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Administration système Discussion :

Problème d'execution du noyau linux sur 1 carte

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Administration système

  1. #1
    Nouveau membre du Club
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    Par défaut Problème d'execution du noyau linux sur 1 carte
    bonjour tt le monde,
    j ai un projet sur linux, mon probleme est le suivant en fait g telecharger le noyau linux sur la memoire flash d 1 carte smart box (roteur),et je vx charger ce noyau de la memoire flash vers la memoir RAM et l executer mais pendant la phase d execution il m envoi 1 message erreur sous minicom, voici la ligne de commande avec le message erreur:

    RedBoot> fis load -b 0x1600000 linux
    ** Warning - checksum failure. stored: 0x528baf74, computed: 0xa0806f00
    RedBoot> exec -b 0x01600000 -l 0x0100000 -c"console=ttyS0,115200 rootfstype=jffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock2"
    Can't execute Linux - invalid entry address

    j espere que qlq1 sait où il est le probleme et merci d avance

  2. #2
    Membre du Club Avatar de Menthe_a_l_eau
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    Par défaut
    Salut !

    As tu pensé à bien mapper dans ta flash ton image lorsque tu l'a cross compilee ??

  3. #3
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    Par défaut encore
    je crois pas alors comment on fait pour mapper??

  4. #4
    Membre du Club Avatar de Menthe_a_l_eau
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    Par défaut
    salut, bon desole pr le retard ...... jespere que cela te sera utile :

    Ran into another snag along the way. Wanted to post it just in case someone else runs into a similar problem.

    RedBoot> fis init
    About to initialize [format] FLASH image system - continue (y/n)? y
    *** Initialize FLASH Image System
    ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Program from 0x03fe0000-0x04000000 at 0x50fe0000: .
    ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .

    formatted okay..
    RedBoot> load -r -b 0x01600000 zImage
    Using default protocol (TFTP)
    Raw file loaded 0x01600000-0x016c850b, assumed entry at 0x01600000
    loaded image off tftp machine okay..

    RedBoot> fis create -b 0x01600000 -f 0x5008000 -l 0x0100000 -r 0x01600000 zimage

    Invalid FLASH address 0x05008000: Invalid FLASH address
    valid range is 0x50000000-0x50ffffff

    When I reset the unit this is what I get for the Compact flash drive.

    RAM: 0x00000000-0x04000000, [0x000298b0-0x03fc1000] available
    FLASH: 0x50000000 - 0x51000000, 128 blocks of 0x00020000 bytes each.

    for some reason this worked - not sure if it's correct though
    fis create -b 0x01600000 -f 0x050080000 -l 0x00100000 -r 0x01600000 zimage
    ... Erase from 0x50080000-0x50180000: ........
    ... Program from 0x01600000-0x01700000 at 0x50080000: ........
    ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Program from 0x03fe0000-0x04000000 at 0x50fe0000: .
    ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000:.

    RedBoot> fis create -b 0x01600000 -f 0x050080000 -l 0x00100000 -r 0x01600000 zim
    ... Erase from 0x50080000-0x50180000: ........
    ... Program from 0x01600000-0x01700000 at 0x50080000: ........
    ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Program from 0x03fe0000-0x04000000 at 0x50fe0000: .
    ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    RedBoot> load -r -b 0x00800000 squashfs.img
    Using default protocol (TFTP)
    Raw file loaded 0x00800000-0x00ad1fff, assumed entry at 0x00800000
    RedBoot> fis create -b 0x00800000 -f 0x050180000 -l 0x00500000 ramdisk
    ... Erase from 0x50180000-0x50680000: ........................................
    ... Program from 0x00800000-0x00d00000 at 0x50180000: ..........................
    ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Program from 0x03fe0000-0x04000000 at 0x50fe0000: .
    ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .

    RedBoot> fis create -b 0x00000000 -f 0x050680000 -l 0x00080000 -n cfg
    ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Program from 0x03fe0000-0x04000000 at 0x50fe0000: .
    ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .

    When I first tried to create the filesystem it balked at me and complained. I had the part that reads '0x008e0000' as '0x008E0000', but I changed to a small e and it worked.

    RedBoot> fis create -b 0x00000000 -f 0x050700000 -l 0x008e0000 -n etc
    ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
    ... Program from 0x03fe0000-0x04000000 at 0x50fe0000: .
    ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .

  5. #5
    Nouveau membre du Club
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    Messages : 53
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    Par défaut
    j ai tjrs meme probleme cette solution n a rien changé

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