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Langage PHP Discussion :

arguments de array_combine détectés de longueur inégale [PHP 7]

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Langage PHP

  1. #1
    Expert confirmé
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    Par défaut arguments de array_combine détectés de longueur inégale

    ce code :
    Code php : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    $key = self::$header;
    $value = $row;
    self::$data[] = array_combine($key, $value);
    produit le message d'erreur
    Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: array_combine(): Argument #1 ($keys) and argument #2 ($values) must have the same number of elements in C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php:83 Stack trace: #0 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php(83): array_combine(Array, Array) #1 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVImport.php(38): ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser::parse('C:\\projets\\tick...', 4096) #2 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\controller\CSVImportController.php(72): ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVImport::uploadFile('C:\\projets\\tick...') #3 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\index.php(112): ticket_rawsrc\controller\CSVImportController->invoke(Array) #4 {main} thrown in C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php on line 83
    alors que les 2 arguments sont des tableaux de 168 éléments. Quelle peut être la raison ?
    Il vaut mieux viser la perfection et la manquer que viser l'imperfection et l'atteindre. - Bertrand Russell

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  2. #2
    Expert éminent
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    Par défaut
    Tu es sûr de toi ? Tu ne montres pas le débug

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    $key = self::$header;
    $value = $row;
    echo 'key count : ', count($key);
    echo 'value count : ', count($value);
    self::$data[] = array_combine($key, $value);
    Si les valeurs sont bonnes donne-nous ceci qu'on voit ce que les variables ont dans le ventre :

    Code : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
    Un problème exposé clairement est déjà à moitié résolu
    Keep It Smart and Simple

  3. #3
    Expert confirmé
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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Octobre 2006
    Messages : 10 382
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    Par défaut
    Merci de me répondre. Bientôt, plus dispo jusqu'à dimanche soir...

    key count : 168value count : 168

    array ( 0 => 'mois de months', 1 => 'priority (group)', 2 => 'incident/work order', 3 => 'months', 4 => 'serviceline', 5 => 'support group role', 6 => '1', 7 => 'actual end date time', 8 => 'actual start date time', 9 => 'assigned group', 10 => 'assigned org', 11 => 'assignee', 12 => 'assignee sesa id', 13 => 'associated rkm', 14 => 'associated rkm number', 15 => 'associated rkm title', 16 => 'audit id', 17 => 'backlog (copy 2)', 18 => 'ci', 19 => 'client details', 20 => 'closed/completed date time', 21 => 'cluster', 22 => 'cluster (first assigned group)', 23 => 'contact first name', 24 => 'contact last name', 25 => 'contact sesa id', 26 => 'country', 27 => 'customer client details', 28 => 'customer connectivty type', 29 => 'customer department', 30 => 'customer first name', 31 => 'customer job code', 32 => 'customer last name', 33 => 'customer organization', 34 => 'customer sesa id', 35 => 'customer subsidiary company', 36 => 'customer user seg', 37 => 'customer vendor identity', 38 => 'date filter', 39 => 'date selector', 40 => 'date selector param', 41 => 'eco system/teams', 42 => 'eco system/teams (first assigned group)', 43 => 'first assigned group', 44 => 'form', 45 => 'impact', 46 => 'ksr number', 47 => 'last modified date time', 48 => 'last resolved date time', 49 => 'marked as duplicate', 50 => 'month.v.0', 51 => 'operational cat calculated', 52 => 'operational cat tier 1', 53 => 'operational cat tier 2', 54 => 'operational cat tier 3', 55 => 'organization', 56 => 'organization (first assigned group)', 57 => 'practices', 58 => 'practices (first assigned group)', 59 => 'previous month', 60 => 'priority', 61 => 'product cat calculated', 62 => 'product cat tier 1', 63 => 'product cat tier 2', 64 => 'product cat tier 3', 65 => 'product name', 66 => 'region', 67 => 'region calculated', 68 => 'regions', 69 => 'regions (1)', 70 => 'reopened', 71 => 'reported source', 72 => 'resolution', 73 => 'resolution ola status', 74 => 'resolution op cat calculated', 75 => 'resolution op cat tier 1', 76 => 'resolution op cat tier 2', 77 => 'resolution op cat tier 3', 78 => 'resolution prod cat calculated', 79 => 'resolution prod cat tier 1', 80 => 'resolution prod cat tier 2', 81 => 'resolution prod cat tier 3', 82 => 'resolution product name', 83 => 'resolution sla status', 84 => 'rkm article associated', 85 => 'scheduled end date time', 86 => 'scheduled start date time', 87 => 'sd/oss', 88 => 'sd/oss (first assigned group)', 89 => 'se digital domains', 90 => 'se digital domains (first assigned group)', 91 => 'service', 92 => 'silver support', 93 => 'site', 94 => 'sla status', 95 => 'status', 96 => 'status reason', 97 => 'submit date time', 98 => 'submitter', 99 => 'submitter country', 100 => 'submitter site', 101 => 'summary', 102 => 'template name', 103 => 'ticket hyperlink', 104 => 'ticket number', 105 => 'ticket type', 106 => 'urgency', 107 => 'vendor', 108 => 'vendor (first assigned group)', 109 => 'vendor group', 110 => 'vendor ticket number', 111 => 'week', 112 => 'zone', 113 => 'zone (copy)', 114 => 'backlog% target', 115 => 'cancelled/rejected', 116 => 'color month', 117 => 'count', 118 => 'current month', 119 => 'effort time spent', 120 => 'group transfers', 121 => 'group transfers not help desk', 122 => 'hdf% threshold', 123 => 'help desk fix%', 124 => 'help desk fix% (copy 2)', 125 => 'help desk fix% (copy)', 126 => 'help desk% target', 127 => 'ksr count', 128 => 'min', 129 => 'month.v1', 130 => 'mttr threshold wo', 131 => 'mttr (calendar days)', 132 => 'mttr (calendar days) (copy 2)', 133 => 'mttr (otat)', 134 => 'mttr (otat) r&d logic', 135 => 'mttr (weekdays)', 136 => 'mttr (weekdays) (copy)', 137 => 'mttr net (calendar days)', 138 => 'nombre d\'enregistrements', 139 => 'ph tk % threshold (copy)', 140 => 'phone tickets', 141 => 'previous month (copy)', 142 => 'previous month (copy)2', 143 => 'r&d logic', 144 => 'r&d logic - open', 145 => 're-opened threshold', 146 => 're-opened% target', 147 => 'reopened ticket %', 148 => 'reopened ticket % (copy 2)', 149 => 'reopened ticket % (copy)', 150 => 'resolved', 151 => 'response ola status', 152 => 'response sla status', 153 => 'sla target', 154 => 'sla threshold', 155 => 'sla% (itr%)', 156 => 'sla% (itr%) (copy)', 157 => 'sla% (itr%) r&d logic', 158 => 'strike rule', 159 => 'submitted', 160 => 'ticket age (calendar days)', 161 => 'ticket age (weekdays)', 162 => 'ticket age (weekdays) (copy)', 163 => 'ticket count', 164 => 'ticket per user', 165 => 'time in pending (min)', 166 => 'time in pending client (min)', 167 => 'total time spent', )array ( 0 => 'sept-21', 1 => 'P4', 2 => 'Incident', 3 => '01/09/2021 00:00', 4 => 'Other', 5 => 'Tier 3', 6 => '1', 7 => '', 8 => '', 9 => 'IAM_SUPPORT_WW_L3', 10 => 'Application Maintenance', 11 => 'KESHAV SINGH', 12 => 'SESA566744', 13 => '', 14 => '', 15 => '', 16 => 'INC000005979806', 17 => 'N', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '20/09/2021 00:00', 21 => '', 22 => '', 23 => '', 24 => '', 25 => '', 26 => 'Algeria', 27 => 'Invensys Employee', 28 => 'ON_COR', 29 => 'Customer Projects & Services', 30 => 'SAMIR', 31 => 'DPT6', 32 => 'HARRAR', 33 => 'Invensys', 34 => 'SESA315630', 35 => 'Invensys Systems Algeria', 36 => 'Power User', 37 => '', 38 => 'Hide', 39 => 'FAUX', 40 => 'FAUX', 41 => 'User Governance and Administration', 42 => 'GSD', 43 => 'FJTU_SERVICE_DESK_EMEA_ISMA_L1', 44 => 'Incident', 45 => 'Minor/Localized', 46 => 'KSR000012469337', 47 => '20/09/2021 00:27', 48 => '14/09/2021 08:38', 49 => 'No', 50 => 'sept-21', 51 => 'Disable-Services-Account', 52 => 'Disable', 53 => 'Services', 54 => 'Account', 55 => 'Schneider Digital', 56 => 'Schneider Digital', 57 => 'HR Systems & Employee Experience', 58 => 'HR Systems & Employee Experience', 59 => 'Hide', 60 => 'Low', 61 => 'Active Directory', 62 => 'Application', 63 => 'Global', 64 => 'Identity & Access Management', 65 => 'Active Directory', 66 => 'ISMA', 67 => 'MEA', 68 => 'INVENSYS', 69 => 'MEA', 70 => 'No', 71 => 'Phone', 72 => 'Please retrigger the profile.', 73 => 'Missed', 74 => 'Disable-Services-Account', 75 => 'Disable', 76 => 'Services', 77 => 'Account', 78 => 'Active Directory', 79 => 'Application', 80 => 'Global', 81 => 'Identity & Access Management', 82 => 'Active Directory', 83 => 'Missed', 84 => 'No', 85 => '', 86 => '', 87 => '', 88 => 'EMEAS SD', 89 => 'Enterprise IT', 90 => 'Enterprise IT', 91 => 'System Access and Network', 92 => '', 93 => 'DZALG00001', 94 => 'Service Targets Breached', 95 => 'Closed', 96 => 'Automated Resolution Reported', 97 => '06/09/2021 09:11', 98 => 'BMC_WS_CORDYS', 99 => '', 100 => '', 101 => 'Active Directory Account - Issue', 102 => '', 103 => '\'1000000161\'%3D%22INC000010005928%22', 104 => 'INC000010005928', 105 => 'User Service Restoration', 106 => 'Low', 107 => '', 108 => 'FJTU', 109 => '', 110 => 'INC0228102', 111 => '05/09/2021 00:00', 112 => 'Africa', 113 => 'Africa', 114 => '5%', 115 => '0', 116 => '01/09/2021 00:00', 117 => '1', 118 => '', 119 => '0', 120 => '1', 121 => '1', 122 => 'N', 123 => '0,00%', 124 => '0,00%', 125 => '0,00%', 126 => '50%', 127 => '1', 128 => '1', 129 => '9', 130 => 'N', 131 => '7,98', 132 => '7,98', 133 => '7', 134 => '', 135 => '7', 136 => '7', 137 => '-1 447,42', 138 => '1', 139 => 'Y', 140 => '100,00%', 141 => '', 142 => '1', 143 => '0', 144 => '0', 145 => 'Y', 146 => '2%', 147 => '0,00%', 148 => '0,00%', 149 => '0,00%', 150 => '1', 151 => '5', 152 => 'Missed', 153 => '90%', 154 => 'Y', 155 => '0,00%', 156 => '0,00%', 157 => '', 158 => '', 159 => '1', 160 => '7,98', 161 => '7', 162 => '7', 163 => '1', 164 => '1', 165 => '1 455,40', 166 => '1 455,40', 167 => '0', )

    key count : 168value count : 73

    array ( 0 => 'mois de months', 1 => 'priority (group)', 2 => 'incident/work order', 3 => 'months', 4 => 'serviceline', 5 => 'support group role', 6 => '1', 7 => 'actual end date time', 8 => 'actual start date time', 9 => 'assigned group', 10 => 'assigned org', 11 => 'assignee', 12 => 'assignee sesa id', 13 => 'associated rkm', 14 => 'associated rkm number', 15 => 'associated rkm title', 16 => 'audit id', 17 => 'backlog (copy 2)', 18 => 'ci', 19 => 'client details', 20 => 'closed/completed date time', 21 => 'cluster', 22 => 'cluster (first assigned group)', 23 => 'contact first name', 24 => 'contact last name', 25 => 'contact sesa id', 26 => 'country', 27 => 'customer client details', 28 => 'customer connectivty type', 29 => 'customer department', 30 => 'customer first name', 31 => 'customer job code', 32 => 'customer last name', 33 => 'customer organization', 34 => 'customer sesa id', 35 => 'customer subsidiary company', 36 => 'customer user seg', 37 => 'customer vendor identity', 38 => 'date filter', 39 => 'date selector', 40 => 'date selector param', 41 => 'eco system/teams', 42 => 'eco system/teams (first assigned group)', 43 => 'first assigned group', 44 => 'form', 45 => 'impact', 46 => 'ksr number', 47 => 'last modified date time', 48 => 'last resolved date time', 49 => 'marked as duplicate', 50 => 'month.v.0', 51 => 'operational cat calculated', 52 => 'operational cat tier 1', 53 => 'operational cat tier 2', 54 => 'operational cat tier 3', 55 => 'organization', 56 => 'organization (first assigned group)', 57 => 'practices', 58 => 'practices (first assigned group)', 59 => 'previous month', 60 => 'priority', 61 => 'product cat calculated', 62 => 'product cat tier 1', 63 => 'product cat tier 2', 64 => 'product cat tier 3', 65 => 'product name', 66 => 'region', 67 => 'region calculated', 68 => 'regions', 69 => 'regions (1)', 70 => 'reopened', 71 => 'reported source', 72 => 'resolution', 73 => 'resolution ola status', 74 => 'resolution op cat calculated', 75 => 'resolution op cat tier 1', 76 => 'resolution op cat tier 2', 77 => 'resolution op cat tier 3', 78 => 'resolution prod cat calculated', 79 => 'resolution prod cat tier 1', 80 => 'resolution prod cat tier 2', 81 => 'resolution prod cat tier 3', 82 => 'resolution product name', 83 => 'resolution sla status', 84 => 'rkm article associated', 85 => 'scheduled end date time', 86 => 'scheduled start date time', 87 => 'sd/oss', 88 => 'sd/oss (first assigned group)', 89 => 'se digital domains', 90 => 'se digital domains (first assigned group)', 91 => 'service', 92 => 'silver support', 93 => 'site', 94 => 'sla status', 95 => 'status', 96 => 'status reason', 97 => 'submit date time', 98 => 'submitter', 99 => 'submitter country', 100 => 'submitter site', 101 => 'summary', 102 => 'template name', 103 => 'ticket hyperlink', 104 => 'ticket number', 105 => 'ticket type', 106 => 'urgency', 107 => 'vendor', 108 => 'vendor (first assigned group)', 109 => 'vendor group', 110 => 'vendor ticket number', 111 => 'week', 112 => 'zone', 113 => 'zone (copy)', 114 => 'backlog% target', 115 => 'cancelled/rejected', 116 => 'color month', 117 => 'count', 118 => 'current month', 119 => 'effort time spent', 120 => 'group transfers', 121 => 'group transfers not help desk', 122 => 'hdf% threshold', 123 => 'help desk fix%', 124 => 'help desk fix% (copy 2)', 125 => 'help desk fix% (copy)', 126 => 'help desk% target', 127 => 'ksr count', 128 => 'min', 129 => 'month.v1', 130 => 'mttr threshold wo', 131 => 'mttr (calendar days)', 132 => 'mttr (calendar days) (copy 2)', 133 => 'mttr (otat)', 134 => 'mttr (otat) r&d logic', 135 => 'mttr (weekdays)', 136 => 'mttr (weekdays) (copy)', 137 => 'mttr net (calendar days)', 138 => 'nombre d\'enregistrements', 139 => 'ph tk % threshold (copy)', 140 => 'phone tickets', 141 => 'previous month (copy)', 142 => 'previous month (copy)2', 143 => 'r&d logic', 144 => 'r&d logic - open', 145 => 're-opened threshold', 146 => 're-opened% target', 147 => 'reopened ticket %', 148 => 'reopened ticket % (copy 2)', 149 => 'reopened ticket % (copy)', 150 => 'resolved', 151 => 'response ola status', 152 => 'response sla status', 153 => 'sla target', 154 => 'sla threshold', 155 => 'sla% (itr%)', 156 => 'sla% (itr%) (copy)', 157 => 'sla% (itr%) r&d logic', 158 => 'strike rule', 159 => 'submitted', 160 => 'ticket age (calendar days)', 161 => 'ticket age (weekdays)', 162 => 'ticket age (weekdays) (copy)', 163 => 'ticket count', 164 => 'ticket per user', 165 => 'time in pending (min)', 166 => 'time in pending client (min)', 167 => 'total time spent', )array ( 0 => 'sept-21', 1 => 'P3', 2 => 'Incident', 3 => '01/09/2021 00:00', 4 => 'PDM Blue Box', 5 => 'Help Desk', 6 => '1', 7 => '', 8 => '', 9 => 'FJTU_SERVICE_DESK_EMEA_ISMA_L1', 10 => 'Service Desk', 11 => 'FUJISTU OSMQ', 12 => 'FUJISTU_OSMQ', 13 => '', 14 => '', 15 => '', 16 => 'INC000005973287', 17 => 'N', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '16/09/2021 00:00', 21 => '', 22 => '', 23 => '', 24 => '', 25 => '', 26 => 'Algeria', 27 => '', 28 => 'ON_COR', 29 => 'Finance', 30 => 'WALID', 31 => 'FHF6', 32 => 'HADJADJ', 33 => 'Global Supply Chain', 34 => 'SESA559278', 35 => 'SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC ALGERIE', 36 => 'Casual Traveler', 37 => '', 38 => 'Hide', 39 => 'FAUX', 40 => 'FAUX', 41 => 'GSD', 42 => 'GSD', 43 => 'FJTU_SERVICE_DESK_RD_L2', 44 => 'Incident', 45 => 'Moderate/Limited', 46 => 'KSR000012449855', 47 => '16/09/2021 00:18', 48 => '10/09/2021 06:57', 49 => 'No', 50 => 'sept-21', 51 => 'Troubleshoot-Application-OE Tools', 52 => 'Troubleshoot', 53 => 'Application', 54 => 'OE Tools', 55 => 'Schneider Digital', 56 => 'Schneider Digital', 57 => 'HR Systems & Employee Experience', 58 => 'HR Systems & Employee Experience', 59 => 'Hide', 60 => 'Medium', 61 => 'Opus', 62 => 'Software', 63 => 'Application', 64 => 'Engineering Applications', 65 => 'Opus', 66 => 'ISMA', 67 => 'MEA', 68 => 'MEA', 69 => 'MEA', 70 => 'No', 71 => 'Web', 72 => '"ISSUE: Opus - OE Tools', )

    Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: array_combine(): Argument #1 ($keys) and argument #2 ($values) must have the same number of elements in C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php:100 Stack trace: #0 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php(100): array_combine(Array, Array) #1 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVImport.php(38): ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser::parse('C:\\projets\\tick...', 4096) #2 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\controller\CSVImportController.php(72): ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVImport::uploadFile('C:\\projets\\tick...') #3 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\index.php(112): ticket_rawsrc\controller\CSVImportController->invoke(Array) #4 {main} thrown in C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php on line 100
    Il vaut mieux viser la perfection et la manquer que viser l'imperfection et l'atteindre. - Bertrand Russell

    Si la discussion est résolue, merci de cliquer sur le bouton

  4. #4
    Expert confirmé
    Avatar de laurentSc
    Homme Profil pro
    Webmaster débutant perpétuel !
    Inscrit en
    Octobre 2006
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 60
    Localisation : France, Isère (Rhône Alpes)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Webmaster débutant perpétuel !
    Secteur : Industrie

    Informations forums :
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    Par défaut
    J'aurais du faire ce debug plus tôt, car quand $key et $value n'ont pas la même longueur, le message d'erreur est normal. J'ai reproduit avec des données bien moins nombreuses :

    key count : 11value count : 5

    key(0)'mois de months'
    key(1)'regions (1)'
    key(3)'reported source'
    key(5)'resolution ola status'
    key(6)'resolution op cat calculated'
    key(7)'resolution op cat tier 1'
    key(8)'resolution op cat tier 2'
    key(9)'resolution op cat tier 3'
    value(4)'"ISSUE: Opus - OE Tools'

    Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: array_combine(): Argument #1 ($keys) and argument #2 ($values) must have the same number of elements in C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php:116 Stack trace: #0 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php(116): array_combine(Array, Array) #1 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVImport.php(38): ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser::parse('C:\\projets\\tick...', 4096) #2 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\controller\CSVImportController.php(72): ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVImport::uploadFile('C:\\projets\\tick...') #3 C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\index.php(112): ticket_rawsrc\controller\CSVImportController->invoke(Array) #4 {main} thrown in C:\projets\ticket_rawsrc\model\CSVParser.php on line 116
    J'avais amélioré le code de debug :
    Code php : Sélectionner tout - Visualiser dans une fenêtre à part
                    echo '<br/><br/>key count : ', count($key);
                    echo 'value count : ', count($value)."<br/><br/>";
                    foreach($key as $one_key)
                        echo "key(".$i++.")";
                        echo '<br/>';
                    foreach($value as $one_value)
                        echo "value(".$i++.")";
                        echo '<br/>';
                    }                echo "<br/><br/>";
                    self::$data[] = array_combine($key, $value);
    Il vaut mieux viser la perfection et la manquer que viser l'imperfection et l'atteindre. - Bertrand Russell

    Si la discussion est résolue, merci de cliquer sur le bouton

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