EasyCloud has combined Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a service as a combined product, with the ability to easily launch popular open source applications without any Linux programming expertise. Also featuring a new, very promising auto-database creation tool and other powerful API features.
It’s the “First of its kind solution available on the market designed to help customers reduce the amount of time and effort spent on configuring popular web applications in cloud environments” according to EasyCloud in their beta launch news release on Yahoo News, on Tuesday. When using other cloud environments, designers and developers are faced with learning new Linux commands, searching for patches and scouring through help files just to build out servers before they ever get started doing actual web development. Not only is this one of the biggest pains in the development business; it’s also the most costly to any web developer who is trying to run a business.
“We ran a few EasyCloud deployments to see for ourselves and before we could even set a baseline for testing, our WordPress server was ready to use. Needless to say we were impressed, so much so we had to ask ourselves why no one had thought of this, until now.” says Brandon Starr, Founder of Starr Creative, a web firm in Houston, TX. EasyCloud is promised to save developers hours of time, freeing them to develop better websites.
“I figured if we could get web developers back to developing the web, rather than learning how to launch servers, the great minds of the web could get back to what they do best, creating. Instead of focusing on solving silly server issues. EasyCloud allows the developer to get his server online in the cloud, instead of getting frustrated trying to make sense of whats out there and how to make it work.” says Michael Miller, CFO of EasyCloud.
EasyCloud was founded by the creators of new web hosting startup Clout Host, who plan on continuing the advancement of what they call IPSaaS technology (Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service). From the beginning they made it clear that they wanted to bring something new to the hosting business. The solution was discovered after several admins on the network team complained of wasted time on building and patching servers.
“The team went a bit stir crazy putting together something to finally resolve the issue. And after using our in-house solution for a few months, we knew this product was a must-have for any web designer or developer. Really this is a solution that finally brings the cloud to the masses.” says EasyCloud™ CEO Jared Rice. EasyCloud.
More web applications and updates are promised in the coming weeks along with daily updates to current applications. All servers are promised as a “1,2,3? build process and come with 24/7 customer support.
EasyCloud servers come in many shapes and sizes, including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento and scale up to 32GB of Ram. EasyCloud servers start at $19.99/month and can be launched instantly at

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