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Extensions PostgreSQL Discussion :

Annonces de nouvelles versions

Sujet :

Extensions PostgreSQL

  1. #1
    Community Manager

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    Par défaut Annonces de nouvelles versions
    Npgsql 2.0.2
    Téléchargement :

    Npgsql est un pilote entièrement écrit en C# qui permet à vos applications .NET d'utiliser une base PostgreSQL.
    La version 2.0.2 est une version "bugfix".

    Correctifs :
    Fix the fix for datetime.MinValue and MaxValue. Only MinValue was fixed. Now both Min and Max are fixed. Thanks Andrus Moor for heads up.(fxjr)
    Fixed problem with parameter sizes and prepared statements.(fxjr)
    [#1010488] NgsqlParameter of type containing DBNull values throws NullReferenceException
    [#1010521] NpgsqlInterval should be quoted.
    Datetime with negative values (thanks to Mathieu Fenniak <>) and singular values such as "1 day"
    [#1010495] Bad performance calling a (empty) function very often.

    Ajouts :
    Added documentation about how to use Npgsql with Provider Factory. Thanks Alaric for heads up.
    Ensure refcursors work with System.Transactions. (Josh)
    On this release, Josh Cooley fixed some bugs on Entity Framework support and System.Transactions.
    Liste complète des modifications :
    Pour remonter les problèmes :
    Pour contacter les différents services du club (publications, partenariats, publicité, ...) : Contacts

  2. #2

    Avatar de Yogui
    Homme Profil pro
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yonne (Bourgogne)

    Informations professionnelles :
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    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Février 2004
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    29 985
    Par défaut
    PostGIS 1.3.5
    Téléchargement :

    PostGIS est une extension PostgreSQL permettant d'ajouter le support des objets géographiques.

    Voici les améliorations :
    - A quick bug fix release, to remove crashes in cases of
    collecting LINESTRING (ST_Force_Collection(), ST_Multi())
    that had a large affect on Mapserver with LINE layers.
    - Enhancements and Bug Fixes
    - GBT#21: improve LRS fix to apply to more platforms (Mark Cave-Ayland)
    - GBT#72: fix st_estimated_extent for better schema sensitivity
    (Mark Cave-Ayland)
    - GBT#80: segfault on st_multi in MULTILINESTRING repaired (Mark
    - GBT#83: segfault on collecting LINESTRING repaired (Mark Cave-Ayland)

  3. #3

    Avatar de Yogui
    Homme Profil pro
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Localisation : France, Yonne (Bourgogne)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Directeur technique

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Février 2004
    Messages : 13 721
    Points : 29 985
    29 985
    Par défaut
    This release is a bugfix release for the EMR plugin. Other additions and
    changes are detailed in the changelog:

    What is it?
    GNUmed is an open source Electronic Medical Record. It is developed by a
    handful of medical doctors and programmers from all over the world. It can be
    useful to anyone documenting the health of patients, including but not
    limited to doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, ...

    GNUmed is suited for Patient Handling, keeping a Medical Record including
    measurements handling, Document Management, Forms and Letters. Other Client
    Functionality includes various tools such as Snellen chart, statistics and
    reporting as well as third party application connectivity

    GNUmed supports multiple cross platform frontends and interfaces. Data is kept
    in a PostgreSQL database. Features can be added through a plugin mechanism.

    Python 2.4 or higher. WxPython, psycopg2, PostgreSQL 8.3

    Obtaining GNUmed
    The latest GNUmed version, examples and online
    documentation can be downloaded from

    The online CVS repository is at

    Sebastian Hilbert
    Leipzig / Germany
    [] -> PGP welcome, HTML ->/dev/null

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