#include #include using namespace std; // utilisation de la méthode #define INTERN 0 // => OK #define EXTERN 1 // => ERROR ??? #define OP_PLUS_EXT INTERN // #define OP_PLUS_EXT EXTERN // #define OP_PLUS_EXT BOTH // #define BOTH 7 // BOTH les deux !! (test pour connaître le choix du compilo) // error: use of overloaded operator '+' is ambiguous // (with operand types 'Test' and 'Test') class Test { private: int val; string name; public: Test (string s="default", int v=-1); Test (Test const&); ~Test (); ostream& affiche (ostream& sortie) const; // surcharge interne Test& operator+= (Test const&); Test& operator= (Test const&); #if OP_PLUS_EXT == INTERN //|| OP_PLUS_EXT == BOTH Test const operator+ (Test const&); #endif }; Test::Test (string s, int v) // Test::Test( string s="default", int v=-1) : name (s), val (v) { cout << "NEW val : " << s << " " << v << endl; // cout << "NEW val : " << *this << endl; } Test::Test (Test const& t) : name( t.name+"_dup"), val( t.val) { cout << "DUP val : " << name << " " << val << endl; // cout << "DUP val : " << t << endl; } Test::~Test () { cout << "DEL val : " << name << " " << val << endl; } // toujours intern Test& Test::operator= (Test const& t) { cout << "OP = : " << name << " = " << t.name << endl; // cout << "OP = : " << t << endl; // ERROR ??? // error: invalid operands to binary expression // ('basic_ostream >' and 'const Test') // accès directe aux attributs name et val de la classe name = name +"="+t.name; val = t.val; return *this; } Test& Test::operator+= (Test const& t) { cout << "OP+= : " << name << " += " << t.name << endl; // cout << "OP+= : " << t << endl; // ERROR ??? // error: invalid operands to binary expression // ('basic_ostream >' and 'const Test') val += t.val; name = name+"+="+t.name; return *this; // utile pour affectation à la suite : t3 = (t1+=t2); // renvoie alors &t1 pour affectation dans t3 // pas la peine de créer une copie locale car t1 existe déjà } // méthode interne sans variable tmp // ERROR : modifie l'instance courante // car pas de copie d'effectuée. Idem à passage par référence // Test const Test::operator+( Test const& t) // { // // cout << t1.val << endl; error: 'val' is a private member of 'Test' // cout << "OP+ : " << name << " + " << t.name << endl; // val += t.val; // name = name+"+"+t.name; // return *this; // } #if OP_PLUS_EXT == INTERN //|| OP_PLUS_EXT == BOTH // méthode interne avec variable tmp : OK Test const Test::operator+ (Test const& t) { cout << "OP+ INT : " << name << " + " << t.name << endl; // cout << "OP+ INT : " << t << endl; // ERROR ??? // error: invalid operands to binary expression // ('basic_ostream >' and 'const Test') Test tmp; tmp.val = val + t.val; tmp.name = name+"+"+t.name; return tmp; } #endif #if OP_PLUS_EXT == EXTERN //|| OP_PLUS_EXT == BOTH // surcharge externe Test const operator+(Test, Test const&); const Test operator+ (Test t1, Test const& t2) { cout << "OP+ EXT : "; // << t1.name << " + " << t2.name << endl; // ERROR => OK // error: 'name' is a private member of 'Test' // cout << t1 << endl; // ERROR ??? // error: invalid operands to binary expression ('ostream' // (aka 'basic_ostream') and 'Test') t1 += t2; // passage par une méthode -> interne return t1; } #endif ostream& Test::affiche(ostream& sortie) const { sortie << "(" << name << " : " << val << ")"; return sortie; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& sortie, Test const& t) { return t.affiche( sortie); } /* ces deux fonctions pour vérifier que cout << t; s'excute sans erreur dans une fonction */ void display_ref(Test &); void display_ref(Test &t){ cout << "display ref " << t << endl; } void display_val(Test); void display_val(Test t){ cout << "display val " << t << endl; } int main() { Test t1("t1",1); Test t2("t2",2); cout << t1 << t2 << endl; Test t3(t2); cout << t3 << endl; cout << "display_ref" << endl; display_ref(t1); cout << "display_val" << endl; display_val(t1); cout << "end display" << endl; cout << "TEST1 + " << endl; cout << (t1+t2) << endl; cout << "TEST2 + " << endl; Test t4("t4", 16); cout << t4 << endl; t4 = t1+t2; cout << t4 << endl; cout << "TEST1 +=" << endl; Test t5("t5", 25); t5 += t1; cout << t5 << endl; cout << "TEST2 +=" << endl; t4 = {"aze", 13}; cout << t4 << endl; cout << "END" << endl; return 0; }