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Crystal Report : problème de jointure

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  1. #1
    Futur Membre du Club
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    Juin 2010
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    Inscription : Juin 2010
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    Points : 6
    Par défaut Crystal Report : problème de jointure
    je n'arrive pas à faire de jointure entre 2 tables (se trouvant dans une CMDB ITSM) : base élément et base relationship. Je les ai pourtant bien mis en relation ....

    Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée ?



  2. #2
    Futur Membre du Club
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    Inscription : Juin 2010
    Messages : 5
    Points : 6
    Par défaut
    Voici ce que j'ai fini par trouver sur le site de BMC, et qui explique pourquoi ça ne marche pas.....

    Why are Joins not support in the Remedy ODBC driver?
    Joins are not implemented for a variety of reasons. They range from the cost of performing the join operation remote to the database from a sheer performance perspective to more mundane things like the difficulty of handling all possible permutations -- including nesting -- that are possible in SQL that are not directly mappable to the AR System.

    However, the most important reason is one of security. The security model of the AR System is defined across forms. Trying to define a join and have security cross the several tables does not work. When you are accessing merged data, the security of the operation is tied to the merged definition. This is especially true for the concept of row-level security.

    Since it is possible to create the join definition at the AR System level and there is no performance impact on the AR System server side for an extra join and since the performance is better and the security mode more consistent and complete, we have not implemented joins at the Crystal Report level.

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