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Protocoles Discussion :

Outil de formation pour "stratum"

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  1. #1
    Membre éclairé Avatar de Lekno
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    Septembre 2010
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    Sexe : Femme
    Âge : 34
    Localisation : France

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Étudiant
    Secteur : High Tech - Multimédia et Internet

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2010
    Messages : 883
    Points : 761
    Par défaut Outil de formation pour "stratum"
    Bonjour à tous, je m'interesse au protocole "stratum" utilisé pour le réseau bitcoin. Savez vous comment je puis débuter dans l'étude de ce protocole ? Je ne trouve pas de documents explicite sur le sujet, je ne dois sans doute pas utiliser les bons keywords anglais. Le doc française sur le suejt est très légère !

    Merci par avance pour vos retours !

  2. #2
    Membre éclairé Avatar de Lekno
    Femme Profil pro
    Inscrit en
    Septembre 2010
    Détails du profil
    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Femme
    Âge : 34
    Localisation : France

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Étudiant
    Secteur : High Tech - Multimédia et Internet

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Septembre 2010
    Messages : 883
    Points : 761
    Par défaut
    J'avance dans mes recherches, helas le documentation est plutot difficile à traduire si quelqu'un peut ml'aider à traduire correctement ces deux passages je l'en remercie d'avance !

    Je l'ai compris dans les grandes lignes mais certaines expressions sont spécifiques au domaine et demande certainement une autre traduction :

    Ntime Rolling: Not Enough Jobs For Fast Miners
    Nowadays, for every received job from the server, a miner can modify only ntime and nonce. Nonce is a 32bit integer (4.2 billion of iterations). Ntime is a 32bit integer storing UNIX timestamp and should reflect current time, although optimized miners roll ntime slightly into the future, which gives more combinations to miners (nonce range * ntime range). However, a block created from massively modified ntime can be rejected by Bitcoin network.

    Strictly following getwork specification, one getwork job is enough for 4.2GHash/s mining rig and (thanks to ntime rolling) this job is usable for one minute or until a new Bitcoin block arrives (depending on what happens first). So, for 42 GHash/s rig you’ll need 10 getwork requests at once, but usually a few more because of some pre-caching strategies implemented by miners to prevent idling on network latencies. And what about 1 THash/s ASIC miners coming soon? We simply need some solution where network load is not at all bounded to miners performance.

    Long Polling: An Anti-Pattern
    Getwork came as an easy solution for building standalone miners (do you remember when the official Bitcoin client was the only miner?), much before I built my first Bitcoin pool and when frequent polling of local bitcoin daemon wasn't an issue. When pools came into the game, people found out that they must decide between short polling intervals (=higher network load, lower stale ratio) and intervals, which don't overload network and servers, but lead to a much higher ratio of rejected shares. And long polling pattern was the answer. Long polling is a great way to achieve real-time updates using standard web technologies. But as I already mentioned in the text above, web technologies are not ideal for Bitcoin mining.

    Long polling uses separate connection to pool server, which leads to various issues on server side, like load balancing of connections between more backends. Load balancing using IP hashes or sticky HTTP sessions are just another workarounds for keeping all that stuff working.

    Another problem consists of packet storms, coming from clients trying to reconnect to the server after long polling broadcasts. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish valid long polling reconnections from DDoS attacks. All this makes pool architecture more complicated and harder to maintain, which is reflected in less reliable pool service and has a real impact on miners.

    The solution for such issues is related to the previous point about driving load by the server and not by thousands of (sometimes) strangely implemented miners, who are aggressively trying to reach the server.

    source :


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