result=wordnet.getAllHyponyms(word, pos);
System.out.println("\n\n====== getAllHyponyms() ======"+this.word+" "+this.pos);
//System.out.println("(all-senses) ");
/*for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
return result;
Mais elle me donne comme résultats cette liste : tous les mots composés sont absents

Deuxièmeliste ( là où il y a le manque)
Hyponyms of noun animal

1 sense of animal

Sense 1
animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
=> pest
=> critter

=> darter
=> peeper
=> homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm
=> poikilotherm, ectotherm

=> varmint, varment
=> scavenger
=> work animal

=> feeder
=> migrator
=> molter, moulter
=> pet
=> stayer
=> stunt

=> female
=> male
=> adult
=> young, offspring
=> thoroughbred, purebred, pureblood
=> giant
=> survivor
=> mutant
=> herbivore
=> insectivore
=> acrodont
=> pleurodont
=> zooplankton
=> embryo, conceptus
=> chordate
=> invertebrate
=> metazoan
=> omnivore
=> predator
=> prey, quarry
=> game
=> hexapod
=> biped
=> larva
=> racer

=> captive
=> mate
Merci de m'aider à trouver une solution.