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Livres Discussion :

[Livre] LaTeX - A documentation Preparation System User's Guide and Reference Manual

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  1. #1
    Robot Forum
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    Par défaut [Livre] LaTeX - A documentation Preparation System User's Guide and Reference Manual

    A documentation Preparation System User's Guide and Reference Manual

    Book Description: Fast becoming the lingua franca of the scientific world, LaTeX is a software system for typesetting technical documents on almost any kind of computer. LaTeX marries the power of TeX with ease of use. The release of LaTeX, the new standard version, brings a wider variety of features to the user. This manual, written by the original architect of LaTeX, is the definitive user's guide to LaTeX. New users will benefit from the clear, concise, and practical explanations that earned the original LaTeX documentation worldwide praise. Experienced users will want to learn about the new features and capabilities of LaTeX. An appendix is included that describes the changes in the new version. This book is published by Addison-Wesley.

    Ingram: This authoritative user's guide and reference manual for the LaTeX computer typesetting system has been revised to document features now available in the new standard software release LaTeX2e. Other parts of the book have been revised, as well, reflecting several years of user comments and suggestions.

    JA Majors Book Info: User's guide and reference manual for the software LATEX. Updated to reflect the changes in the new release. Includes a section on how to send your LATEX documents electronically. Covers LATEX 2. Paper. DLC: LATEX (Computer file)

    About the author: Leslie Lamport, a computer scientist, is well known for his contributions to concurrent computing and distributed systems. His "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System" paper has been honored for its enduring influence on the field. Lamport is also known for creating the LaTeX typesetting system and the best-selling book, LaTeX, Second Edition, which documents it (Addison-Wesley, 1994). Now at Microsoft Research in Mountain View, California, he began his work on TLA+ at the Digital (later Compaq) Systems Research Center in Palo Alto. Lamport, who earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from Brandeis University, is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

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    Malheureusement non.... primo, je suis débutant et secondo, l'anglais..... quelle torture pour moi

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    Pareil que Frero67
    L'anglais et moi sommes un tantinet fâchés.
    Sinon ce doit sans aucun doute être une mine d'or.

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