bon jour;
j'ai télécharger le fichier .zip de ez publish et je l'ai compressé sous le repertoire www.
mais lors de l'installation ce message apparut:

1. Time zone configuration

You are using the default time zone, UTC. It is important that you set your time zone to make sure date and time is handled correctly. To do this, set the date.timezone setting in php.ini.

Example php.ini configuration:

date.timezone = "Europe/Oslo"

For a list of valid time zones see the List of Supported Time zones in the PHP documentation.

Alternatively, if you do not have access to modify php.ini, you can change the time zone in config.php. Time zone set in config.php will override the php.ini time zone setting.

Example config.php configuration:

date_default_timezone_set( "Europe/Oslo" );

If you want to keep UTC as your time zone, check Ignore this test below to proceed.

Wrong eZ Components version detected

The minimum required eZ Components version is 2008.2.

Download instructions for both regular download and PEAR are provided at
j'ai modifié la configuration dans le fichier php.ini en mettant:
date.timezone ="Africa/Tunis" mais le probleme persiste.