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Livres Discussion :

[Livre] Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games

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  1. #1
    Responsable Qt & Livres

    Avatar de dourouc05
    Homme Profil pro
    Ingénieur de recherche
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    Août 2008
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Val de Marne (Île de France)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Ingénieur de recherche
    Secteur : Enseignement

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Août 2008
    Messages : 26 617
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    Par défaut [Livre] Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games
    Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games

    The essential guide to solving algorithmic and networking problems in commercial computer games, revised and extended

    Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games, Second Edition is written from the perspective of the computer scientist. Combining algorithmic knowledge and game-related problems, it explores the most common problems encountered in game programing.

    The first part of the book presents practical algorithms for solving “classical” topics, such as random numbers, procedural generation, tournaments, group formations and game trees. The authors also focus on how to find a path in, create the terrain of, and make decisions in the game world.

    The second part introduces networking related problems in computer games, focusing on four key questions: how to hide the inherent communication delay, how to best exploit limited network resources, how to cope with cheating and how to measure the on-line game data.

    Thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the many constituent changes occurring in the commercial gaming industry since the original, this Second Edition, like the first, is a timely, comprehensive resource offering deeper algorithmic insight and more extensive coverage of game-specific networking problems than ordinarily encountered in game development books.

    Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games, Second Edition:

    Provides algorithmic solutions in pseudo-code format, which emphasises the idea behind the solution, and can easily be written into a programming language of choice
    Features a section on the Synthetic player, covering decision-making, influence maps, finite-state machines, flocking, fuzzy sets, and probabilistic reasoning and noise generation
    Contains in-depth treatment of network communication, including dead-reckoning, local perception filters, cheating prevention and on-line metrics
    Now includes 73 ready-to-use algorithms and 247 illustrative exercises

    Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games, Second Edition is a must-have resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students taking computer game related courses, postgraduate researchers in game-related topics, and developers interested in deepening their knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of computer games and in learning new approaches to game design and programming.

    [Lire la suite]

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  2. #2

    Homme Profil pro
    Network game programmer
    Inscrit en
    Juin 2010
    7 115
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 36
    Localisation : Canada

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Network game programmer

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Juin 2010
    Messages : 7 115
    Points : 32 963
    32 963
    Billets dans le blog
    Par défaut
    Je pensais le lire (la première édition à l'époque) mais en regardant le sommaire et quelques pages j'ai pas eu envie d'en voir plus
    - la partie algorithme énonce des évidences ou des trucs qui n'ont rien à voir avec le réseau
    > à se demander ce qu'elle fait là hormis grossir le livre
    - la partie réseau survole l'aspect communication et aborde à peine les concepts intéressants de dead reckoning et synchronisation
    > pour la communication je préfère Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API
    > pour les concepts gameplay je n'ai pas encore trouvé de livre intéressant à partager
    Pensez à consulter la FAQ ou les cours et tutoriels de la section C++.
    Un peu de programmation réseau ?
    Aucune aide via MP ne sera dispensée. Merci d'utiliser les forums prévus à cet effet.

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