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| Sub colorie()
Dim rouge, vert As Integer
For li = 6 To 51
Set myrange = Worksheets("Feuil1").Range(Cells(li, 3), Cells(li, 21))
maxli = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(myrange)
minli = maxli
For co = 3 To 16
If Cells(li, co).Text <> "" Then
If Cells(li, co).Value < minli Then minli = Cells(li, co).Value
End If
Next co
iEcart = maxli - minli
If iEcart <> 0 Then ncoef = 1 / iEcart
For co = 3 To 16
If Cells(li, co).Text = "" Or iEcart = 0 Then
Cells(li, co).Interior.Color = RGB(172, 172, 172)
valeur = Cells(li, co).Value
rouge = (valeur - minli) * ncoef * 255
vert = 255 - rouge
Cells(li, co).Interior.Color = RGB(rouge, vert, 0)
End If
Next co
Next li
End Sub |