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Langage Perl Discussion :

Network Programming with Perl pdf [Livres]

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Langage Perl

  1. #1
    Candidat au Club
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    Consultant informatique
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    Avril 2014
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    Informations personnelles :
    Sexe : Homme
    Âge : 44
    Localisation : France, Charente (Poitou Charente)

    Informations professionnelles :
    Activité : Consultant informatique
    Secteur : Distribution

    Informations forums :
    Inscription : Avril 2014
    Messages : 3
    Points : 4
    Par défaut Network Programming with Perl pdf
    bonjour tout le monde

    Network Programming with Perl

    Descriptions du produit :
    Quatrième de couverture
    "This is a superb book. Another splendid book from Lincoln, whose mastery and lucid exposition make this a must-have for the serious Perl programmer."
    --Jon Orwant, Chief Technology Officer, O'Reilly & Associates
    Founder of The Perl Journal, author of Mastering Algorithms with Perl, (O'Reilly & Associates)
    and co-author of Programming Perl, Third Edition (O'Reilly & Associates)

    Network Programming with Perl is a comprehensive, example-rich guide to creating network-based applications using the Perl programming language. Among its many capabilities, modern Perl provides a straightforward and powerful interface to TCP/IP, and this book shows you how to leverage these capabilities to create robust, maintainable, and efficient custom client/server applications.

    The book quickly moves beyond the basics to focus on high-level, application programming concepts, tools, and techniques. Readers will find a review of basic networking concepts and Perl fundamentals, including Perl's I/O functions, process model, and object-oriented extensions. In addition, the book examines a collection of the best third-party modules in the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, including existing network protocols for e-mail, news, and the Web.

    The core of the book focuses on methods and alternatives for designing TCP-based client/server systems and more advanced techniques for specialized applications. Specific topics covered include:

    The Berkeley Sockets API
    The TCP protocol and the IO::Socket API
    FTP filesharing service
    The Net::Telnet module for adapting clients to interactive network services
    SMTP, including how to create and send e-mails with multimedia attachments
    POP, IMAP, and NNTP for receiving and processing e-mail
    HTTP and the LWP module for communicating with Web servers
    Forking servers and the UNIX and Windows inetd daemons
    Perl's experimental multithreaded API
    Multiplexed operations and nonblocking I/O
    Bulletproofing servers
    TCP urgent data
    UDP protocol and servers
    Broadcasting and multicasting
    Interprocess communication with UNIX-domain sockets

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  2. #2
    Responsable Perl et Outils

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    Localisation : France

    Informations forums :
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