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Zend_Form PHP Discussion :

Créer des widgets Dojo depuis ZF [News]

Sujet :

Zend_Form PHP

  1. #1

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Par défaut Créer des widgets Dojo depuis ZF

    Je sais, je suis en retard mais je viens à peine de voir l'annonce de Matthew :

    I've got the Dojo Zend_Form widgets proposal ready for community review:

    Basically, the proposal aims to address two themes:

    * Creating Dojo-specific form elements
    * Using Dojo layout containers and content panes with Zend_Form

    Most dijit.form widgets are present, as are all major layout dijits.

    Additionally, if you haven't looked at it already, please look at the compatibility component review:

    Please review and comment!
    Comme tout le monde s'y attendait, l'idée est de permettre à ZF de s'occuper de toute la configuration des formulaires :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    $form->addElement('validationTextBox', 'username', array(
         'lowercase' => 'true',
         'maxlength' => 20,
         'regExp'    => '^[a-z][a-z0-9]{3,}$',
         'required'  => 'true',
         'invalidMessage' => 'Please enter a string between 3 and 20 characters with only alphanumeric characters',
         'filters'   => array(
         'validators' => array(
             array('StringLength', true, array(3, 20)),
             array('Regex', true, array('/^[a-z][a-z0-9]+$/i')),
    Ici par exemple, on créé un widget Dojo depuis ZF : ValidationTextBox. Il suffit ensuite d'utiliser les assistants de la Vue pour inclure les bons scripts dijit.*

    Avez-vous des avis/suggestions ?

  2. #2
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    Par défaut
    En retard aussi de quelques jours mais il y a maintenant des widgets dans l'incubateur :
    Images attachées Images attachées  

  3. #3

    Avatar de Yogui
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    Par défaut
    Oui, c'est en pleine évolution en ce moment. Voici par exemple un message de Matthew hier :
    -- Ralf Eggert <> wrote
    (on Wednesday, 09 July 2008, 10:27 AM +0200):
    > I am currently writing an article about the actual state of affairs for
    > the Zend Framework which will be published in the next edition of the
    > German PHP Magazin.
    > Now I would like to add a chapter about the plans for the 1.6 release.
    > From my notes I got that the MVC testing scaffold and the SOAP support
    > is planned to be published in the 1.6 release.
    > What else is in the pipe for 1.6?
    > Is there any release date planned for 1.6?

    I'm going to defer to Wil for much of this, but will take an initial
    stab on the things I know.

    Regarding features in the pipe for 1.6, yes, SOAP support and MVC
    testing scaffold are biggies, as is the Dojo integration (more on that
    below). We also plan to ship a prototype of Zend_Tool, though it will
    not be the final version; think of it as a preview release of that

    > What is the status of the Dojo integration?

    About 90% complete; I plan to finish the form decorators today, as well
    as all tests for elements and decorators. This will complete the fourth
    and final item in our initial Dojo integration -- which means it will
    ship with 1.6. The 4 integration points are:

    * JSON-RPC server implementation (Zend_Json_Server)
    * ZF component for generating payloads
    * dojo() placeholder view helper for setting up the Dojo environment
    for your application
    * Form elements, decorators, and view helpers implementing Dojo dijits

    Additionally, we will be shipping Dojo with 1.6.

    > What are the plans for jQuery?

    None whatsoever for 1.6. Any jQuery support in ZF will need to be wholly
    owned by community contributors, and will need to go through the
    proposal process just like any other component.
    - Show quoted text -

    > Since the editorial deadline is tomorrow, it would be nice to get some
    > input until then. Thanks.

    Matthew Weier O'Phinney
    Software Architect |
    Zend Framework |

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