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CORBA Discussion :

Y a t-il de la documentation sur visibroker en français

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  1. #1
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    Par défaut Y a t-il de la documentation sur visibroker en français
    Y a t-il de la documentation sur visibroker en français

  2. #2
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    Par défaut
    Dans un certain sens oui, mais en fonction du langage et de l'outil, exemple VisiBroker Java :

    Plus précisément :

    Guide du développeur d’applications distribuées. JBuilder 6 Entreprise fournit un excellent support au développement des applications distribuées. L’environnement de développement de JBuilder simplifie beaucoup la création des applications distribuées, en générant nombre des fichiers nécessaires pour créer les applications multiniveaux. Lorsque les fichiers ont été générés, vous pouvez ajouter la logique qui vous est nécessaire au code généré.(pdf, 98 pages, 600 Ko)
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  3. #3
    Futur Membre du Club
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    Par défaut Quoi qui concerne l'application cliente dans tous ces param?
    J'ai besoin d'avoir plus d'explication sur le fichier suivant :

    Inprise\vbroker\properties\ livré avec visibroker for java.

    est ce que il n'y a rien à spécifier du coté client?

    # This is a property template file that describes all the
    # properties that can be configured in Visibroker ORB and
    # services. This template file is not read or used by the
    # ORB. It is provided here as a convenience mechanism to you.
    # If you want to configue a property, copy this template to
    # another file (eg: /tmp/props), locate the property in
    # this file, uncomment the line defining the property
    # and change the value of the property to what you desire.
    # Assuming your changed property file resides in /tmp/props,
    # you can start the ORB with that property file using
    # option
    # vbj -DORBpropStorage=/tmp/props <vb_application_name>
    # It is also possible to change the value of the properties
    # through Visibroker Console.

    #ORB Properties
    #When set to true, clients must always connect to the server using the Gatekeeper.
    #When set to true, clients always make secure connections to the server.
    #When set to true, clients always make http tunnel (iiop wrapper) connections to the server.
    #GIOP message chuck size. It must be a power of 2.
    #GIOP message fragment size. It must be a multiple of GIOP message chunk size. Assigning a zero to this property will eventually turn of fragmentaton.
    #The time in which a message chunk has been cached before it is discarded.
    #When set to true, this property allows the internal buffer manager to display debugging information.
    #When set to true, this property allows the orb to display debugging information.
    #List of available services used by the ORB.
    #When set to false, this property disables the use of key ids in client requests.
    #Maximum size of the object key id cache in a server
    #Minimum size of the object key id cache in a server
    #When set to true, this property enables Server Manager within a server so that clients can access to it.
    #Turns off the indirection when writing the typecodes. This flag may be necessary when inter operating with ORBs from other vendors. When this flag is turned off, it is not possible to marshall recursive typecodes
    # Turns on the locating of stubs when reading object references using
    # read_Object to be based on the object's repository id as opposed to
    # using either the generic object or stubs for passed formal class argument
    #The time in seconds to wait before cleaning important resources that are not used.
    #Application name appears in the log.
    #Message catalog of messages used by the ORB when logging is enabled.
    #Output of the logger. It can be the standard output or a file name.
    #Logging level of message that will be logged. "emrg" means log message when system is unusable, or from a panic condition.
    #Process ID of the server.
    #When set to true, this property will force sending a locate request before making invocations on a IIOP 1.2 target.
    #List of system libraries loaded in applet.
    #List of system libraries loaded in application.
    #A value of 0, 1, or 2 which indicates the level of warning messages to be printed.

    #JAVA RMI Over IIOP Properties
    #Name of the implementation of Stub base class from which all RMI-IIOP stubs must inherit.
    #Name of the implementation of Utility class that provides methods that can be used by stubs and ties to perform common operations.
    #RMI-IIOP server implementation objects may either inherit from javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject or they may simply implement an RMI-IIOP remote interface and then use the exportObject method to register themselves as a server object.

    #OSAgent (Smart Agent) Properties
    #This is the IP address or host name of the host running the OSAgent. The default "null" value instructs VisiBroker applications to use the value from the OSAGENT_ADDR envirnment variable. If this OSAGENT_ADDR variable is not set, then OSAgent is assumed to be running in local host.
    #This property specifies a file that store IP address(es) or host name(s) where OSAgent maybe found.
    #When set to true, the system will display debugging information about communication of VisiBroker applications with the OSAgent.
    #When set to true, this property allows VisiBroker applications to cache IOR.
    #When set to false, this property disallows communication of VisiBroker applications with OSAgent.
    #When set to true, this property allows a VisiBroker application to fail over to another OSAgent.
    #This is the port number that defines a domain within your network. All VisiBroker applicatons and OSAgent will work together when they all have the same port number. Note that this property is same as the OSAGENT_PORT envirnment variable.

    #POA Properties
    #Logging level of message that will be logged. "emrg" means log message when system is unusable, or from a panic condition.

    #Server Manager Properties
    #Name of the Server Manager.
    #When set to true, this property enables operations exposed by the Server Manager to be invoked.
    #When set to true, this property enables properties exposed by the Server Manager to be changed.

    #Event Service Properties
    #This property specifies the number of messages to be queued for slow consumers.
    #When set to true, this property allows the event channel factory to be instantiated, instead of an event channel.
    #When set to true, this property allows output of debugging information.
    #When set to true, this property allows the event channel to be executed in a console-driven, interactive mode

    #Location Service Properties
    #When set to true, this property allows the Location Service to display debugging information.
    #When set to true, this property allows Location Service to check existence of an object refered by an object reference sent down from OSAgent.
    #This property specifies the connect/receive/send timeout when trying to interact with the location service.

    #OAD Properties
    #After OAD spawn off an executable, this property specifies how long (in sec.) it will wait for it to receive a callback from the desired object before throwing NO_RESPONSE.
    #This property allows OAD to print out detailed information about its operations.
    #When set to true, this property disallows register, unregister, and change of the OAD implementation.
    #Filename for OAD's stringified IOR
    #This property specifies whether to quote a command.
    #This property specifies whether to kill spawned servers on unregistration.
    #This property specifies whether to verify the object registration.
    #Filename for implementation repository.
    #Directory for storing implementation repository.
    #Directory for OAD.
    #Root directory.
    #Windows directory.
    #Vbj directory.

    #Interface Repository Resolver Properties
    #When set to true, this property allows IR resolver to display debugging information.
    #When the property is "null", the ORB will try to use this property value to locate the IR.
    #This property specifies the name that will be used by the ORB to locate the IR.

    #URLNaming Properties
    #When set to true, the property allows the URLNaming service to initiate GUI for the user interaction.
    #When set to true, the URLNaming service will display debugging information.

    #Client-Side Connection Properties
    #This is the maximum number of cache connection on a client. The connection will be cached when the client releases it. So next time when the client needs a new connection, it can first try to collect an avaliable one from the cache instead of just creating a new one.
    #This is the maximum number of the total connections within a client. It is equal to active connections plus the ones that are cached. The default value of zero means that the client will not try to close any of the old active or cached connections.
    #This the time in msec in which the client uses to determine if a cached connection should be closed or not. In other words, if a cached connection has been idle longer than this time, then the client will close it.
    #This property specifies what type of client connection management used by a client. "Pool" means connection pool.
    #set tcp_nodelay on the socket

    #Server-Side Server Engine Properties
    #Default server engine."iiop_tp"

    #Server-Side Thread Session IIOP_TS/IIOP_TS Connection Properties
    #Host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #Proxy host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #List of Server Connection Manager name(s).
    #Type of Server Connection Manager.
    #The maximum number of connection the server will accept. 0 implies no restriction.
    #The time in sec. in which the server uses to determine if an inactive connection should be closed or not.
    #Type of protocol the listener is using.
    #Port number that is used with the host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Proxy port number that is used with the proxy host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection
    #set tcp_nodelay on the socket

    #Server-Side Thread Session BOA_TS/BOA_TS Connection Properties
    #Host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #Proxy host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #List of Server Connection Manager name(s).
    #Type of Server Connection Manager.
    #The maximum number of connection the server will accept. 0 implies no restriction.
    #The time in sec. in which the server uses to determine if an inactive connection should be closed or not.
    #Type of protocol the listener is using.
    #Port number that is used with the host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Proxy port number that is used with the proxy host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection
    #set tcp_nodelay on the socket

    #Server-Side Thread Pool IIOP_TP/IIOP_TP Connection Properties
    #Host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #Proxy host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #List of Server Connection Manager name(s).
    #Type of Server Connection Manager.
    #The maximum number of cache connection on the server. 0 implies no restriction.
    #The time in sec. in which the server uses to determine if an inactive connection should be closed or not.
    #Type of protocol the listener is using.
    #Port number that is used with the host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Proxy port number that is used with the proxy host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection Manager.
    #Minimum number of threads that the Server Connection Mananger can create.
    #Maximum number of threads that the Server Connection Mananger can create.
    #Time in sec. before a idle thread will be
    #set tcp_nodelay on the socket

    #Server-Side Thread Pool BOA_TP/BOA_TP Connection Properties
    #Host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #Proxy host name that can be used by this server engine. "null" means use the host name from the system.
    #List of Server Connection Manager name(s).
    #Type of Server Connection Manager.
    #The maximum number of cache connection on the server. 0 implies no restriction.
    #The time in sec. in which the server uses to determine if an inactive connection should be closed or not.
    #Type of protocol the listener is using.
    #Port number that is used with the host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Proxy port number that is used with the proxy host name property. 0 means the system will pick a random port number.
    #Type of thread dispatcher used in the Server Connection Manager.
    #Minimum number of threads that the Server Connection Mananger can create.
    #Maximum number of threads that the Server Connection Mananger can create.
    #Time in sec. before a idle thread will be
    #set tcp_nodelay on the socket

    #Event Service Properties
    #This property specifies the number of messages to be queued for slow consumers.
    #When set to true, this property allows the event channel factory to be instantiated, instead of an event channel.
    #When set to true, this property allows output of debugging information.
    #When set to true, this property allows the event channel to be executed in a console-driven, interactive mode.
    # Naming
    #This is the type of backing store for storing our persistent data.
    #This defines the number of database connections in our connection pool when using the JDBCAdaptor as our backing store.
    #This is the JDBC driver that is needed to access the database used as your backing store. The naming service will load the appropriate JDBC driver according to the setting. The default is the Java DataStore driver.
    #This specifies the location of the database which you want to access. The setting is dependent on the database in use. The default is the JDataStore and the database location is the current directory and is called test.jds.
    #This stores the login name associated with the database. The default value is VisiNaming.
    #This stores the login password associated with the database. The default value is VisiNaming.
    #This is the port number of the Java DataStore Server.
    #This is the flag for tracing. The default is 0 for turning tracing off. To turn it on, set the value to 1.
    #This is the flag for caching. The default is 0 for turning caching off. To turn it on, set the value to 1.
    #This is size of the cache when caching is on. The naming service uses a per-context cache.
    #This is the flag for naming failover. The default is 0 for turning naming failover off. To turn it on, set the value to 1.
    #This is the IP address of the master Naming Server.
    #This is the port number that the master Naming Server is listening on.
    #This is the name of the master Naming Server.
    #This is the IP address of the slave Naming Server.
    #This is the port number that the slave Naming Server is listening on.
    #This is the name of the slave Naming Server.
    #This is the password needed for performing administrative functions.
    #This is the timeout for iterator. If the BindingIterator is idle for that period of time, it is destroyed.
    #This is the flag for implicit clustering. The default is 0 for turning implicit clustering off. To turn it on, set the value to 1.
    #This the flag which turns on a workaround for JDataStore 3.1. The default value is 0. To turn it on set it to 1

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