Hi everydoby !
We are very happy to announce the new SpiderBasic version (beta), which brings some quite nice enhancements:
- New powerful dialog lib to easily create auto-resizable form with XML definition
- New 'flat' skin for gadget and window manager for modern looking app
- Added DataSection support, with Read/Restore
- Added DrawAlphaImage()
- Added escaped string support with ~"" syntax
- Added SetGadgetFont() support
- Added theme selectors in "Compiler Options", and --windowtheme, --gadgettheme support for commandline
- Added #PB_Gadget_RequiredSize support for GadgetWidth() and GadgetHeight()
- Better gadget resizing to handle CSS margin and borders definition
- Reworked the window theme files, it's now much easier to create a skin for window.
- Better optimization for libraries Dialog, Gadget and Window with google closure compiler
- Various bug fixes
It available on your online account, grab it while it's hot and don't forget to report any bug found, so we can get a stable final release !
To create your new window theme: go to the SpiderBasic/Libraries/Javascript/Theme drawer, copy one on the theme drawer (ex: 'flat') into a new one, and start tweaking the window.css. The new theme will automatically appear in the IDE, so you can test it. The same can be done for the dijit/theme/ drawer, but it's way more complex

Have fun,
The Fantaisie Software team