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Windows Serveur Discussion :

Pb installation WSUS mode désespoir

Sujet :

Windows Serveur

  1. #1
    Membre régulier
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    Par défaut Pb installation WSUS mode désespoir

    Ca fait 2 jours que je bataille avec l'installation d'un WSUS, que je teste toutes les solutions possibles mais rien n'y fait => Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 could not install Windows Internal Database

    Les logs :

    2012-12-15 05:48:25 Success MWUSSetup Detected that setup was launched through Server Manager
    2012-12-15 05:48:26 Success MWUSSetup Validating pre-requisites...
    2012-12-15 05:48:26 Error MWUSSetup Failed to determine if an higher version of WSUS is installed. Assuming it is not... (Error 0x80070002: The system cannot find the file specified.)
    2012-12-15 05:48:26 Error MWUSSetup WSUS is outdated. But this will not block setup (Error 0x00000000: The operation completed successfully.)
    2012-12-15 05:48:29 Success MWUSSetup ReportViewer is not installed on this machine
    2012-12-15 05:48:29 Success MWUSSetup ReportViewer is not installed on this machine
    2012-12-15 05:48:38 Success MWUSSetup No SQL instances found
    2012-12-15 05:48:43 Success MWUSSetup Initializing installation details
    2012-12-15 05:48:43 Success MWUSSetup Skipping Asp.Net install since not running on win2k3...
    2012-12-15 05:48:43 Success MWUSSetup Installing wYukon using ocsetup
    2012-12-15 05:48:43 Success MWUSSetup Installing Windows Internal database using ocsetup with command line as "ocsetup "WSSEE" /quiet /norestart"
    2012-12-15 05:49:24 Error MWUSSetup The process ocsetup "WSSEE" /quiet /norestart returned error: 0x643 (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:49:24 Error MWUSSetup ExecCmd failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:49:24 Error MWUSSetup Install Windows Internal database: Failed to execute "ocsetup "WSSEE" /quiet /norestart" (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:49:24 Error MWUSSetup CInstallDriver:erformSetup: Installation of wYukon failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:49:24 Error MWUSSetup CSetupDriver::LaunchSetup: Setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:49:29 Error MWUSSetup DoInstall: Wsus setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:51:36 Success MWUSSetup Detected that setup was launched through Server Manager
    2012-12-15 05:51:37 Success MWUSSetup Validating pre-requisites...
    2012-12-15 05:51:37 Error MWUSSetup Failed to determine if an higher version of WSUS is installed. Assuming it is not... (Error 0x80070002: The system cannot find the file specified.)
    2012-12-15 05:51:37 Error MWUSSetup WSUS is outdated. But this will not block setup (Error 0x00000000: The operation completed successfully.)
    2012-12-15 05:51:39 Success MWUSSetup ReportViewer is not installed on this machine
    2012-12-15 05:51:39 Success MWUSSetup ReportViewer is not installed on this machine
    2012-12-15 05:51:46 Success MWUSSetup No SQL instances found
    2012-12-15 05:51:54 Success MWUSSetup Initializing installation details
    2012-12-15 05:51:54 Success MWUSSetup Skipping Asp.Net install since not running on win2k3...
    2012-12-15 05:51:54 Success MWUSSetup Installing wYukon using ocsetup
    2012-12-15 05:51:54 Success MWUSSetup Installing Windows Internal database using ocsetup with command line as "ocsetup "WSSEE" /quiet /norestart"
    2012-12-15 05:52:32 Error MWUSSetup The process ocsetup "WSSEE" /quiet /norestart returned error: 0x643 (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:52:32 Error MWUSSetup ExecCmd failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:52:32 Error MWUSSetup Install Windows Internal database: Failed to execute "ocsetup "WSSEE" /quiet /norestart" (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:52:32 Error MWUSSetup CInstallDriver:erformSetup: Installation of wYukon failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:52:32 Error MWUSSetup CSetupDriver::LaunchSetup: Setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    2012-12-15 05:56:05 Error MWUSSetup DoInstall: Wsus setup failed (Error 0x80070643: Fatal error during installation.)
    Je suis au désespoir le plus grand

    Merci à qui peut m'aider

  2. #2
    Membre averti Avatar de Trs80M1
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    Inscription : Décembre 2012
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    Par défaut
    Il y a des anciennes version de Wsus installées ?
    Peut-être qu'un nettoyage du registre avec ccleaner ferait du bien.
    L'idéal quand on peut c'est monter une machine virtuelle neuve...

  3. #3
    Membre éprouvé
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    Par défaut
    Passe par une version sql express ,mieux que l embeded,et plus simple gère, et tu verras aussi si tu as le même types d erreur.

    Fais aussi une desinstallation de l embeded,je n ai pas la ligne de commande exact mais tu trouveras ça sur Google.


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