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Bibliothèques et frameworks PHP Discussion :

[PEAR][DB] Annonces de nouvelles versions

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Bibliothèques et frameworks PHP

  1. #1
    Expert éminent sénior
    Avatar de Lana.Bauer
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    12 109
    Par défaut [PEAR][DB] Annonces de nouvelles versions
    The new PEAR package MDB2_TableBrowser-0.1.0 (alpha) has been released at

    Release notes
    Initial Release Version

    Package Info
    Table browsing objects allow your code to handle any database table in an
    abstract way. By freeing your code from the database details it is possible
    for you to build generic data reporting or manipulation functions.

    Put another way, if you really hate using sql in your code, having to piece
    together bits of sql to make queries...this library gives you an alternative.

    Currently only the single table browser is implemented. If you need to work
    with data that spans multiple tables, you can build a table view as this
    library works with them as well.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Isaac Tewolde (lead)

  2. #2

    Avatar de Yogui
    Homme Profil pro
    Directeur technique
    Inscrit en
    Février 2004
    13 721
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yonne (Bourgogne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Directeur technique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Février 2004
    Messages : 13 721
    Points : 29 985
    29 985
    Par défaut
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Schema-0.8.3 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - updateDatabase() cannot add UNIQUE attribute to an existing index (Bug #13977). Patch by Holger Schletz
    - updateDatabase() keeps old default value even though new column has no default (Bug #13836). Patch by Holger Schletz
    - Obsolete tables and sequences not dropped on updateDatabase() (Bug #13608). Patch by Holger Schletz
    - Error when creating a new index for a renamed table (Bug #13397)
    - Makes use of MDB2::databaseExists() to check whether updating database exists (Bug #13073). This feature was removed on previous release and now is back again.
    - createDatabase() correctly lower/upper database name when portability option deems so.
    - mdb2_schematool now disables transactions
    - mdb2_schematool was missing argument "help"
    - mdb2_schematool moved from "bin" to "scripts" folder. now installs to pear_bin dir
    - Schema validation not failing when autoincrement field is defined but another column is used as primary key (Bug #14213)
    - Accepting NOW() as value for timestamp fields on schema validation (Bug #14052). Patch by Holger Schletz
    - Introducing www/mdb2_schematool that is a rewrite of docs/examples/example.php and is now installed to web root
    - Web frontend (www/mdb2_schematool) has new options "DBA_username" and "DBA_password"
    - Tests missing sequences on database dump (Bug #13562). Patch by Luca Corbo
    - When reverse engineering a database, the XML schema file will have <charset> forced to UTF8

    open todo items:
    - Clean up output of getDefinitionFromDatabase(). Sync it with Parser and Parser2.
    - Automatically load reserved keywords
    - Make MDB2_Schema loadable via MDB2_Driver_Common::loadModule() (Bug #8270)
    - Allow simple if statements that mean that anything enclosed is only executed
    if it meets certain criterias based on that version number (or some other
    variable). This would enable people to add DML statements that are only
    executed when updating from a specific version.
    - Modularize Writer code or remake it
    - Add specific error codes for Validate class
    - Add support for ORDER clauses on UPDATEs (to resolve the duplicate key
    - Update description.schema.xml
    - Create unit test for comparedefinitions()
    - Create unit test for initializetable()
    - Create unit test to compare the expected array definition with what is parsed
    - Improve validateDataFieldValue() to validate <column>
    - Provide more info on MDB2_Schema_Validate errors (output parsed value and expected value)
    - Views support
    - Fulltext index support

    Package Info
    PEAR::MDB2_Schema enables users to maintain RDBMS independant schema
    files in XML that can be used to create, alter and drop database entities
    and insert data into a database. Reverse engineering database schemas from
    existing databases is also supported. The format is compatible with both
    PEAR::MDB and Metabase.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Igor Feghali <> (lead)
    Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson <> (lead)
    Ali Fazelzadeh (contributor)

  3. #3

    Avatar de Yogui
    Homme Profil pro
    Directeur technique
    Inscrit en
    Février 2004
    13 721
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yonne (Bourgogne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Directeur technique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Février 2004
    Messages : 13 721
    Points : 29 985
    29 985
    Par défaut
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Schema-0.8.4 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed warning in validateTable() that was introduced in last release (Bug #15055)
    - fixed interpreter for mdb2_schematool, plus it is now been installed to bin_dir (now, really!)
    - mdb2_schematool has a new feature: initialize database
    - mdb2_schematool can now be used to dump data and/or database structure

    open todo items:
    - Clean up output of getDefinitionFromDatabase(). Sync it with Parser and Parser2.
    - Automatically load reserved keywords
    - Make MDB2_Schema loadable via MDB2_Driver_Common::loadModule() (Bug #8270)
    - Allow simple if statements that mean that anything enclosed is only executed
    if it meets certain criterias based on that version number (or some other
    variable). This would enable people to add DML statements that are only
    executed when updating from a specific version.
    - Modularize Writer code or remake it
    - Add specific error codes for Validate class
    - Add support for ORDER clauses on UPDATEs (to resolve the duplicate key
    - Update description.schema.xml
    - Create unit test for comparedefinitions()
    - Create unit test for initializetable()
    - Create unit test to compare the expected array definition with what is parsed
    - Improve validateDataFieldValue() to validate <column>
    - Provide more info on MDB2_Schema_Validate errors (output parsed value and expected value)
    - Views support
    - Fulltext index support

    Package Info
    PEAR::MDB2_Schema enables users to maintain RDBMS independant schema
    files in XML that can be used to create, alter and drop database entities
    and insert data into a database. Reverse engineering database schemas from
    existing databases is also supported. The format is compatible with both
    PEAR::MDB and Metabase.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Igor Feghali <> (lead)

  4. #4

    Avatar de Yogui
    Homme Profil pro
    Directeur technique
    Inscrit en
    Février 2004
    13 721
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yonne (Bourgogne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Directeur technique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Février 2004
    Messages : 13 721
    Points : 29 985
    29 985
    Par défaut
    The new PEAR package DB_Table-1.5.6 (stable) has been released at

    Release notes
    - Feature Request #14262: due to Oracle's limitations, table/column/index
    names were restricted to a maximum length of 30 characters; by setting
    $GLOBALS['_DB_TABLE']['disable_length_check'] to (boolean) true, this
    check can now be disabled (attention: your code will not be compatible
    with Oracle anymore if you're using longer names)

    Package Info
    The DB_Table package provides an object oriented interface to a database.

    Each instance of the core DB_Table class contains the schema for a table, defined using abstract data types. The class provides a portable api for insert, update, delete, and select SQL commands, and can validate data types upon insertion and updating. It provides methods to automatically create or verify a database table. DB_Table also provides methods (using PEAR HTML_QuickForm) to generate input forms that match the column definitions.

    Each instance of the DB_Table_Database class contains a model of relationships between tables in a database, in which each table is represented by an instance of DB_Table. DB_Table_Database provides a method for automatic construction of join conditions for inner joins involving any number of tables, optional php validation of foreign key validity, and optional php emulation of actions triggered on delete or update of referenced rows, such as cascading deletes.

    The DB_Table_Generator class auto-generates the php code necessary to create an interface to an existing database.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Mark Wiesemann <> (lead)

  5. #5

    Avatar de Yogui
    Homme Profil pro
    Directeur technique
    Inscrit en
    Février 2004
    13 721
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yonne (Bourgogne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Directeur technique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Février 2004
    Messages : 13 721
    Points : 29 985
    29 985
    Par défaut
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_sqlite-1.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #13815: incomplete regexp in the Reverse module
    - fixed bug #13928: Invalid triggers created for 'ON UPDATE'
    - fixed bug #14302: Connection errors were not always returned

    open todo items:
    - fix pattern escaping using GLOB instead of LIKE or create and register own implementation of LIKE

    Package Info
    This is the SQLite MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #13481: getTableConstraintDefinition() may return incomplete results
    - fixed bug #13877: UNIQUE index not always recognized as constraint
    - fixed bug #14292: alterTable() cannot change column type when no implicit cast is defined
    - fixed bug #14510: getTableFieldDefinition() does not unquote defaults
    - fixed bug #14828: unixtimestamp() generates invalid SQL for non-constant argument
    - fixed bug #15056: tableInfo does not work with pgsql schemas (added support to
    table schemas to Manager module)

    Thanks to Holger Schletz for all the above patches!

    open todo items:
    - enable pg_execute() once issues with bytea column are resolved
    - use pg_result_error_field() to handle localized error messages (Request #7059)
    - add option to use unnamed prepared statements
    (see Extended Query)

    Package Info
    This is the PostgreSQL MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Nathan Fredrickson <> (developer)
    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    Ali Fazelzadeh (helper)
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_oci8-1.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #14383: wrong replacement with prepared statements with LOB parameters
    after the 9th position
    - request #14639: automatically fetch CLOBs when retrieved with 'text' data type

    - please use the latest ext/oci8 version from
    (binaries are available from and
    - by default this driver emulates the database concept other RDBMS have by
    using the "database" option instead of "username" in the DSN as the username name.
    This behaviour can be disabled by setting the "emulate_database" option to false.
    - the multi_query test failes because this is not supported by ext/oci8
    - the null LOB test failes because this is not supported by Oracle

    open todo items:
    - enable use of read() for LOBs to read a LOB in chunks
    - buffer LOBs when doing buffered queries

    Package Info
    This is the Oracle OCI8 MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Justin Patrin <> (developer)
    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_mysqli-1.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #13412: sometimes getTableConstraintDefinition() fails for FOREIGN KEYs
    - fixed bug #13581: wrong query in beginTransaction() for certain MySQL versions
    - fixed bug #13928: Invalid triggers created for 'ON UPDATE'
    - fixed bug #15051: Cannot create constraints with field length
    - add index on FK column(s) or a FK constraint cannot be created in some cases

    open todo items:
    - use a trigger to emulate setting default now()

    Package Info
    This is the MySQLi MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_mysql-1.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #13412: sometimes getTableConstraintDefinition() fails for FOREIGN KEYs
    - fixed bug #13581: wrong query in beginTransaction() for certain MySQL versions
    - request #13657: in setCharset(), use mysql_set_charset() if available [cwiedmann]
    - fixed bug #13928: Invalid triggers created for 'ON UPDATE'
    - fixed bug #15051: Cannot create constraints with field length
    - add index on FK column(s) or a FK constraint cannot be created in some cases

    - the multi_query test failes because this is not supported by ext/mysql

    open todo items:
    - use a trigger to emulate setting default now()

    Package Info
    This is the MySQL MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_mssql-1.3.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #11571: when using setLimit(), numRows() returns wrong values
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #14019: MDB2 is not aware of MS-SQL 'smalldatetime' type

    open todo items:
    - explore fast limit/offset emulation (Request #4544)

    Package Info
    This is the MS SQL Server MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    David Coallier <> (lead)
    Nathan Fredrickson <> (lead)
    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    Ali Fazelzadeh (helper)
    The new PEAR package MDB2_Driver_ibase-1.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - request #14639: automatically fetch CLOBs when retrieved with 'text' data type
    - getTableFieldDefinition() now returns the charset and collation of the field, if defined

    Package Info
    This is the Interbase/Firebird MDB2 driver.

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    The new PEAR package MDB2-2.5.0b2 (beta) has been released at

    Release notes
    - fixed bug #12117: disconnect() does not work as documented
    - fixed bug #12912: replace() documentation
    - fixed bug #13811: _skipDelimitedStrings() fails on empty strings
    - fixed bug #13898: more tolerant check for 'new_link' DSN option
    - request #13929: added 'default_fk_action_ondelete' and 'default_fk_action_onupdate'
    options for default FOREIGN KEY constraints actions
    - fixed bug #14124: _skipDelimitedStrings() and prepare() fail with sql comments
    inside quoted strings
    - fixed bug #14179: declaration of MDB2_Driver_Common::raiseError() must be
    compatible with that of PEAR::raiseError()
    - fixed doc bug #14290: connect should mention the type of object returned
    - fixed bug #14831: $ignores in _skipDelimitedStrings() [patch by Aleksander Machniak]

    open todo items:
    - handle autoincrement fields in alterTable()
    - add length handling to LOB reverse engineering
    - add EXPLAIN abstraction
    - add cursor support along the lines of PDO (Request #3660 etc.)
    - add PDO based drivers, especially a driver to support SQLite 3 (Request #6907)
    - add support to export/import in CSV format
    - add more functions to the Function module (MD5(), IFNULL(), etc.)
    - add support for database/table/row LOCKs
    - add support for CHECK (ENUM as possible mysql fallback) constraints
    - generate STATUS file from test suite results and allow users to submit test results
    - add support for full text index creation and querying
    - add tests to check if the RDBMS specific handling with portability options
    disabled behaves as expected
    - handle implicit commits (like for DDL) in any affected driver (mysql, sqlite..)
    - add a getTableFieldsDefinitions() method to be used in tableInfo()
    - drop ILIKE from matchPattern() and instead add a second parameter to
    handle case sensitivity with arbitrary operators
    - handle LOBs in buffered result sets (Request #8793)

    Package Info
    PEAR MDB2 is a merge of the PEAR DB and Metabase php database abstraction layers.

    It provides a common API for all supported RDBMS. The main difference to most
    other DB abstraction packages is that MDB2 goes much further to ensure
    portability. MDB2 provides most of its many features optionally that
    can be used to construct portable SQL statements:
    * Object-Oriented API
    * A DSN (data source name) or array format for specifying database servers
    * Datatype abstraction and on demand datatype conversion
    * Various optional fetch modes to fix portability issues
    * Portable error codes
    * Sequential and non sequential row fetching as well as bulk fetching
    * Ability to make buffered and unbuffered queries
    * Ordered array and associative array for the fetched rows
    * Prepare/execute (bind) named and unnamed placeholder emulation
    * Sequence/autoincrement emulation
    * Replace emulation
    * Limited sub select emulation
    * Row limit emulation
    * Transactions/savepoint support
    * Large Object support
    * Index/Unique Key/Primary Key support
    * Pattern matching abstraction
    * Module framework to load advanced functionality on demand
    * Ability to read the information schema
    * RDBMS management methods (creating, dropping, altering)
    * Reverse engineering schemas from an existing database
    * SQL function call abstraction
    * Full integration into the PEAR Framework
    * PHPDoc API documentation

    Related Links
    Package home:

    Lorenzo Alberton <> (lead)
    Daniel Convissor (helper)
    David Coallier <> (helper)
    Ali Fazelzadeh (helper)

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