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Livres Discussion :

Getting started with RStudio de John Verzani

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  1. #1
    Expert éminent sénior

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    Par défaut Getting started with RStudio de John Verzani
    ced a lu pour vous le livre "Getting started with RStudio", de John Verzani

    Citation Envoyé par Résumé de l'éditeur
    Dive into the RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for using and programming R, the popular open source software for statistical computing and graphics. This concise book provides new and experienced users with an overview of RStudio, as well as hands-on instructions for analyzing data, generating reports, and developing R software packages.

    The open source RStudio IDE brings many powerful coding tools together into an intuitive, easy-to-learn interface. With this guide, you'll learn how to use its main components-including the console, source code editor, and data viewer-through descriptions and case studies. Getting Started with RStudio serves as both a reference and introduction to this unique IDE.

    • Use RStudio to provide enhanced support for interactive R sessions
    • Clean and format raw data quickly with several RStudio components
    • Edit R commands with RStudio's code editor, and combine them into functions
    • Easily locate and use more than 3,000 add-on packages in R's CRAN service
    • Develop and document your own R packages with the code editor and related components
    • Create one-click PDF reports in RStudio with a mix of text and R output
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  2. #2
    Membre averti
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    Pour info, je viens de voir que -- depuis 2 jours -- il y a une nouvelle version de RStudia.


  3. #3
    Responsable Perl et Outils

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