/* */ /** * File: FTPConnection.java * Author: Bret Taylor * URL: http://www.stanford.edu/~bstaylor/cs/ftpconnection/FTPConnection.java.shtml * --------------------------------------------- * $Id$ * --------------------------------------------- * Parts of this code were adopted from a variety of other FTP classes the * author has encountered that he was not completely satisfied with. If you * think more thanks are due to any particular author than is given, please * let him know. With that caveat, this class can be freely distributed and * modified as long as Bret Taylor is given credit in the source code comments. * * * Modified by Julian Robichaux -- http://www.nsftools.com * Added constructors, logout(), listFiles(), listSubdirectories(), getAndParseDirList(), * processFileListCommand(), and overloaded getFullServerReply(). * Also added StringBuffer parameter options to transferData() and executeDataCommand() * and did a few other little things. */ import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; /** * A wrapper for the network and command protocols needed for the most common * FTP commands. Standard usage looks something like this: * FTPConnection connection = new FTPConnection(); * try { * if (connection.connect(host)) { * if (connection.login(username, password)) { * connection.downloadFile(serverFileName); * connection.uploadFile(localFileName); * } * connection.disconnect(); * } * } catch (UnknownHostException e) { * // handle unknown host * } catch (IOException e) { * // handle I/O exception * } * Most FTP commands are wrapped by easy-to-use methods, but in case clients * need more flexibility, you can execute commands directly using the methods * executeCommand and * executeDataCommand, * the latter of which is used for commands that require an open data port. * * @author Bret Taylor * @author Julian Robichaux * @version 1.01 */ public class FTPConnection extends Object { /** * If this flag is on, we print out debugging information to stdout during * execution. Useful for debugging the FTP class and seeing the server's * responses directly. */ private static boolean PRINT_DEBUG_INFO = false; /** * The socket through which we are connected to the FTP server. */ private Socket connectionSocket = null; /** * The socket output stream. */ private PrintStream outputStream = null; /** * The socket input stream. */ private BufferedReader inputStream = null; /** * The offset at which we resume a file transfer. */ private long restartPoint = 0L; /** * Added by Julian: If this flag is on, we're currently logged in to something. */ private boolean loggedIn = false; /** * Added by Julian: This is the line terminator to use for multi-line responses. */ public String lineTerm = "\n"; /** * Added by Julian: This is the size of the data blocks we use for transferring * files. */ private static int BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; /** * Added by Julian: After you create an FTPConnection object, you will call the * connect() and login() methods to access your server. Please don't forget to * logout() and disconnect() when you're done (it's only polite...). */ public FTPConnection () { // default constructor (obviously) -- this is just good to have... } /** * Added by Julian: Allows you to specify if you want to send debug output to * the console (true if you do, false if you don't). */ public FTPConnection (boolean debugOut) { PRINT_DEBUG_INFO = debugOut; } /** * Prints debugging information to stdout if the private flag * PRINT_DEBUG_INFO is turned on. */ private void debugPrint(String message) { if (PRINT_DEBUG_INFO) System.err.println(message); } /** * Connects to the given FTP host on port 21, the default FTP port. */ public boolean connect(String host) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { return connect(host, 21); } /** * Connects to the given FTP host on the given port. */ public boolean connect(String host, int port) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { connectionSocket = new Socket(host, port); outputStream = new PrintStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream()); inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connectionSocket.getInputStream())); if (!isPositiveCompleteResponse(getServerReply())){ disconnect(); return false; } return true; } /** * Disconnects from the host to which we are currently connected. */ public void disconnect() { if (outputStream != null) { try { if (loggedIn) { logout(); }; outputStream.close(); inputStream.close(); connectionSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} outputStream = null; inputStream = null; connectionSocket = null; } } /** * Wrapper for the commands user [username] and pass * [password]. */ public boolean login(String username, String password) throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("user " + username); if (!isPositiveIntermediateResponse(response)) return false; response = executeCommand("pass " + password); loggedIn = isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); return loggedIn; } /** * Added by Julian: Logout before you disconnect (this is good form). */ public boolean logout() throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("quit"); loggedIn = !isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); return !loggedIn; } /** * Wrapper for the command cwd [directory]. */ public boolean changeDirectory(String directory) throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("cwd " + directory); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); } /** * Wrapper for the commands rnfr [oldName] and rnto * [newName]. */ public boolean renameFile(String oldName, String newName) throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("rnfr " + oldName); if (!isPositiveIntermediateResponse(response)) return false; response = executeCommand("rnto " + newName); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); } /** * Wrapper for the command mkd [directory]. */ public boolean makeDirectory(String directory) throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("mkd " + directory); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); } /** * Wrapper for the command rmd [directory]. */ public boolean removeDirectory(String directory) throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("rmd " + directory); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); } /** * Wrapper for the command cdup. */ public boolean parentDirectory() throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("cdup"); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); } /** * Wrapper for the command dele [fileName]. */ public boolean deleteFile(String fileName) throws IOException { int response = executeCommand("dele " + fileName); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(response); } /** * Wrapper for the command pwd. */ public String getCurrentDirectory() throws IOException { String response = getExecutionResponse("pwd"); StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(response); // Get rid of the first token, which is the return code if (strtok.countTokens() < 2) return null; strtok.nextToken(); String directoryName = strtok.nextToken(); // Most servers surround the directory name with quotation marks int strlen = directoryName.length(); if (strlen == 0) return null; if (directoryName.charAt(0) == '\"') { directoryName = directoryName.substring(1); strlen--; } if (directoryName.charAt(strlen - 1) == '\"') return directoryName.substring(0, strlen - 1); return directoryName; } /** * Wrapper for the command syst. */ public String getSystemType() throws IOException { return excludeCode(getExecutionResponse("syst")); } /** * Wrapper for the command mdtm [fileName]. If the file does * not exist, we return -1; */ public long getModificationTime(String fileName) throws IOException { String response = excludeCode(getExecutionResponse("mdtm " + fileName)); try { return Long.parseLong(response); } catch (Exception e) { return -1L; } } /** * Wrapper for the command size [fileName]. If the file does * not exist, we return -1; */ public long getFileSize(String fileName) throws IOException { String response = excludeCode(getExecutionResponse("size " + fileName)); try { return Long.parseLong(response); } catch (Exception e) { return -1L; } } /** * Wrapper for the command retr [fileName]. */ public boolean downloadFile(String fileName) throws IOException { return readDataToFile("retr " + fileName, fileName); } /** * Wrapper for the command retr [serverPath]. The local file * path to which we will write is given by localPath. */ public boolean downloadFile(String serverPath, String localPath) throws IOException { return readDataToFile("retr " + serverPath, localPath); } /** * Wrapper for the command stor [fileName]. */ public boolean uploadFile(String fileName) throws IOException { return writeDataFromFile("stor " + fileName, fileName); } /** * Wrapper for the command stor [localPath]. The server file * path to which we will write is given by serverPath. */ public boolean uploadFile(String serverPath, String localPath) throws IOException { return writeDataFromFile("stor " + serverPath, localPath); } /** * Set the restart point for the next download or upload operation. This * lets clients resume interrupted uploads or downloads. */ public void setRestartPoint(int point) { restartPoint = point; debugPrint("Restart noted"); } /** * Gets server reply code from the control port after an ftp command has * been executed. It knows the last line of the response because it begins * with a 3 digit number and a space, (a dash instead of a space would be a * continuation). */ private int getServerReply() throws IOException { return Integer.parseInt(getFullServerReply().substring(0, 3)); } /** * Gets server reply string from the control port after an ftp command has * been executed. This consists only of the last line of the response, * and only the part after the response code. */ private String getFullServerReply() throws IOException { String reply; do { reply = inputStream.readLine(); debugPrint(reply); } while(!(Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(0)) && Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(1)) && Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(2)) && reply.charAt(3) == ' ')); return reply; } /** * Added by Julian: Returns the last line of the server reply, but also * returns the full multi-line reply in a StringBuffer parameter. */ private String getFullServerReply(StringBuffer fullReply) throws IOException { String reply; fullReply.setLength(0); do { reply = inputStream.readLine(); debugPrint(reply); fullReply.append(reply + lineTerm); } while(!(Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(0)) && Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(1)) && Character.isDigit(reply.charAt(2)) && reply.charAt(3) == ' ')); // remove any trailing line terminators from the fullReply if (fullReply.length() > 0) { fullReply.setLength(fullReply.length() - lineTerm.length()); } return reply; } /** * Added by Julian: Gets a list of files in the current directory. */ public String listFiles() throws IOException { return listFiles(""); } /** * Added by Julian: Gets a list of files in either the current * directory, or one specified as a parameter. The 'params' parameter * can be either a directory name, a file mask, or both (such as * '/DirName/*.txt'). */ public String listFiles(String params) throws IOException { StringBuffer files = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer dirs = new StringBuffer(); if (!getAndParseDirList(params, files, dirs)) { debugPrint("Error getting file list"); } return files.toString(); } /** * Added by Julian: Gets a list of subdirectories in the current directory. */ public String listSubdirectories() throws IOException { return listSubdirectories(""); } /** * Added by Julian: Gets a list of subdirectories in either the current * directory, or one specified as a parameter. The 'params' parameter * can be either a directory name, a name mask, or both (such as * '/DirName/Sub*'). */ public String listSubdirectories(String params) throws IOException { StringBuffer files = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer dirs = new StringBuffer(); if (!getAndParseDirList(params, files, dirs)) { debugPrint("Error getting dir list"); } return dirs.toString(); } /** * Added by Julian: Sends and gets the results of a file list command, * like LIST or NLST. */ private String processFileListCommand(String command) throws IOException { StringBuffer reply = new StringBuffer(); String replyString; // file listings require you to issue a PORT command, // like a file transfer boolean success = executeDataCommand(command, reply); if (!success) { return ""; } replyString = reply.toString(); // strip the trailing line terminator from the reply if (reply.length() > 0) { return replyString.substring(0, reply.length() - 1); } else { return replyString; } } /** * Added by Julian: Gets a directory list from the server and parses * the elements into a list of files and a list of subdirectories. */ private boolean getAndParseDirList(String params, StringBuffer files, StringBuffer dirs) throws IOException { // reset the return variables (we're using StringBuffers instead of // Strings because you can't change a String value and pass it back // to the calling routine -- changing a String creates a new object) files.setLength(0); dirs.setLength(0); // get the NLST and the LIST -- don't worry if the commands // don't work, because we'll just end up sending nothing back // if that's the case String shortList = processFileListCommand("nlst " + params); String longList = processFileListCommand("list " + params); // tokenize the lists we got, using a newline as a separator StringTokenizer sList = new StringTokenizer(shortList, "\n"); StringTokenizer lList = new StringTokenizer(longList, "\n"); // other variables we'll need String sString; String lString; // assume that both lists have the same number of elements while ((sList.hasMoreTokens()) && (lList.hasMoreTokens())) { sString = sList.nextToken(); lString = lList.nextToken(); if (lString.length() > 0) { if (lString.startsWith("d")) { dirs.append(sString.trim() + lineTerm); debugPrint("Dir: " + sString); } else if (lString.startsWith("-")) { files.append(sString.trim() + lineTerm); debugPrint("File: " + sString); } else { // actually, symbolic links will start with an "l" // (lowercase L), but we're not going to mess with // those debugPrint("Unknown: " + lString); } } } // strip off any trailing line terminators and return the values if (files.length() > 0) { files.setLength(files.length() - lineTerm.length()); } if (dirs.length() > 0) { dirs.setLength(dirs.length() - lineTerm.length()); } return true; } /** * Executes the given FTP command on our current connection, returning the * three digit response code from the server. This method only works for * commands that do not require an additional data port. */ public int executeCommand(String command) throws IOException { outputStream.println(command); return getServerReply(); } /** * Executes the given FTP command on our current connection, returning the * last line of the server's response. Useful for commands that return * one line of information. */ public String getExecutionResponse(String command) throws IOException { outputStream.println(command); return getFullServerReply(); } /** * Executes the given ftpd command on the server and writes the results * returned on the data port to the file with the given name, returning true * if the server indicates that the operation was successful. */ public boolean readDataToFile(String command, String fileName) throws IOException { // Open the local file RandomAccessFile outfile = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); // Do restart if desired if (restartPoint != 0) { debugPrint("Seeking to " + restartPoint); outfile.seek(restartPoint); } // Convert the RandomAccessFile to an OutputStream FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(outfile.getFD()); boolean success = executeDataCommand(command, fileStream); outfile.close(); return success; } /** * Executes the given ftpd command on the server and writes the contents * of the given file to the server on an opened data port, returning true * if the server indicates that the operation was successful. */ public boolean writeDataFromFile(String command, String fileName) throws IOException { // Open the local file RandomAccessFile infile = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r"); // Do restart if desired if (restartPoint != 0) { debugPrint("Seeking to " + restartPoint); infile.seek(restartPoint); } // Convert the RandomAccessFile to an InputStream FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(infile.getFD()); boolean success = executeDataCommand(command, fileStream); infile.close(); return success; } /** * Executes the given ftpd command on the server and writes the results * returned on the data port to the given OutputStream, returning true * if the server indicates that the operation was successful. */ public boolean executeDataCommand(String command, OutputStream out) throws IOException { // Open a data socket on this computer ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0); if (!setupDataPort(command, serverSocket)) return false; Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); // Transfer the data InputStream in = clientSocket.getInputStream(); transferData(in, out); // Clean up the data structures in.close(); clientSocket.close(); serverSocket.close(); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(getServerReply()); } /** * Executes the given ftpd command on the server and writes the contents * of the given InputStream to the server on an opened data port, returning * true if the server indicates that the operation was successful. */ public boolean executeDataCommand(String command, InputStream in) throws IOException { // Open a data socket on this computer ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0); if (!setupDataPort(command, serverSocket)) return false; Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); // Transfer the data OutputStream out = clientSocket.getOutputStream(); transferData(in, out); // Clean up the data structures out.close(); clientSocket.close(); serverSocket.close(); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(getServerReply()); } /** * Added by Julian: Executes the given ftpd command on the server * and writes the results returned on the data port to the given * StringBuffer, returning true if the server indicates that the * operation was successful. */ public boolean executeDataCommand(String command, StringBuffer sb) throws IOException { // Open a data socket on this computer ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0); if (!setupDataPort(command, serverSocket)) return false; Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); // Transfer the data InputStream in = clientSocket.getInputStream(); transferData(in, sb); // Clean up the data structures in.close(); clientSocket.close(); serverSocket.close(); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(getServerReply()); } /** * Transfers the data from the given input stream to the given output * stream until we reach the end of the stream. */ private void transferData(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte b[] = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; int amount; // Read the data into the file while ((amount = in.read(b)) > 0) { out.write(b, 0, amount); } } /** * Added by Julian: Transfers the data from the given input stream * to the given StringBuffer until we reach the end of the stream. */ private void transferData(InputStream in, StringBuffer sb) throws IOException { byte b[] = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; int amount; // Read the data into the StringBuffer while ((amount = in.read(b)) > 0) { sb.append(new String(b, 0, amount)); } } /** * Executes the given ftpd command on the server and writes the results * returned on the data port to the given FilterOutputStream, returning true * if the server indicates that the operation was successful. */ private boolean setupDataPort(String command, ServerSocket serverSocket) throws IOException { // Send our local data port to the server if (!openPort(serverSocket)) return false; // Set binary type transfer outputStream.println("type i"); if (!isPositiveCompleteResponse(getServerReply())) { debugPrint("Could not set transfer type"); return false; } // If we have a restart point, send that information if (restartPoint != 0) { outputStream.println("rest " + restartPoint); restartPoint = 0; // TODO: Interpret server response here getServerReply(); } // Send the command outputStream.println(command); return isPositivePreliminaryResponse(getServerReply()); } /** * Get IP address and port number from serverSocket and send them via the * port command to the ftp server, returning true if we get a * valid response from the server, returning true if the server indicates * that the operation was successful. */ private boolean openPort(ServerSocket serverSocket) throws IOException { int localport = serverSocket.getLocalPort(); // get local ip address InetAddress inetaddress = serverSocket.getInetAddress(); InetAddress localip; try { localip = inetaddress.getLocalHost(); } catch(UnknownHostException e) { debugPrint("Can't get local host"); return false; } // get ip address in high byte order byte[] addrbytes = localip.getAddress(); // tell server what port we are listening on short addrshorts[] = new short[4]; // problem: bytes greater than 127 are printed as negative numbers for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { addrshorts[i] = addrbytes[i]; if (addrshorts[i] < 0) addrshorts[i] += 256; } outputStream.println("port " + addrshorts[0] + "," + addrshorts[1] + "," + addrshorts[2] + "," + addrshorts[3] + "," + ((localport & 0xff00) >> 8) + "," + (localport & 0x00ff)); return isPositiveCompleteResponse(getServerReply()); } /** * True if the given response code is in the 100-199 range. */ private boolean isPositivePreliminaryResponse(int response) { return (response >= 100 && response < 200); } /** * True if the given response code is in the 300-399 range. */ private boolean isPositiveIntermediateResponse(int response) { return (response >= 300 && response < 400); } /** * True if the given response code is in the 200-299 range. */ private boolean isPositiveCompleteResponse(int response) { return (response >= 200 && response < 300); } /** * True if the given response code is in the 400-499 range. */ private boolean isTransientNegativeResponse(int response) { return (response >= 400 && response < 500); } /** * True if the given response code is in the 500-599 range. */ private boolean isPermanentNegativeResponse(int response) { return (response >= 500 && response < 600); } /** * Eliminates the response code at the beginning of the response string. */ private String excludeCode(String response) { if (response.length() < 5) return response; return response.substring(4); } }