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Bioinformatique Perl Discussion :

Problème du KGML loader

Sujet :

Bioinformatique Perl

  1. #1
    Futur Membre du Club
    Inscrit en
    Mars 2008
    Détails du profil
    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Mars 2008
    Messages : 6
    Points : 7
    Par défaut Problème du KGML loader
    Bonjour tout le monde,

    Je suis en train de reproduire l'importation des données Kegg XML en base de données locale.

    Le script qui le fait n'a pas été fait par moi, mais est libre.

    Voici le code :

    # Authors: Junghwan Park, Iliana Avila-Campillo
    # Last modified: December 7, 2005 by Iliana
    # Data is downloaded from ftp site into ./kgml directory
    # Requires Perl module XML::Simple, download and install from CPAN.
    use warnings;
    use XML::Simple;
    use DBI();
    use Cwd;

    print "------------------- --------------------\n";
    if(scalar(@ARGV) < 3){
    print "USAGE perl <db user> <db password> <db name>\n";

    $dbuser = $ARGV[0];
    $dbpwd = $ARGV[1];
    $dbname = $ARGV[2];

    #kdrew: commenting out unused var
    #$dbid = "kegg";

    # download current KEGG KGML
    system('rm -r kgml');
    system('mkdir kgml');
    print "Getting kgml.tar.gz... ";
    system('wget --directory-prefix=kgml') == 0 or die "$?\n";
    print "done\n";
    print "Uncompressing... ";
    system('cd kgml;gunzip < kgml.tar.gz | tar xvf -') == 0 or die "$?\n";
    print "done\n";
    system('cd kgml;rm list.lst');
    system('cd kgml;ls -R1 > list.lst'); # recursive and print one entry per line of output

    open (LIST, "kgml/list.lst") or die "Could not open kgml/list.lst\n";

    $| = 1;

    my @filename = ();
    print "Storing xml file names into array...\n";
    while (<LIST>) {

    if ($_ =~ /^\.\/([A-Za-z0-9]*)\:/) {
    $org = $1; #directory name

    if ($_ =~ /([A-Za-z0-9]+)\.xml$/) {
    # xml file
    $filename = './'.$org.'/'.$1.'.xml';
    #print "\t$filename\n";
    push(@filename, $filename);

    print "done\n";

    print "Creating database and tables...";

    $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:host=localhost", $dbuser, $dbpwd) or die "Can't make database connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
    $dbh->do("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $dbname");
    $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $dbname") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("USE $dbname") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_name (path VARCHAR(20), name VARCHAR(100), UNIQUE(path, name))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE gene_name (gene VARCHAR(20), name VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(gene, name))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE xml_obj (id VARCHAR(20), type VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(id, type))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE org_gene (org VARCHAR(5), gene VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(org, gene))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE org_path (org VARCHAR(5), path VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(org, path))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_gene (path VARCHAR(20), gene VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(path, gene))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_cpd (path VARCHAR(20), cpd VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(path, cpd))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_enz (path VARCHAR(20), enz VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(path, enz))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_path (path1 VARCHAR(20), path2 VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(path1, path2))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_rel (path VARCHAR(20), entry1 VARCHAR(20), entry2 VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(path,entry1,entry2))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE path_rxn (path VARCHAR(20), rxn VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(path, rxn))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE gene_rxn (gene VARCHAR(20), rxn VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(gene, rxn))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE gene_map (gene VARCHAR(20), map VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(gene, map))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE enz_map (enz VARCHAR(20), map VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(enz, map))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE rxn_cpd (rxn VARCHAR(20), cpd VARCHAR(20), UNIQUE(rxn, cpd))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    print "done\n";

    $total = $#filename+1;
    $cur = 0;
    my @sqls = ();
    print "KEGG KGML file DB Importing Progress:\n";
    #kdrew: commenting out unused var
    #$ttt = 100;

    $starttime = time;

    foreach $filename (@filename) {
    $nowtime = time;
    if ($cur == 0) {
    $totaltime = 0;
    } else {
    $totaltime = $total * ($nowtime-$starttime)/$cur;
    $lefttime = $totaltime - ($nowtime - $starttime);

    $totalhr = int($totaltime/3600);
    $totalmin = int(($totaltime-$totalhr*3600)/60);
    $totalsec = int($totaltime-$totalhr*3600-$totalmin*60);

    $lefthr = int($lefttime/3600);
    $leftmin = int(($lefttime-$lefthr*3600)/60);
    $leftsec = int($lefttime-$lefthr*3600-$leftmin*60);

    printf("\r$filename - progress: %5.2f\%, total: %2d:%2d:%2d, left: %2d:%2d:%2d",($cur*100.0/$total), $totalhr, $totalmin, $totalsec, $lefthr, $leftmin, $leftsec);
    my $file = 'kgml/'.$filename;
    $filename =~ /\.\/([a-z]+)\/([a-z0-9]+)\.xml/;

    my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new();
    my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($file);

    $orgname = $doc->{'org'};
    $pathname = $doc->{'name'};

    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO org_path VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $orgname, $pathname) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $entry = $doc->{'entry'};

    foreach $entry_name (keys(%$entry)) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO xml_obj VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $pathname.":".$entry->{$entry_name}->{"id"}, $entry->{$entry_name}->{"type"}) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    if ($entry->{$entry_name}->{"type"} eq "gene") {
    $genenames = $entry_name;
    @genenames = split(/\s/, $genenames);

    foreach $genename (@genenames) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO org_gene VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $orgname, $genename) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_gene VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $genename) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    if (exists($entry->{$entry_name}->{"map"})) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO gene_map VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $genename, $pathname.":".$entry->{$entry_name}->{"map"}) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    } else {
    @cgenenames = split(/,\s+/,$entry->{$entry_name}->{"graphics"}->{"name"});
    foreach $cgenename (@cgenenames) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO gene_name VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $genename, $cgenename) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    @rxnnames = split(/\s+/,$entry->{$entry_name}->{"reaction"});
    foreach $rxnname (@rxnnames) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO gene_rxn VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $genename, $rxnname) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    if ($entry->{$entry_name}->{"type"} eq "compound") {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_cpd VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry_name) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    if ($entry->{$entry_name}->{"type"} eq "enzyme") {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_enz VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry_name) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    if (exists($entry->{$entry_name}->{"map"})) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO enz_map VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $entry_name, $pathname.":".$entry->{$entry_name}->{"map"}) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    if ($entry->{$entry_name}->{"type"} eq "map") {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_path VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry_name) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $fullname = $entry->{$entry_name}->{"graphics"}->{"name"};
    if ($fullname =~ /^TITLE\[A-Za-z0-9\s\:_-]+)/) {
    $fullname = $1;
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_name VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $entry_name, $fullname) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $rxns = $doc->{"reaction"};

    foreach $rxnid (keys(%$rxns)) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_rxn VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $rxnid) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $rxn = $rxns->{$rxnid};
    if (exists($rxn->{"product"})) {
    unless (exists($rxn->{"product"}->{'name'})) {
    foreach $product (keys(%{$rxn->{"product"}})) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO rxn_cpd VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $rxnid, $product) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    } else {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO rxn_cpd VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $rxnid, $rxns->{$rxnid}->{"product"}->{"name"}) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    if (exists($rxn->{"substrate"})) {
    unless (exists($rxn->{"substrate"}->{'name'})) {
    foreach $substrate (keys(%{$rxn->{"substrate"}})) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO rxn_cpd VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $rxnid, $substrate) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    } else {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO rxn_cpd VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $rxnid, $rxns->{$rxnid}->{"substrate"}->{"name"}) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    @rels = $doc->{"relation"};

    foreach $rel (@rels) {
    if (ref($rel) eq 'HASH') {
    $entry1 = $entry2 = $subtype = $value = $type = "";
    $entry1 = $rel2->{"entry1"};
    $entry2 = $rel2->{"entry2"};
    $subtype = $rel2->{"subtype"};
    $value = $pathname.":".$subtype->{"value"};
    $type = $rel2->{"type"} if (exists $rel2->{"type"});
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_rel VALUES(?, ?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry1, $entry2) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_rel VALUES(?, ?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry2, $entry1) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    } else {
    @rels2 = @$rel;
    foreach $rel2 (@rels2) {
    $entry1 = $entry2 = $subtype = $value = $type = "";
    $entry1 = $rel2->{"entry1"};
    $entry2 = $rel2->{"entry2"};
    $subtype = $rel2->{"subtype"};
    $value = $pathname.":".$subtype->{"value"};
    $type = $rel2->{"type"} if (exists $rel2->{"type"});
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_rel VALUES(?, ?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry1, $entry2) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO path_rel VALUES(?, ?, ?)", undef, $pathname, $entry2, $entry1) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";

    $starttime = time;
    print "CREATE TABLE gene_cpd\n";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE gene_cpd (gene VARCHAR(20), cpd VARCHAR(20), KEY(gene, cpd))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "INSERT INTO gene_cpd\n";
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO gene_cpd select gene_rxn.gene, rxn_cpd.cpd from gene_rxn, rxn_cpd where gene_rxn.rxn = rxn_cpd.rxn") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "Add org col\n";
    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE gene_cpd ADD org VARCHAR(5)") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "Update org col\n";
    $dbh->do("UPDATE gene_cpd, org_gene SET = WHERE gene_cpd.gene = org_gene.gene") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "Create Table cpd_score\n";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE cpd_score SELECT cpd, count(*) AS score FROM gene_cpd GROUP BY cpd") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "add index gene\n";
    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE gene_cpd ADD INDEX (gene)") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "add index cpd\n";
    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE gene_cpd ADD INDEX (cpd)") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "add index gene, cpd, org\n";
    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE gene_cpd ADD INDEX (gene, cpd, org)") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "add index cpd\n";
    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE cpd_score ADD INDEX (cpd)") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    # gene_cpd_gene_score contains "interactions" between genes that share a compound and are of the same organism
    # the score reflects the total number of genes (regardless of organism) that are connected to the compound
    $starttime = time;
    print "create table gene_cpd_gene_score\n";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE gene_cpd_gene_score SELECT g1.gene AS gene1, g1.cpd AS cpd, g2.gene AS gene2, cs.score AS score, AS org FROM gene_cpd as g1, gene_cpd AS g2, cpd_score AS cs WHERE g1.cpd = g2.cpd AND = AND g1.gene != g2.gene AND cs.cpd = g1.cpd") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    print "deleting duplicates...\n";
    $dbh->do("DELETE FROM gene_cpd_gene_score WHERE gene2 < gene1;");
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "add index gene1, gene2\n";
    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE gene_cpd_gene_score ADD INDEX (gene1, gene2)") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    # gene-gene interactions with a minimum score obtained from the minimum score of all compounds that mediate the "interaction"
    # this could be used if all we are interested in is connecting genes in a network, and we don't care of the specific compounds that mediate the interactions
    # using this table to create interactions minimizes multiple edges between nodes that share many compounds
    $starttime = time;
    print "create table gene_gene_score\n";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE gene_gene_score SELECT gcgs.gene1 AS gene1, gcgs.gene2 AS gene2, gcgs.cpd AS cpd, MIN(gcgs.score) as score, as org FROM gene_cpd_gene_score AS gcgs GROUP BY gcgs.gene1, gcgs.gene2") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    $starttime = time;
    print "create table cpd_name\n";
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE cpd_name (cpd VARCHAR(20), name VARCHAR(50), UNIQUE(cpd,name))") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    print "Getting COMPOUND...";
    system('wget --directory-prefix=kgml') == 0 or die "$?\n";
    print "done.\n";
    open (COMPOUND, "kgml/compound") or die "Could not open kgml/compound\n";
    open (CP_OUT, ">kgml/compound_name.txt") or die "Could not create file kgml/compound_name.txt\n";
    while($line = <COMPOUND>){
    if($line =~ /^ENTRY/){
    @fields = split(/\s+/,$line);
    print CP_OUT "cpd:"."$fields[1]\t";
    }elsif ($line =~ /^NAME/){
    @fields = split(/\s+/,$line);
    chop($fields[1]); # take out the ";"
    print CP_OUT "$fields[1]\n";
    $fullFilePath = getcwd()."/kgml/compound_name.txt";
    $dbh->do("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE \'${fullFilePath}\' INTO TABLE cpd_name") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    $nowtime = time;
    print "time elapsed: ".($nowtime-$starttime)."\n";

    #kdrew: don't call update_synonyms_kegg directly

    # ### Lastly, update synonyms related tables
    # #kdrew: changed from bionetbuilder_info to localhost and added 'use' command
    # $bioneth = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:host=localhost", $dbuser, $dbpwd) or die "Can't make database connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
    # $dbh->do("USE bionetbuilder_info") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    # #$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:host=localhost", $dbuser, $dbpwd) or die "Can't make database connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
    # # get the current synonyms db
    # my $sth = $bioneth->prepare_cached("SELECT dbname FROM db_name WHERE db=?") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    # $sth->execute("synonyms") or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    # while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
    # $synonyms = $row->{'dbname'};
    # }
    # system("./ $dbuser $dbpwd ${synonyms} $dbname");
    print "\n--------------------- Leaving ----------------------\n";
    Le code marque certaines erreurs dont je n'arrive pas à comprende et par conséquent à corriger:

    1. Use of uninitialisez value in split at line 151

    1. Invalid conversion in printf() at "%," line 119

    Malgré ces erreurs qui se répètent au cours de l'exécution, le script continue à tourner, mais toutes les données ne sont pas dans la base.

    Je suis novice en perl.

    Quelqu'un peut m'aider à comprendre ce qui ne va pas dans ce code ?

  2. #2
    Membre émérite
    Avatar de Jasmine80
    Femme Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Octobre 2006
    3 157
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Femme
    Âge : 44
    Localisation : Royaume-Uni

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Bioinformaticienne
    Secteur : Santé

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Octobre 2006
    Messages : 3 157
    Points : 2 673
    2 673
    Par défaut
    Tu t'es trompé de balises, tu as utilisé celles de QUOTE au lieu de celles de CODE.

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    1. Use of uninitialisez value in split at line 151
    151ième ligne :
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    @rxnnames = split(/\s+/,$entry->{$entry_name}->{"reaction"});
    L'erreur signifie qu'une valeur utilisée n'est pas initialisée, a donc une valeur indéfinie, $entry->{$entry_name}->{"reaction"} dans ce cas ci.
    Il est donc normal que toutes tes valeurs ne se retrouvent pas dans ta base de données car @rxnname reste vide. Le $dbh->do ne s'effectue donc pas.
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    @rxnnames = split(/\s+/,$entry->{$entry_name}->{"reaction"});
    foreach $rxnname (@rxnnames) {
    $dbh->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO gene_rxn VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $genename, $rxnname) or die "Error: $dbh->errstr";
    1. Invalid conversion in printf() at "%," line 119
    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    printf("\r$filename - progress: %5.2f\%, total: %2d:%2d:%2d, left: %2d:%2d:%2d",($cur*100.0/$total), $totalhr, $totalmin, $totalsec, $lefthr, $leftmin, $leftsec);
    Il faut voir dans la documentation de sprintf

    Pour avoir un bon code, l'idéal (surtout quand on débute) est de rajouter le pragma use strict ... mais je crains que si ne fasse ça, tu ne deviennes fou avec toutes les choses à corriger, à commencer par devoir déclarer chaque variable (my). Il y a beaucoup de choses complexes dans ce code, tu n'as pas choisi la facilité pour commencer en Perl .
    -- Jasmine --

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