import logging from telegram import ( LabeledPrice, Update, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, ) from telegram.ext import ( Application, CommandHandler, ContextTypes, ConversationHandler, MessageHandler, filters, PreCheckoutQueryHandler, ) # Enable logging logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) BOT_TOKEN = "TOKEN" PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN = "STRIPE KEY" ACTION, ACHAT, VENTE, MODE, MOBILE, CARD_ACHAT, CARD_VENTE, CONFIRM = range(8) recap = [] async def start_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: reply_keyboard = [["Acheter", "Vendre"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Bonjour, que voulez-vous faire ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( reply_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Acheter ou Vendre ?" ), ) return ACTION async def action_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: if update.message.text == "Acheter": achat_keyboard = [["XAF vers BTC", "XOF vers BTC"], ["EUR vers BTC", "USD vers BTC"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Quelle conversion voulez-vous effectuer ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( achat_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="XAF vers BTC, XOF vers BTC, EUR vers BTC ou USD vers BTC ?", ) ) recap.insert(0, "Achat") return ACHAT else: vendre_keyboard = [["BTC vers EUR", "BTC vers USD"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Quelle conversion voulez-vous effectuer ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( vendre_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Acheter ou Vendre ?", ) ) recap.insert(0, "Vente") return VENTE async def achat_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: if update.message.text == "XAF vers BTC": xaf_btc_keyboard = [["Airtel Money", "Carte Bancaire"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Quelle mode de paiement voulez-vous utiliser ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( xaf_btc_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Airtel Money ou Carte Bancaire ?", ) ) recap.insert(1, "XAF vers BTC") return MODE elif update.message.text == "XOF vers BTC": xof_btc_keyboard = [["Orange Money", "Carte Bancaire"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Quelle mode de paiement voulez-vous utiliser ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( xof_btc_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Orange Money ou Carte Bancaire ?", ) ) recap.insert(1, "XOF vers BTC") return MODE elif update.message.text == "EUR vers BTC": eur_btc_keyboard = [["Carte Bancaire"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Quelle mode de paiement voulez-vous utiliser ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( eur_btc_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Carte Bancaire ?", ) ) recap.insert(1, "EUR vers BTC") return MODE elif update.message.text == "USD vers BTC": usd_btc_keyboard = [["Carte Bancaire"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Quelle mode de paiement voulez-vous utiliser ?", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( usd_btc_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Carte Bancaire ?", ) ) recap.insert(1, "USD vers BTC") return MODE async def vente_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: if update.message.text == "BTC vers EUR": recap.insert(1, "BTC vers EUR") return MODE else: recap.insert(1, "BTC vers USD") return MODE async def mode_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: if update.message.text == "Airtel Money": return MOBILE elif update.message.text == "Orange Money": return MOBILE elif update.message.text == "Carte Bancaire": await update.message.reply_text( "Entre le montant: ", ) return CARD_ACHAT elif recap[1] == "BTC vers EUR" or recap[1] == "BTC vers EUR": return CARD_VENTE async def card_payment_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: recap.insert(2, int(update.message.text)) devise = "" if recap[1] == "EUR vers BTC": devise = "EUR" else: devise = "USD" chat_id = update.message.chat_id title = recap[0] description = f"Vous voulez {recap[0]}er des {recap[1]} de {recap[2]}." payload = "Custom-Payload" currency = devise price = recap[2] prices = [LabeledPrice("Test", price * 100)] await chat_id, title, description, payload, PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, currency, prices, need_name=True, need_phone_number=True, need_email=True, ) async def precheckout_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Answers the PreQecheckoutQuery""" query = update.pre_checkout_query # check the payload, is this from your bot? if query.invoice_payload != "Custom-Payload": # answer False pre_checkout_query await query.answer(ok=False, error_message="Something went wrong...") else: await query.answer(ok=True) async def successful_payment_callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Confirms the successful payment.""" # do something after successfully receiving payment? await update.message.reply_text("Thank you for your payment!") async def cancel(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: """Cancels and ends the conversation.""" user = update.message.from_user"User %s canceled the conversation.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text( "Bye! I hope we can talk again some day.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove() ) return ConversationHandler.END def main() -> None: """Run the bot.""" # Create the Application and pass it your bot's token. application = Application.builder().token(BOT_TOKEN).build() # Add conversation handler with the states GENDER, PHOTO, LOCATION and BIO conv_handler = ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CommandHandler( command="start", callback=start_callback)], states={ ACTION: [MessageHandler(filters=filters.Regex("^(Acheter|Vendre)$"), callback=action_callback)], ACHAT: [MessageHandler(filters=filters.Regex("^(XAF vers BTC|XOF vers BTC|EUR vers BTC|USD vers BTC)$"), callback=achat_callback)], VENTE: [MessageHandler(filters=filters.Regex("^(BTC vers EUR|BTC vers USD)$"), callback=vente_callback)], MODE: [MessageHandler(filters=filters.Regex("^(Airtel Money|Orange Money|Carte Bancaire)$"), callback=mode_callback)], CARD_ACHAT: [MessageHandler(filters=filters.ALL, callback=card_payment_callback)], }, fallbacks=[CommandHandler(command="cancel", callback=cancel)], ) application.add_handler(conv_handler) application.add_handler(CommandHandler( command="start", callback=start_callback)) application.add_handler(PreCheckoutQueryHandler( callback=precheckout_callback)) application.add_handler( MessageHandler(filters=filters.SUCCESSFUL_PAYMENT, callback=successful_payment_callback) ) application.run_polling() if __name__ == "__main__": main()