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VirtualBox Discussion :

Virtualbox 3.0.4 dispo

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  1. #1
    Membre chevronné Avatar de nirgal76
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    Par défaut Virtualbox 3.0.4 dispo
    tout est dans le titre

  2. #2
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    VirtualBox 3.0.4 (released 2009-08-04)

    This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

    * VMM: 64 bits guest stability fixes (AMD-V only; bugs #3923 & #3666)
    * VMM: SMP stability fixes (AMD-V only)
    * VMM: SMP performance improvement (esp. for Solaris guests)
    * VMM: eliminated several bugs which could lead to a host reboot
    * VMM: fixed OS/2 ACP2 boot floppy hang (VT-x only)
    * VMM: small performance improvement for OpenSolaris guests (AMD-V only)
    * VMM: fixed CentOS/Xen reboot (software virtualization only; bug #4509)
    * SATA: fixed hangs / BSOD during Windows XP installation (bug #4342)
    * SATA: mark the ports as non hotpluggable (bug #3920)
    * 3D support: fix deadlocks and context/window tracking for multithreaded applications (bug #3922)
    * 3D support: fix memory leaks when terminating OpenGL guest applications
    * 3D support: fix crash in Call of Duty
    * NAT: using two or more NAT adapters in one VM was broken (3.0.0 regression)
    * NAT: fixed network communication corruptions (bugs #4499, #4540, #4591, #4604)
    * NAT: fixed passive ftp access to host server (bug #4427)
    * iSCSI: fixed cloning to/from iSCSI disks
    * GUI: fixed path separator handling for the OVF export on Windows (bug #4354)
    * GUI: the mini toolbar was only shown on the first host display (bug #4654)
    * GUI: added a VM option to display the mini toolbar on top
    * GUI: don’t crash when adding plus configuring host-only network interfaces
    * Shared Folders: fixed selection of a drive root directory as a shared folder host path in VirtualBox (Windows host only)
    * USB: fixed a bug that may have rendered USB devicefilter settings inactive (3.0.2 regression, bug #466
    * Guest Additions: report the Guest Additions version to the guest properties (bug #3415)
    * Mac OS X hosts: fix creation of VMDK files giving raw partition access (bug #1461)
    * Mac OS X hosts: improved support for Snow Leopard
    * Linux hosts: fixed problems leading to wrong colors or transparency in host windows with some graphics drivers (bug #3095)
    * Linux hosts: hardware detection fallbacks if the hal service fails to find any DVD drives.
    * Linux and Solaris hosts: Work around color handling problems in Qt (bug #4353)
    * Solaris hosts: fixed memory leaks in host-only networking
    * Solaris Installer: fixed incorrect netmask for Host-only interface (bug #4590)
    * Solaris Installer: added package dependency for Python and Python-devel (bug #4570)
    * X11 guests: prevent windows from being skipped in seamless mode KDE guests (bugs #1681 and #3574)
    * X11 guests: fixed screen corruption in X11 guests when large amounts of video RAM were allocated (bug #4430)
    * X11 guests: some fixes when switching between host and guest-drawn mouse pointers.
    * X11 guests: fixed an issue which caused seamless mode to stop working as it should (the main issue listed in bug #2238 ).
    "Un langage de programmation est sensé être une façon conventionnelle de donner des ordres à un ordinateur (...). Il n'est pas sensé être obscure, bizarre et plein de pièges subtils (ça, ce sont des attributs de la magie)." D.Small

  3. #3

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