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SSIS Discussion :

SSIS package take more time than usual

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  1. #1
    Nouveau Candidat au Club
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    Décembre 2014
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    Localisation : France

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    Secteur : Enseignement

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    Inscription : Décembre 2014
    Messages : 1
    Points : 1
    Par défaut SSIS package take more time than usual
    Hello everybody
    I am new in sql server and the task assigned to me is to follow the SSIS jobs launched by SQL Server Agent.

    Today I had a run-time problem of an SSIS package, it makes more time than usual.

    the package is related to another master package
    Usually , the execution is done one after the other but in my case the second package run 3 times before than the other starts.
    Master.dtsx package ( allows to load a tabular cube and should run every 15 minutes but in my case the because of the package "Alimentation TotaleDWHTotale.dtsx " how runs 3 times successively, master takes more than 40 minutes and directly affects the cube .
    What can I do to find why the job has run 3 times ?and what can I do to avoid it is still happening at other times .
    For information, the afternoon the problem disappeared and the package are executed in the order
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